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page updated: 9/17/12

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Complete Review Index (4,612 titles, all formats - select here):

[#, A-C] [D-F] [G-I] [J-L] [M-O] [P-R] [S-U] [V-Z] [Series] [Hi-Def] [Audio] [Misc.]

DVD-Video Recent DVD Reviews:

The Last Samurai 8/20
The Journey (DVD-R) 6/20
Half a Hero (DVD-R) 6/15
The Great Diamond Robbery (DVD-R) 6/15
Woody Allen: A Documentary 6/7
The Maisie Collection: Volume 1 (DVD-R) 6/6
Lost Horizon (1973 - DVD-R) 6/6
Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales: Complete Coll. 5/18
Titanic: The Complete Story 4/18
Captain Power: The Complete Series 2/28
Underdog: The Complete Collector's Edition 2/24
Rhapsody in Blue (DVD-R) 2/24
It All Came True (DVD-R) 2/24
Humphrey Bogart: Columbia Pictures Coll. (DVD-R) 2/24
The Count of Monte Cristo (1934) 2/24
The Man in the Iron Mask (1939) 2/24
Reach for the Sky 2/24
The Magnificent Ambersons 2/24
Jean Harlow: 100th Anniversary Collection 12/1
A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Franchise 11/3
A Nightmare on Elm Street 11/3
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge 11/3
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors 11/3
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master 11/3
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child 11/3
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare 11/3
Wes Craven's New Nightmare 11/3
Freddy vs. Jason 11/3
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) 11/3
Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy 11/3
More Brains! A Return to The Living Dead 10/27
Killer Double Feat.: Bad Dreams/Visiting Hours 10/25
Trollhunter 10/20
Tetsuo: The Bullet Man 10/18
Sex, Demons and Death 10/13
Herschell Gordon Lewis: Godfather of Gore 10/11
Vampires, Mummies & Monsters: Corman 10/6
The Baby 10/4
MST3K - Manos: the Hands of Fate 9/7
Elvira's Movie Macabre: Night/Skin 8/3
Elvira's Movie Macabre: Satanic/Werewolf 8/3
MST3K Presents: Hamlet 8/3
MST3K Presents: Gunslinger 8/3
Rituals 5/31
The Mexican Spitfire Collection (DVD-R) 5/27
Queen of Blood (DVD-R) 5/27
Candlelight in Algeria 4/28
Thunder in the City 4/28
Fresh Fields: Set 1 4/28
Midsomer Murders: Set 17 4/28
Murder Investigation Team: Series One 4/28
Upstairs Downstairs: Series One 4/28
Murphy's Law: Series 3 4/28
Single-Handed: Set 1 4/28
Dalziel & Pascoe: Season 3 4/28
Is It Legal?: Series Three (R2) 4/28
The Governor: Season One (R2) 4/28
Gamera vs. Zigra/Gamera: Super Monster 4/26
That Forsyte Woman 3/14
Brass Bancroft of the Secret Service 3/14
Two-Faced Woman 3/14
Cry Wolf 3/14
The Prowler 3/14
The Deputy: The Complete Series 3/14
America America 3/14
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: Season One 3/14
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: Season Two 3/14
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman: Season Three 3/14
Perry Mason: Season 5, Volume 2 3/14
Hell Harbor/Jungle Bride 3/14
John Wayne: Bigger Than Life 3/14
The Mounted Stranger 3/14
The Elia Kazan Collection 1/25
Dark City 12/22
Appointment with Danger 12/22
Union Station 12/22
The Bing Crosby Collection 12/22
Cuban Rebel Girls/Untamed Women 12/22
Waking Sleeping Beauty 12/22
The Legendary Bing Crosby 12/22
Bing Crosby: The Television Specials - Vol. 2 12/22
The Lemon Drop Kid 12/22
Gunsmoke: The Fourth Season, Volume 2 12/22
Have Gun, Will Travel: The Fifth Season, Vol. 1 12/22
Exit Through the Gift Shop 12/9
Nightwing (Sony Screen Classics by Request) 10/28
Someone's Knocking at the Door 10/26
Night of the Demons 10/25
The Slumber Party Massacre Collection 10/22
Suck 10/20
Crucible of Terror 10/18
The Evil/Twice Dead 10/14
The Human Centipede: Director's Cut 10/12
Psychomania 10/11
Cannibal Girls 10/8
Never Sleep Again: Elm Street Legacy 10/7
A Bit of a Do 10/5
Murphy's Law: Series 2 10/5
A Cold War Spy Collection 10/5
Wartime Britain: Three Complete Dramas 10/5
Jennie: Lady Randolph Churchill 10/5
Secret Agent AKA Danger Man: Complete 10/5
Thriller: The Complete Series 10/1
Caprica: Season 1.0 9/30
My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done? 9/15
Film Noir Classic Collection: Vol. 5 8/6
Mara Maru 8/6
Five Star Final 8/6
Mammy 8/6
Bureau of Missing Persons 8/6
Escape 7/6
Cry 'Havoc' 7/6
Louis L'Amour Western Collection 7/6
British Film Noir 7/6
Columbia Pictures Film Noir Classics II 7/6
The Three Stooges Collection: Volume 8 7/6
Bing Crosby: The Television Specials - Vol. 1 7/6
The Barbara Stanwyck Collection 7/6
The Virginian: The Complete First Season 7/6
The Italian Straw Hat 7/6
The Showdown 7/6
Collapse 7/1
The Eastwood Factor: Extended Edition 7/1
Glee: Season 1, Volume 1 - Road to Sectionals 4/9
Seven Samurai (AK100) 3/23
Seven Samurai (Criterion) 3/23
Seven Samurai (1st Criterion) 3/23
Dodes'ka-den (AK100) 3/23
Dodes'ka-den (Criterion) 3/23
Throne of Blood (AK100) 3/19
Throne of Blood (Criterion) 3/19
Madadayo (AK100) 3/19
Madadayo (Wellspring) 3/19
Ran (Criterion) 3/19
Ran (Wellspring) 3/19
The Bad Sleep Well (AK100) 3/19
The Bad Sleep Well (Criterion) 3/19
Kurosawa (Documentary) 3/19
Kurosawa DVD Collection (Amazon exclusive) 3/19
The Lower Depths (AK100) 3/12
The Lower Depths (Criterion) 3/12
Kagemusha (AK100) 3/12
Kagemusha (Criterion) 3/12
Dersu Uzala (Kino) 3/12
Dersu Uzala (RUSCICO) 3/12
Rhapsody in August 3/5
High and Low (AK100) 3/5
High and Low (Criterion) 3/5
High and Low (1st Criterion) 3/5
I Live in Fear (AK100) 3/5
I Live in Fear (Eclipse) 3/5
Yojimbo (AK100) 3/5
Yojimbo (Criterion) 3/5
Yojimbo (1st Criterion) 3/5
Sanjuro (AK100) 3/5
Sanjuro (Criterion) 3/5
Sanjuro (1st Criterion) 3/5
The Idiot (AK100) 2/26
The Idiot (Eclipse) 2/26
Red Beard (AK100) 2/26
Red Beard (Criterion) 2/26
Dreams 2/26
The Escapist 2/23
Pontypool 2/23
The Hidden Fortress 2/19
The Hidden Fortress (Criterion) 2/19
Stray Dog 2/19
Stray Dog (Criterion) 2/19
Scandal 2/19
Scandal (Eclipse) 2/19
The Quiet Duel 2/19
One Wonderful Sunday 2/19
One Wonderful Sunday (Eclipse) 2/19
No Regrets for Our Youth 2/12
No Regrets for Our Youth (Eclipse) 2/12
Drunken Angel 2/12
Drunken Angel (Criterion) 2/12
Rashomon 2/12
Rashomon (Criterion) 2/12
Ikiru 2/12
Ikiru (Criterion) 2/12
Sanshiro Sugata 2/5
The Most Beautiful 2/5
Sanshiro Sugata, Part Two 2/5
The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail 2/5
AK100: 25 Films by Akira Kurosawa 2/5
Run! Bitch Run! 1/21
Remember the Night 12/23
Summer Storm 12/23
Karloff & Lugosi Horror Classics 12/23
Wichita 12/23
The First Texan 12/23
The Barbara Stanwyck Show: Vol. 1 12/23
Downhill Racer (Criterion) 12/23
The World at War (reissue) 12/23
California Joe/Canyon City 12/23
Farscape: The Complete Series 11/23
John Carpenter: Master of Fear Collection 10/29
The Wes Craven Horror Collection 10/29
TCM Greatest Classic Films Collection: Horror 10/29
The Hills Run Red 10/22
Fear Itself: The Complete First Season 10/21
Phantasm II 10/20
The William Castle Film Collection 10/16
The Wild Man of the Navidad: Unrated D.C. 10/15
American Werewolf in London: Full Moon Ed. 10/13
Drag Me to Hell: Unrated Director's Cut 10/12
Happy Birthday to Me 10/9
The Last House on the Left (2009): Unrated 10/8
Bollywood Horror Collection, Vol. 3 10/6
Directed by John Ford 10/5
I Died a 1000 Times 10/5
Colorado Territory 10/5
The Command 10/5
Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet 10/5
Pride of the Marines 10/5
The Verdict 10/5
Princess O'Rourke 10/5
Summertree 10/5
Bonanza: The Official 1st Season - Vol 1 & 2 10/5
Life on Mars: Series 1 (U.K. Series) 10/5
Doc Martin: Series 2 10/5
Icons of Sci-Fi: Toho Collection 10/5
My Bloody Valentine 3D: 2-Disc Special Edition 10/1
G.I. Joe: The Complete Series Collector's Set 7/22
Transformers: Complete Series - Matrix box 7/10
Transformers: The Complete First Season - 25th 6/2
llik Your Idols 6/1
Westbound (Warner Archives) 5/4
Three Comrades (Warner Archives) 5/4
Strange Interlude (Warner Archives) 5/4
Phantom of the Opera: Supreme CE (1925/1930) 5/4
To Catch a Thief: Centennial Edition 5/4
The Odd Couple: Centennial Edition 5/4
Treasures IV: American Avant Garde..., 1947-86 5/4
Caprica 4/16
Waterloo Bridge 3/26
Goodbye Mr. Chips 3/26
Rachel Rachel 3/26
Inside Daisy Clover 3/26
Greatest Classic Films: Best Picture Winners 3/26
Greatest Classic Films: Romantic Dramas 3/26
Forbidden Hollywood Collection: Volume Three 3/26
The Sidney Poitier Collection 3/26
Our Man in Havana 3/26
Five 3/26
Funny Face: Centennial Collection 3/26
Magnificent Obsession (Criterion) 3/26
Clint Eastwood: American Icon Collection 3/26
Enemy at the Door: Series 1 3/26
Inside Moves 2/27
Douglas Fairbanks: A Modern Musketeer 2/3
The Lost & Found RKO Collection 2/3
The Films of Michael Powell (Barrie's review) 2/3
Breakfast at Tiffany's: Centennial Collection 2/3
Howdy Doody: 40 Complete Episodes 2/3
Dr. Syn: The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh 2/3
British Cinema Classic B Film Collection: Vol. 1 2/3
Tell No One (a.k.a. Ne le dis � personne) 2/3
The Films of Budd Boetticher (Adam's review) 1/26
The Films of Michael Powell (Adam's review) 1/26
Studio One Anthology 1/26
Classic Holiday DVD Collection: Vol. 2 12/23
Murnau, Borzage and Fox 12/23
The Sights and Sounds of Christmas 12/23
Battlestar Galactica: Season 4.0 12/18
Holiday Treats 12/17
The Venture Bros.: Seasons One & Two 12/16
A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All! 12/10
A Charlie Brown Christmas: Remast. Deluxe Ed. 12/9
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold 12/5
Sunset Boulevard: Centennial Collection 12/5
Sabrina: Centennial Collection 12/5
Roman Holiday: Centennial Collection 12/5
The Last Man on Earth 12/5
The Devil Bat 12/5
Bride of the Monster 12/5
One Touch of Venus 12/5
Stranger on Horseback 12/5
Dick Tracy Vs. Crime Inc. 12/5
Charlie Chan: Volume 5 12/5
Tyrone Power: Matinee Idol Collection 12/5
The Gregory Peck Film Collection 12/5
Victor Borge Classic Collection 12/5
The Films of Budd Boetticher 12/5
The Sopranos: The Complete Series 12/5
Edward the King 12/5
First Among Equals 12/5
The Jewel in the Crown: 25th Anniv. Edition 12/5
The Watcher in the Attic 10/30
No Man's Land: The Rise of Reeker 10/29
Patrick: Special Edition 10/28
Vertigo: Legacy Series - Special Edition 10/28
Psycho: Legacy Series - Special Edition 10/28

Blu-ray Disc Recent Blu-ray Reviews:

Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures 9/17
Halloween II & Halloween III: CEs 8/30
Jaws 8/30
Shogun Assassin: 5-Film BD Collector's Set 8/20
The Hunger Games 8/16
The Gold Rush (Criterion) 7/27
Monty Python and the Holy Grail 7/24
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season One 7/23
Wrath of the Titans 7/9
Pillow Talk 7/6
Little Lord Fauntleroy 6/19
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol 6/11
The Adventures of Tintin 6/11
Albert Nobbs 6/11
The Descendants 6/11
Haywire (US & Canadian) 6/11
Anonymous 6/11
J. Edgar 6/11
The Bodyguard 6/11
Joyful Noise 6/11
Demetrius and the Gladiators 6/11
Bite the Bullet 6/11
Jeremiah Johnson 6/11
The Red House 6/11
Scarlet Street 6/11
Hondo 6/7
The Darjeeling Limited (Criterion) 6/5
Pal Joey 6/5
Camelot: 45th Anniversary Edition 5/29
To Catch a Thief 5/29
Hell on Wheels: The Complete First Season 5/17
Titanic: The Miniseries 4/18
Casablanca: 70th Anniversary Limited Ed. 4/9
Anatomy of a Murder (Criterion) 3/16
Wizards (Adam's BD Book review) 3/15
Battle Royale: The Complete Collection 3/12
Hugo (2D version) 2/29
The Lady Vanishes (Criterion) 2/24
12 Angry Men (Criterion) 2/24
Picnic 2/24
The Roots of Heaven 2/24
Fort Apache 2/24
Drive 2/21
Super 2/21
Wings 1/31
Contagion 1/23
Margin Call 1/23
The Debt (U.S. & Canadian) 1/23
The Guard (U.S. & Canadian) 1/23
The American/Burn After Reading (both) 1/23
Little Big Man 1/23
African Cats 1/23
Killer Elite (U.S. & Canadian) 1/23
The Tree of Life (U.S. & Canadian) 1/23
Star Trek: TNG - The Next Level (Sampler) 1/17
The English Patient (Lionsgate) 1/17
Peter Gabriel: New Blood - Live in London 1/17
Chasing Amy 1/10
Dogma 1/10
Mildred Pierce 1/9
Evil Dead 2: 25th Anniversary Edition 1/9
Meet Me in St. Louis 12/14
Michael Feinstein: The Sinatra Legacy 12/14
Sarah's Key 11/28
Blue Velvet: 25th Anniversary Edition 11/10
Zombie: 2-Disc Ultimate Edition 10/31
The Bad Seed 10/28
Stake Land 10/26
The Host 10/26
Dumbo: 70th Anniversary Edition 10/25
Island of Lost Souls (Criterion) 10/24
Kuroneko (Criterion) 10/21
Jackie Brown 10/20
The Last Circus 10/19
Pulp Fiction 10/19
Torso 10/17
Scream 4 10/14
Basket Case 10/12
The Killing (Criterion) 10/10
The Magnificent Seven 10/10
Return of the Magnificent Seven 10/10
Campbell's Kingdom 10/10
The Egyptian 10/10
The Blood Trilogy 10/10
Mimic: Director's Cut 10/7
Final Destination 3D (BD/Blu-ray 3D) 10/5
Halloween II: 30th Anniversary Edition 10/3
M (Criterion) 9/30
Ben-Hur: 50th Anniversary UCE 9/29
Star Wars: The Complete Saga 9/16
Citizen Kane: 70th Anniversary UCE 9/14
Antichrist (Criterion) 9/7
Unknown 9/1
The Cincinnati Kid 9/1
Kiss Me Deadly (Criterion) 9/1
The Firm 9/1
True Grit 9/1
Ferris Bueller's Day Off 9/1
Overboard 9/1
Mrs. Brown (Canadian) 9/1
Ironclad 9/1
Buster Keaton: The Short Films 9/1
Das Boot 9/1
Winter in Wartime 9/1
Barney's Version 9/1
The Beaver 9/1
The Bang Bang Club 9/1
Clerks: 15th Anniversary Edition 8/12
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World 8/12
Rocky Horror Picture Show: 35th Anniv. Edition 8/3
Once Upon a Time in the West (Tim's review) 8/3
Legend: Ultimate Edition 6/16
The Lord of the Rings: Extended Editions 6/14
American Graffiti: Special Edition 6/13
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: UE 6/10
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: UE 6/10
AC/DC: Let There Be Rock - LCE 6/10
Platoon: 25th Anniversary Edition 6/10
The Superman Motion Picture Anthology 6/6
Le cercle rouge (Criterion) 6/1
Smiles of a Summer Night (Criterion) 6/1
Le Mans 6/1
Beverly Hills Cop (Barrie's review) 6/1
The King's Speech (Canadian) 6/1
The Way Back (Canadian) 6/1
Grand Prix 6/1
Maverick 6/1
The Terror 6/1
Houdini/Those Daring Young Men... 6/1
The Stunt Man 5/31
Diabolique (Criterion) 5/31
Beverly Hills Cop 5/27
Black Dynamite 5/27
Tron Legacy (Blu-ray 3D) 5/27
AVN: Alien vs. Ninja 5/19
Fight Club 5/19
Barry Lyndon 5/18
Once Upon a Time in the West 5/18
Blow Out (Criterion) 5/11
Taxi Driver 5/11
Beauty and the Beast: Diamond Edition 4/27
Alice in Wonderland: 60th Anniversary Edition 4/27
El Topo 4/26
The Holy Mountain 4/26
House (Criterion) 4/20
Repulsion (Criterion) 4/20
Videodrome (Criterion) 4/20
Robinson Crusoe on Mars (Criterion) 4/13
Black Narcissus (Criterion) 4/13
The Red Shoes (Criterion) 4/13
Glorious 39 4/6
Conviction 4/6
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps 4/6
Love & Other Drugs 4/6
Unstoppable 4/6
Morning Glory 4/6
Get Low 4/6
Network 4/6
Hereafter 4/6
Fair Game 4/6
The Mikado (Criterion) 4/6
Amarcord (Criterion) 4/6
Mona Lisa 4/6
Pleasantville 4/6
The Last Exorcism 4/6
The Fighter 4/6
Uncle Buck 4/6
The Ten Commandments: BD/DVD Gift Set 3/28
Dances with Wolves: 20th Anniv. 3/24
All About Eve 3/14
An Affair to Remember 3/14
Bambi: Diamond Edition 3/14
Kansas City Confidential 3/14
The Stranger 3/14
Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy (Canadian) 3/3
Excalibur 2/21
Open Range (French import) 2/21
The American 2/9
Mesrine Part 1: Killer Instinct 2/9
Mesrine Part 2: Public Enemy Number 1 2/9
The Social Network 2/9
Red 2/9
Secretariat 2/9
Knight and Day 2/9
Army of Shadows (Criterion) 2/9
Raging Bull: 30th Anniversary Edition 2/9
Case 39 2/9
Ray 2/9
The Town 2/9
Santa Sangre 2/1
The Night of the Hunter (Criterion) 12/22
Fantasia/Fantasia 2000 12/22
Monster House (Blu-ray 3D) 12/21
Monsters vs. Aliens (Blu-ray 3D) 12/21
Jonah Hex 12/13
Toy Story 3 (Barrie's review) 12/13
Arn: The Knight Templar 12/13
Love Ranch 12/13
The Pillars of the Earth 12/13
Life Is Beautiful (Canadian release) 12/13
Elf: Ultimate Collector's Edition 12/13
Splice (Barrie's review) 12/13
The Last of the Mohicans 12/13
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 12/13
True Grit 12/13
Micmacs 12/9
Space: 1999 - Season 1 12/8
The Nature of Existence 12/8
The Complete Metropolis updated 12/8
The Pacific 12/2
Deadwood: The Complete Series 12/2
Mutiny on the Bounty (1935) 11/23
The Maltese Falcon 11/23
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre 11/23
Ocean's 11 (1960) 11/23
White Christmas 11/23
Disney's A Christmas Carol (Blu-ray 3D) 11/18
The Sound of Music: 45th Anniversary Edition 11/17
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 11/17
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: UE 11/12
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: UE 11/12
Alien 2: On Earth 11/12
James Cameron's Avatar: Extended CE 11/9
The World at War 11/2
The Goonies: 25th Anniversary Edition 11/2
Paths of Glory (Criterion) 11/2
Toy Story 3 11/1
The Bridge on the River Kwai: Collector's Edition 11/1
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season Two 11/1
The Exorcist: Director's Cut & Theatrical 10/29
Troll 2: The 20th Anniversary Nilbog Edition 10/27
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 10/26
The Secret in Their Eyes 10/26
Good (Canadian) 10/26
Perrier's Bounty (Canadian) 10/26
The Peacemaker (Barrie's review) 10/26
Iron Man 2 10/26
How to Train Your Dragon (Barrie's review) 10/26
King Kong (Barrie's review) 10/26
Forbidden Planet (Barrie's review) 10/26
What's Up Doc? 10/26
The Killer Inside Me 10/26
Letters to Juliet (Canadian) 10/26
Charade (Criterion) 10/26
Se7en (Canadian) 10/26
Gangs of New York (Canadian) 10/26
Robocop Trilogy 10/26
Alien Anthology 10/22
Invasion of the Body Snatchers 10/21
Splice 10/19
The Monster Squad: 20th Anniversary Edition 10/19
Maniac: 20th Anniversary Edition 10/15
Back to the Future: 25th Anniv. Trilogy 10/14
How to Train Your Dragon 10/14
Apocalypse Now: 3-Disc Full Disclosure 10/13
Psycho: 50th Anniversary Edition 10/13
Frozen 10/6
Return of the Living Dead 10/5
Red Riding Trilogy 10/5
Bridget Jones's Dairy (Canadian) 10/5
The Prowler 10/4
King Kong (1933) 10/1
Seven Samurai (Criterion) 9/30
Starcrash: Special Edition 9/17
Glee: The Complete First Season 9/14
The Evil Dead: Limited Edition 9/10
The Red Baron 9/10
Tommy: The Movie 9/9
Brooklyn's Finest 9/9
The Twilight Zone: Season 1 9/8
Road to Perdition 9/8
The Peacemaker 9/7
Forbidden Planet 9/7
THX 1138: The Directors' Cut 9/7
Wonders of the Solar System 9/6
Chuck: The Complete Third Season 9/6
Wizards (U.K. All-Region Import) 9/6
Lost: Complete Series & Season 6 9/3
The Ghost Writer 8/31
Triage 8/31
Harry Brown 8/31
City of God 8/31
Am�lie 8/31
Gunless 8/31
Road to Perdition 8/31
Repo Men 8/31
Insomnia 8/31
A Prophet 8/31
Date Night 8/31
Accidents Happen 8/31
Escape from New York 8/31
Man with No Name Trilogy 8/31
Death Race 2000 8/13
Piranha: Special Edition 8/5
Galaxy of Terror 8/4
The Last Station 7/20
In Bruges (Canadian) 7/20
Shakespeare in Love (Canadian) 7/20
Absolute Power 7/20
Where Eagles Dare/Kelly's Heroes 7/20
Shutter Island 7/20
The Greatest 7/20
Percy Jackson & the Olympians... 7/20
A Star Is Born 7/6
Spartacus 7/6
44-Inch Chest 7/1
Moon 7/1
Avatar (Barrie's review) 6/16
K-19: The Widowmaker 6/16
War of the Worlds 6/16
Tombstone (Barrie's review) 6/16
Armageddon (Barrie's review) 6/16
Doctor Zhivago 6/16
Sherlock Holmes 6/16
Edge of Darkness 6/16
The Matador 6/16
Red Cliff: Extended Version 6/16
The Magnificent Seven Collection 6/16
Rock 'n' Roll High School 4/28
James Cameron's Avatar 4/22
Up in the Air 4/20
Minority Report 4/20
The Blind Side 4/20
The Baader Meinhoff Complex 4/20
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Barrie) 4/20
XIII 4/20
An Education 4/20
The Young Victoria 4/20
South Park: The Complete Thirteenth Season 4/16
Armageddon 4/14
Tombstone 4/14
Chuck: The Complete First Season 4/9
Chuck: The Complete Second Season 4/9
Dune 4/8
District 9 4/8
The African Queen: Box Set 3/31
The Princess and the Frog: Combo Pack 3/26
Apollo 13: 15th Anniversary Edition 3/26
Toy Story: Special Edition 3/25
Toy Story 2: Special Edition 3/25
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Theatrical) 3/23
Fantastic Mr. Fox 3/23
Ran (Lionsgate/StudioCanal) 3/19
Kagemusha (Criterion) 3/12
Mystic River 3/11
The Last King of Scotland 3/11
The Damned United 3/11
Atonement 3/11
The Godfather, Part II: Sapphire 3/11
Bourne Identity (BD+DVD Combo) 3/11
Bourne Supremacy (BD+DVD Combo) 3/11
The Box 3/11
Surrogates (Barrie's review) 3/11
Analyze This/Analyze That 3/11
The Mel Brooks Collection 3/11
Couples Retreat 3/11
Paranormal Activity (Barrie's review) 3/11
Whiteout 3/11
The Invention of Lying 3/11
Amelia (Barrie's review) 3/11
Billy Jack 3/11
The Hurt Locker 3/8
Yojimbo (Criterion) 3/5
Sanjuro (Criterion) 3/5
Ponyo 3/2
Stargate Universe: SG-U - 1.0 3/2
Whip It 3/1
Couples Retreat 3/1
2012: Two-Disc Special Edition 2/24
The Shining 2/24
Amelia 2/22
Surrogates 2/22
Paranormal Activity 2/16
The Searchers 2/16
Bronson 2/8
The Simpsons: Season 20 1/18
Gamer 1/18
The Wonder of It All 12/23
Wallace & Gromit: The Complete Collection 12/23
A Christmas Carol 12/23
Miracle on 34th Street (1947) 12/23
Blood: The Last Vampire (animated) 12/15
Inglorious Basterds: 2-Disc SE 12/15
Forrest Gump: Sapphire Series 12/14
L�on: The Professional 12/14

Hardware Reviews:

Epson 8700UB 1080p LCD projector 9/15
Panasonic PT-AE1000U 1080p LCD projector

Recent Audio Format Reviews:

U2: Live - Under a Blood Red Sky (DVD/CD)
David Bowie: Young Americans SE (DVD/CD)
The Band: Best of a Musical History (DVD/CD)

The Byrds: Notorious Byrd Brothers (SACD)
Moody Blues: Days of Future Passed (SACD)
Talking Heads: True Stories (Dual)
Talking Heads: Naked (Dual)

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