created 12/15/97.
added: 10/9/02
Wars: Episode II
Attack of the Clones
(2002) - Lucasfilm, Ltd./20th Century Fox (Fox)
by Bill Hunt, editor of The Digital Bits
Rating: C+
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras):
Specs and Features
Disc One: The Film
142 mins, PG, letterboxed widescreen (2.35:1), 16x9 enhanced,
THX-certified, single-sided, dual-layered (layer switch at 1:06:28,
in chapter 28), dual-disc Amaray keep case packaging, audio
commentary (with writer/director George Lucas, producer Rick
McCallum, sound designer Ben Burtt, animation director Rob Coleman
and effects supervisors Pablo Helman, John Knoll and Ben Snow), THX
Optimizer, DVD-ROM weblink (to exclusive Star
Wars DVD website), Easter egg,
animated film-themed menu screens with sound effects and music,
scene access (50 chapters), languages: English (DD 5.1 EX), French
and Spanish (DD 2.0 Surround), subtitles: English, Closed Captioned
Two: Supplemental Material
From Puppets to Pixels: Digital
Characters in Episode II documentary (52 mins, 5
chapters, 16x9 enhanced, languages: English DD 2.0, subtitles:
English), State of the Art: The
Previsualization of Episode II documentary (23 mins, 3
chapters, 16x9 enhanced, languages: English DD 2.0, subtitles:
English), Films Are Not Released: They
Escape documentary (26 mins, 1 chapters, 16x9 enhanced,
languages: English DD 2.0, subtitles: English), 8 deleted scenes
(with introduction by George Lucas, Rick McCallum and Ben Burtt -
approx 20 mins total, 16x9 enhanced, languages: English DD 5.1 EX -
Padmé Addresses the Senate,
Jedi Temple Analysis Room,
Obi-Wan & Mace - Jedi Landing
Platform, Extended Arrival on
Naboo, Padmé's Parents'
House, Padmé's Bedroom,
Dooku Interrogates Padmé
and Anakin and Padmé on Trial),
12 web documentaries (approx 5 mins each, 16x9 enhanced, languages:
English DD 2.0 - Here We Go Again,
Wedgie 'Em Out, We
Didn't Go to the Desert to Get a Suntan, Trying
to Do My Thing, A Twinkle
Beyond Pluto, It's All Magic,
Revvin' It to The Next Level,
A Jigsaw Puzzle, Bucket
Head, Good to G.O.,
P-19 and Reel
6), 3 featurettes (approx 8-9 mins each, 16x9 enhanced -
Love, Story
and Action), 4 theatrical
trailers (16x9, DD 2.0), 12 TV spots (4x3, DD 2.0), Across
the Stars music video (16x9, DD 2.0), R2-D2:
Beneath the Dome "mocumentary" trailer (6 mins,
16x9, DD 2.0), production photo gallery, poster art gallery, print
campaign gallery, Visual Effects
Breakdown montage (3 mins, 16x9, DD 2.0), DVD-ROM weblink
(to exclusive Star Wars DVD
website), Easter egg, animated film-themed
menu screens with sound effects and music
"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."
It's ten years after the blockade of Naboo and the events of Episode
I. Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman) is no longer
Queen of her people, but now a senator and one of the key figures in
a bid to oppose the creation of an army for the Republic. The
apparent need for such an army is mounting, because a growing
separatist movement of thousands of star systems is threatening to
plunge the galaxy into civil war - a threat the limited number of
Jedi seem helpless to counteract.
As the film opens, Padmé narrowly escapes an attempt on her
life designed to keep her from casting a vote against the army in
the Senate. Shortly thereafter, Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid)
convinces the Jedi Council to assign Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor)
and his now grown apprentice, Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen),
to protect her. The assassins make a second attempt to kill Padmé,
but thanks to the Jedi, the attempt fails and instead results in a
frantic chase through the streets of Coruscant. When the dust
settles, Anakin is ordered to take the young senator back to Naboo
to keep her in hiding, while Obi-Wan follows the trail of evidence
back to her would-be assassins. The clues soon lead Kenobi to a
distant and hidden water planet, where a massive clone army is being
secretly created from the DNA of a rough-edged bounty hunter named
Jango Fett (Temuera Morrison).
While his master struggles to fit these new pieces of the puzzle
together, back on Naboo, Anakin finds that his long-simmering love
for Padmé is beginning to overwhelm his commitment to the
Jedi Order, which forbids personal attachments. Padmé is
reluctant to admit her own feelings for the young Jedi-in-training,
but she too feels their inexorable pull. And before all is said and
done, a series of tragic events will forge their love at the very
flash point of disaster - events orchestrated by the mysterious
Sith, that will unleash the legendary Clone Wars, begin the
transformation of Republic to Empire and turn young Anakin
inevitably down the path to the Dark Side of the Force.
Attack of the Clones is,
without doubt, a better film than The
Phantom Menace... but it still isn't a great Star
Wars film. First of all, Lucas is a slave to the complex
plotting of these films, which tends to undermine the drama. As with
Phantom, it seems difficult
for Clones to build a real
sense of jeopardy. There's never those "edge of your seat"
moments you got with Star Wars
and Empire. And about halfway
in, the film starts to drag a bit, nearly grinding to a halt thanks
to a few painfully cheesy scenes involving the romance between
Anakin and Padmé. The dialogue here is as flat as ever and
George's direction makes these two actors look stiff as a board.
Unfortunately, once slowed, the momentum doesn't really get going
again until pretty late in the last act.
But the things that do work in Episode
II tend to work well. Ewan McGregor's mannerisms are
getting closer and closer to Alec Guinness' venerable performance in
the original Star Wars. There
are lots of "connection" moments that fans will
appreciate, where events resonate with what we know lies in the
future from the original three Star Wars
films. Jango Fett gets to mix it up in a really good tangle in the
rain with Obi-Wan - a fight scene that makes the whole subplot
worthwhile. We're also briefly introduced here to characters that we
know will play a major part in the later films - Owen Lars, Beru
Whitesun and Senator Bail Organa. Another great orchestral score by
composer John Williams is like icing on the cake. And let me just
say this... Yoda kicks some SERIOUS ass before this film is over.
You've all wanted to see the small green one in action, in his
fighting prime, ever since he uttered his first circular sentence in
The Empire Strikes Back. And
it's everything you could have hoped for. Short stack ROCKS -
Now then... as you know, The Phantom
Menace was a helluva good DVD release, setting the bar
very high for its eventual sequels. So does Clones
measure up? Well... to start with, the film as seen on this disc
includes a few additional moments newly restored by Lucas. Among
these are a slightly extended version of Anakin's breakdown on
Tatooine and the shot of Anakin's mechanical hand at the end of the
film (previously seen only in digitally projected theatrical
Attack of the Clones is also
the first full-length, live action film shot on high-definition
video to arrive on DVD with a straight-digital transfer. No film was
involved here. The anamorphic widescreen DVD image was created
directly from the final digital master of the film. And the result
is absolutely spectacular. The pallet here is rich and expansive.
From the most lush, vibrant hues to the subtle tones of skin and
mist, this is breathtaking color. There's a smooth, natural
character to the image that I don't recall seeing theatrically, even
in digital projection. Contrast is very good (although not quite as
good as you'd get from a film-originated image) and there's
sufficient detailing in darker picture areas - again more than I
remember seeing in the theater (but again not quite as good as a
film print would exhibit). There's almost zero compression
artifacting visible and edge-enhancement is non-existent. Being a
digitally originated and mastered image, there's not a spec, nick or
fleck anywhere - it's absolutely rock solid all the way through. If
it's possible for a movie to look better in my home theater, short
of high definition, I'll be left babbling and dumbfounded. Simply
put, this is the best looking DVD video I have ever seen. And it
absolutely demands to be viewed on a high-quality, anamorphic
display. If you've been looking for an excuse to buy that new
widescreen digital TV... here it is. No kidding. It's THAT good.
As with the Episode I DVD,
the audio is also absolutely top-notch. The sonic wizardry of Ben
Burtt and Gary Rydstrom is fully evident in this aggressive 5.1 EX
mix. The soundstage is nicely wide up front, deep and enveloping
front to back and smooth all around. The surround channels deliver
terrific ambiance to create the various sonic environments of the
film, and are also extremely active with panning and directional
effects. The EX rear speakers fill in wonderfully and make a
noticeable difference in the listener's experience of the film.
Dialogue is always clean, John Williams's score sounds wonderful and
the .LFE is very active with low frequency reinforcement. Audio
highlights obviously include the speeder and asteroid chases, as
well as the end battle. But my favorite sound effect from the film
was the sound (or lack thereof) of the seismic charges Jango fires
at Obi-Wan's starfighter. The "audio black hole" (as Burtt
describes the effect) is immediately striking... and then the blast
wave races towards you, envelopes you and then goes groaning away
behind you. A really incredible sensation of 3D space is created.
I'll say right up front that I'm not quite as impressed with the
extras here as I was on the Episode I
DVD. But that shouldn't really be taken as a strike against the
disc. I'll explain more where appropriate as we go on. On Disc One,
you get another full-length audio commentary track with
creator/director George Lucas, edited together with several other
members of the production team (see the full list above). It's a
good track with lots of interesting bits of information, some good
story points and fun little pieces of trivia (for example, watch for
an X-wing being chased by TIE fighters through the streets of
Coruscant - 'nuff said). Everyone has their own unique perspective
and contributions to make. But I do wish George had a track all his
own to talk more about the story and his thematic ideas. Note that
when you're listening to the track, subtitle text appears at the top
of your screen to identify each speaker in turn - a nice touch.
There's also an Easter egg here (an
entertaining blooper/gag reel) and a weblink to the exclusive Star
Wars DVD website (where, we have been told, additional
full-length audio commentaries may be made available at a later
A couple of additional notes to be made on Disc One: the menus are
once again available in three distinctive animated "flavors",
each representing the major planetary locations in the film -
Coruscant, Kamino and Geonosis. They appear randomly (unless
specifically selected using the instructions below)
and include film images as well as much new animation. For example,
watch for a new CG-rendered view of Obi-Wan and Jango's fight on the
landing platform on the Kamino "Options" page. Also, the
disc includes a THX Optimizer option to properly calibrate your home
theater - a must to enjoy the best experience of this DVD.
The extras on Disc Two are patterned very similarly to the Episode
I DVD. The thing most of you will be excited about are
the 8 deleted scenes that have been completed just for this DVD
release. They're presented in anamorphic widescreen video (as are
most of the extras on this set) with full Dolby Digital 5.1 EX
surround sound. These aren't quite feature film quality in terms of
their technical polish, but they're very comparable to the scenes on
the Episode I disc. In terms
of content, most of these scenes feature additional character
background and political detail with Padmé - her speech to
the Senate, a longer arrival on Naboo, several nice moments with her
family and Anakin, etc. They're great to have, but you can
definitely see how having them in the film would really have
unnecessarily padded the running time and slowed down the action.
Unfortunately, a disappointment here is that one important omitted
scene hasn't been included - the Jedi assault on the Droid Control
Ship during the end battle. It's
to have been shot and edited, but it's not here, perhaps
because of the time and expense that would have been required to
complete the effects. There are also a number of other, more
interesting deleted scenes we've heard about (the "lost twenty
Jedi" discussion, the extended Mace/Jango and Dooku/Yoda
fights, Padmé completing the construction of C-3P0, etc) that
are also missing. Bummer.
The other major supplemental component of Disc Two are a trio of
in-depth, behind-the-scenes documentaries. The most extensive of
these is From Puppets to Pixels: Digital
Characters in Episode II. It runs some 50 minutes and
focuses on the elaborate effort to realistically create the
characters of Yoda, Dexter Jetster and others with CGI. The second
documentary, State of the Art: The
Previsualization of Episode II, runs 23 minutes and shows
you in detail the process by which Lucas and company imagine,
evaluate and refine the various scenes and sequences in these films.
And the final documentary is a 25-minute look at the work of Ben
Burtt and his crew of sound designers, called Films
Are Not Released: They Escape.
I don't want to tell you too much about these documentaries,
because there's lots of fun little moments that you should
experience fresh yourself. But I will tell you that they just aren't
in the same league as the terrific piece by filmmaker Jon Shenk from
the Episode I DVD (The
Beginning). There's just something that's wonderfully
intimate and revealing about being there with the cast and crew from
Day One through to the release of the film, and seeing all of the
most fun, important and difficult moments. You don't get that same
energy here. I understand why the decision was made to look closer
at particular aspects of this production, particularly given the
success of the CGI Yoda. But I had really hoped that this DVD would
carry on the same documentary experience as Episode
I, and the fact that it doesn't is probably going to be a
disappointment to some fans. That said, the documentaries you do get
are still very good and quite interesting. My favorite of the three
is State of the Art, for
several reasons. First, it includes several shots from the original
Star Wars in anamorphic
widescreen, whetting my appetite for eventually having that film on
DVD. It also has a funny CGI blooper reel on the end, during the
credits. But the best thing about this piece is that it features
extensive footage from the original animatics created for the Clone
War battle sequence, MUCH of it extremely cool action that was not
included in the final film. It's really a treat to see.
The rest of the extras include all 4 theatrical trailers for the
film, 12 TV spots (including the Spider-Man
spoof with Yoda), the Across the Stars
music video that showed on MTV, 3 more short EPK featurettes, the
complete 12-part web documentary series, the R2-D2:
Beneath the Dome "mocumentary" trailer (very
funny!), a gallery of some 75 previously unseen production photos,
additional galleries with international posters and print campaign
art and an ILM visual effects breakdown montage showing effects
shots in various stages of completion. Finally, there's also another
DVD-ROM weblink and an additional Easter egg
featuring artwork from a promotional campaign for the film that was
mounted on college campuses. It's all interesting stuff and well
worth a look, particularly for you die-hard fans.
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the
Clones is a reasonably fun and enjoyable film, even if
it's still not quite up to the level of the original trilogy.
DVD-wise, I wish the deleted footage included some of the lost
action bits we've heard about. And as good as these documentaries
are, they just don't hold a candle to the Episode
I DVD's excellent The
Beginning. More is not necessarily better, and I would
have been EXTREMELY happy to have just gotten The
Middle. Still, if the extras here aren't quite as good as
before, they're still ample and welcome. Most importantly, the
picture and sound quality here is an unqualified, outta-the-park
home run. The film presentation is truly dazzling... arguably the
best currently available on any DVD. That alone should justify
adding this disc to your collection.
Bill Hunt
Be sure to read all our Star Wars
DVD reviews here at The Bits:
Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Wars: Clone Wars - Volume One
Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars Trilogy - A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of
the Jedi |
Easter egg
Disc One
To access the Coruscant menu scheme,
press "1" during the FBI warning screen.
To access the Kamino menu scheme,
press "2" during the FBI warning screen.
To access the Geonosis menu scheme,
press "3" during the FBI warning screen.
To access the outtakes reel, go to
the Options menu page. Press "11" and wait for the pause
as the player accepts the input (it may be "10+" and "1"
depending on your player model). Then press "3" and wait
for the pause. Finally, press "8".
Disc Two
To access images of flyers from the Star
Wars Want-Ads college campaign, go to the Dex's Kitchen
and Still Galleries menu page. Select the "To Dex's Kitchen"
option. On the page with Dex, highlight "Main Menu" and
select "Left" to highlight a small flyer on the wall of
the kitchen behind Dex's head. Press "Enter".
Look also for additional CGI animation
outtakes during the credits of the State
of the Art: The Previsualization of Episode II
documentary. You don't have to do anything to access them other than
watch the documentary. |