created 12/15/97.

updated: 11/11/99
Few Words About the Rumor Mill
the course of our reporting work on the Bits,
we frequently speak with a variety of studio representatives and other
professionals within the industry. These people provide us with official
information, answer DVD-related technical questions, provide
clarification on important DVD issues, and more. As a rule, they're well
and/or highly placed, most working within the walls of the studios,
distributors and manufacturers themselves.
Virtually every working day, in the course of our discussions, they
tell us things "unofficially", giving us a look at tentative
studio DVD plans for the future, sneak peeks at titles in the works, and
other inside information. As the DVD industry is fast-developing, and in
a constant state of change, this information cannot be considered 100%
accurate. Rest assured, we don't repeat it in The
Rumor Mill, until we've confirmed it with several other
sources that we know are reliable. You would be amazed at how much
interesting information we DON'T post that we hear. That said, the
studios are CONSTANTLY changing their plans right up to the date they
make an official announcement, and even after sometimes. A report can be
completely accurate at the time it's relayed to us, and posted in The
Rumor Mill, and then plans are changed the next day!
But our feeling is this: for the DVD format to reach its fullest
potential, consumers need to know what's going on. Studios and
manufacturers are (like all corporations) notorious for keeping their
plans way too close to the vest. They issue far too many misleading
press releases and veiled statements (many of which are written in the
worst grammar you'll ever read). In short... just too much plain B.S. is
coming from the industry, and while it may serve them well, we think it
does a major disservice the very consumers upon which they so greatly
So... in the spirit of "they can't have their cake and eat it too"...
we give you The Rumor Mill. Here
you will find all those juicy tidbits of industry trivia that come our
way. When good stuff is in the planning stages for DVD, you'll probably
hear about it here first. In fact, many a studio executive has asked us
how we get such good information - we hear about some things even before
they do sometimes! And many of them have told us privately that they
read The Rumor Mill daily, to keep
track of what their competition is up to! How's that for a testimonial?
Hopefully, what you read here will help you to better gauge the
behind-the-scenes goings-on within DVD industry, and give you some idea
where it's headed. But consider yourself warned - this page ain't called
The Rumor Mill for nothin'! Enjoy!
to the Rumor Mill
The information presented in the Rumor Mill
is not intended to be taken as fact. Neither The
Digital Bits, or its editor, are responsible or liable for any
consequences resulting from said information, or its presentation here.
So there! ;-) |