
added: 11/27/07
Trek: The Original Series
One - Remastered - 1966-67 (2007) - NBC/Desilu (CBS
by Bill
Hunt, editor of The Digital Bits


HD Video (1-20): 17
HD Audio (1-20): 17
Extras: B-
Specs and Features:
1475 mins total (29 episodes total), NR, HD-DVD side: AVC 1080p
widescreen (1.78:1 - episodes presented in 1.33:1 full frame
with black bars on the sides), DVD side: MPEG-2 480p full frame
(1.33:1), 10 HD-30/DVD-9 DVD/HD-DVD Combo discs, Digipack
packaging with plastic clamshell case, HD content is All Region,
DVD content is NTSC Region 1, HDi Starfleet
Access viewing option on 7 episodes (including Where
No Man Has Gone Before, The
Menagerie, Parts I and II, Balance
of Terror, The Galileo
Seven, Space Seed
and Errand of Mercy), HDi
Interactive Enterprise Inspection,
3 high-def featurettes (Spacelift:
Transporting Trek into the 21st Century, Billy
Blackburn's Treasure Chest: Rare Home Movies and Special
Memories and Star Trek
Online Game Preview), 10 standard-definition
featurettes (Spacelift: Transporting
Trek into the 21st Century, Billy
Blackburn's Treasure Chest: Rare Home Movies and Special
Memories, Star Trek Online
Game Preview, The Birth of
a Timeless Legacy, Reflections
on Spock, Life Beyond
Trek: William Shatner, To
Boldly Go... Season One, Sci-Fi Visionaries, Kiss
'n' Tell: Romance in the 23rd Century and Trek
Connections), standard-definition documentary (the
History Channel's Star Trek: Beyond
the Final Frontier), episode previews, 5 special
collector data cards, animated film-themed root menus and pop-up
menu overlay, scene access (none, but each episode has chapter
stops), languages (HD-DVD side): Dolby TrueHD 5.1 & Dolby
Digital Plus 2.0 stereo (English), Dolby Digital Plus 2.0 mono
(Spanish), languages (DVD side): Dolby Digital 5.1 (English),
Dolby Digital 1.0 mono (French and Spanish), subtitles: English
SDH, French and Spanish (DVD side only)
the final frontier"
These are NEARLY the original voyages of the Starship Enterprise,
packed with full-on, phasers-firing Trek
action. In the 29 episodes you'll find on Star
Trek: The Original Series - Season One, you're guaranteed
to see William Shatner's ham-handed Kirk swagger, and Nimoy's
unflappable Spock arch his eyebrows. Scotty will bitch and moan
about his engines, McCoy will remind you that he's a doctor (as
opposed to something else), and there are plenty of short skirts and
funny-looking aliens (who look surprisingly like humans with painted
skin and latex ears). Lots of red-shirts will die on away missions,
several computers will be logic-looped by Kirk, and hordes of extras
will flood the Bridge just in time to be tossed around during red
alerts. If you're anything like me, you simply HAVE to love classic
Star Trek. This is, after all,
where the legend began.
This first season of the series is pretty amazing when you consider
that it contains so many of the show's best episodes. Among the
adventures you'll enjoy here are such classics as Balance
of Terror (the first encounter with the Romulans), The
Galileo Seven (Spock's very own Kobayashi Maru), The
Devil in the Dark (PAIN!!!), Space
Seed (which gave us Khan... the franchise's best-ever
villain) and, of course, the all-time classic... The
City on the Edge of Forever (which proves that time
travel and Joan Collins really do mix, thanks to the hard sci-fi
writing talents of Harlan Ellison, who continues to complain about
Star Trek and Paramount to
this day). No doubt about it - this show might only have survived
for three years on NBC, but it sure as hell didn't take long to find
its stride.
I used the term NEARLY original a few moments ago, because the
episodes as presented on this set have all been given CBS Digital's
new "remastered" treatment. That means that all of the
show's exterior effects shots (and some other effects shots as well)
have been re-done using today's CG capabilities, while staying
largely true to the sensibilities of the original production. The
mantra was to make the new shots look as if they'd been done in the
1960s, if only the original production team had CG capability back
then. The reason for doing this was simple: the original effects
shots simply didn't stand up to HD viewing. They suffered badly from
such problems as dust, dirt and grain, matte errors and degradation
of the image due to the optical printing process used at the time.
The problems were bad enough in standard definition, but were made
all the more obvious in high definition.
Now, I'm definitely a film purist. But as was my position on the
Star Wars remastered effort, I
feel that as long as the episodes are preserved in the highest
quality as they were originally, and as long as the changes don't
affect story and character, I'm open to new effects. New CG effects
can potentially attract a whole new audience to the show, and they
give long-time fans reason to go back and rediscover it. On the
whole, I've been a fan of Trek Remastered
so far. Most of the new shots are quite good, and actually blend in
with the original live action footage surprisingly well. Care has
been taken to ensure that grain, color and other issues are
consistent between the new and old imagery. The new effort isn't
without it's problems, however. Some of the effects aren't so good
(the Enterprise deploying satellites in Errand
of Mercy comes to mind). It's also surprising what HASN'T
been done. For example, the end credits still show images of the
original effects. Occasionally, as in a shot of the main view screen
in Errand of Mercy, obvious
hairs on the edges of the frame haven't been removed. Then there's
things like the "James R. Kirk" lettering on the tombstone
in Where No Man Has Gone Before.
The pop-up video commentary reveals that it wasn't corrected to "James
T. Kirk" because there were too many shots to fix and the
budget and schedule were too tight. Therein lies the biggest problem
with Trek Remastered: It
sometimes feels the work is being rushed.
Still, as part of this effort, the episodes are actually being
legitimately remastered. The video is presented in an AVC encode in
the original full frame/1.33:1 aspect ratio, with black bars on the
sides of the 1.78:1 HD frame. I can already hear the complaints
about that in some quarters, but this is certainly the right way to
approach this series for high-definition. The color vibrancy and
accuracy is astonishing. TOS
was a show that grew ever more bold in its use of color, which in
the late 1960s was still new to most TV viewers. The colors simply
pop off the screen in HD, just as they should. Contrast has also
been dramatically improved, and some print-related defects
(scratches and the like) have been digitally cleaned away. Plus, the
simple fact of the higher resolution means that you're going to see
detail in the image you've never noticed before - even to the extent
of spotting flaws in an actor's make-up. All that said, these
episodes don't look perfect, nor should they. You're going to see
substantial grain at times, shots that go a little out of focus here
and there, etc. You're also going to see occasional film flutter and
other age related artifacts. But these are mostly trivial. What I
found a little more surprising was occasional digital compression
artifacting in the fine detail of several effects shots. It's not
something most people are ever going to notice. I have the benefit
of viewing the episodes on a 110" projection screen, while most
people are going to be watching on smaller, flat panel displays. But
the artifacting makes me wonder if perhaps these episodes weren't
compressed just a little too much to fit on the HD-30 side of these
combo discs (there are three episodes on each side of most discs in
the set). That said, the important thing to keep in mind here is
that this series has simply NEVER looked this good before. And
that's nothing to complain about.
The episode soundtracks have also been digitally remastered. Dolby
Digital Plus 2.0 is available, along with 5.1 mixes in Dolby TrueHD
(the volume of which is a bit lower, so beware if you're switching
back and forth to compare the two). The 2.0 presentation most
closely replicates the show's original mono audio, but the TrueHD is
the clear winner here. In addition to stunning resolution and
smooth, wide staging, the 5.1 mix is more atmospheric than
aggressive or gimmicky, retaining much of the original character of
the show's audio. You'll hear the occasional use of the rear
channels for effects and the like, but for the most part the audio
action stays front-loaded, as it should. Frankly, where the 5.1 mix
shines most is in its presentation of the re-recorded Alexander
Courage theme music, with its characteristic WHOOSH as the
Enterprise races by to the left and right. These audio mixes aren't
going to challenge modern movie surround work, but they're very
appropriate to this series, and as such they're very pleasing.
The discs are packaged in a small Digipack with a cardboard
slipcase. As you know, these discs are all DVD/HD-DVD Combo format.
The good news is that all the discs seemed to work properly in my
player, which hasn't been my experience with other Combo discs.
Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks of the Combo format is that
there's no disc labeling. That's incredibly inconvenient on a TV
series release, because there's no way to tell which episodes are on
each disc without referring to the packaging. If these were Blu-ray
BD-50 discs, all this content would fit with no problem and you've
be able to label the discs as well. But Blu-ray doesn't seem to be
in the cards for this series, at least for the foreseeable future,
so this is what we're stuck with. There's no booklet included with
this release, but to resolve the disc labeling issue, CBS has
included 5 slippery plastic "special collector data cards,"
which have pictures of the crew on the front and a list of the
episodes and features included on the discs on the back. I certainly
don't see even the most diehard Trekkie going ga-ga over the
collectibility of these things. A simple booklet would have
sufficed. By the way, the Digipack is held by a clear plastic
clamshell case that has a sort of futuristic look to it, as if it
were a prop from the show. I actually kind of like it. It's also a
lot smaller and more compact than I was expecting, which makes me
like it even more.
When you put the discs in your HD-DVD player, you're strangely
greeted by a standard definition CBS DVD logo (on several of the
discs), which for a moment makes you wonder if you're on the wrong
side. Then you go through the usual warning screens in clearly
high-def, until you get to the opening CG menu animation. In this
you enter a turbolift, which takes you to the Transporter Room. Once
there, the menu interface appears which lets you access the various
episodes and features on the disc. I actually quite liked the
interface, once I got used to it, but the whole
turbolift/Transporter animation gets old quick (thankfully, you can
skip past it). As the disc waits for you to make your selections,
the Transporter keeps beaming in and out characters from the various
episodes - it's all a bit cheesy. Anyway, the menu interface allows
you to select the various audio and subtitle options, as well as any
extra features. On seven of the episodes (Where
No Man Has Gone Before, The
Menagerie, Parts I and II, Balance
of Terror, The Galileo Seven,
Space Seed and Errand
of Mercy), you can activate an HDi viewing option called
Starfleet Access (on the
HD-DVD side only, obviously), which lets you view behind-the-scenes
video and text trivia. More on that in a moment.
Disc Ten (on the HD-DVD side) offers four additional features in
high-def. The first three of these are featurettes. Spacelift:
Transporting Trek into the 21st Century examines the
remastering work and the creation of the new effects, featuring
glimpses of many effects shots in full widescreen (they're being
rendered in both full frame and widescreen), as well as interviews
with the production team. The real gold on these discs is found in
Billy Blackburn's Treasure Chest: Rare
Home Movies and Special Memories. Blackburn was an extra
and stunt performer on the series, and he appeared in many of its
episodes in various roles. While on the set, he often had an old 8mm
movie camera at the ready, and we get to see much of that candid,
behind-the-scenes footage here, as he reminisces about his
experiences. It's extremely cool to see, and there will be more on
the Season Two and Three
releases. Also on the HD side is a promo featurette called Star
Trek Online Game Preview, which plugs the work going into
the forthcoming Trek-themed
MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) coming from in
2009 from Perpetual Entertainment. Now, I'll be the first person to
admit that this looks kind of cool, but did we really need it on the
HD-DVD side? This is all the more frustrating, given that several
more important extras in this set are ONLY available on the standard
DVD side. Again, I'll come back to that.
Disc Ten also features an HDi Interactive
Enterprise Inspection in full high-def, that allows you
to fly around the CG model of the Enterprise used in creating the
new effects. It's fairly easy to navigate, but there's not a lot of
depth to it, so it gets boring rather quickly (although seeing
little tiny crewmen through the ship's windows is a nice touch). You
do get to see a few interesting animations and the like, and there's
an optional audio "data" track that will tell you about
what you're seeing. Fans aren't likely to learn anything new here,
but it's kind of cool nonetheless.
As I noted a moment ago, the Starfleet
Access viewing option allows you to view
behind-the-scenes video interviews and text trivia while you're
watching select episodes. This works fairly well. Unfortunately,
instead of doing this picture-in-pictures style, the screen zooms
out so that it's as if you're watching two side-by-side monitors on
the Bridge. One features the continuing episode video, while the
other shows the behind-the-scenes material. The actual
behind-the-scenes stuff is quite good. You get to see comparisons of
the original effects shots to the new shots, interviews with the new
effects producers (including people like Michael and Denise Okuda)
and others who have been involved with Trek
over the years. Among these are David Gerrold, D.C. Fontana, Judith
and Garfield Reeves-Stevens and more... even original guest cast
members like Gary Lockwood are interviewed. That's all very cool.
Unfortunately, what you don't get to see is any kind of commentary
by the original leading cast members, likely due to cost issues. The
data trivia files operate similarly to the video, and give you
information on such topics as Science, Technology, Environments,
Federation Files, Lifeforms and the like. Nearly all of this
material is scene-specific, so seeing it in context of the episode
is really the best way to present it. The icons for the available
options appear on the right-hand side of the screen, in the back
bar. You select what you want, and it pops up. If you select video
once, and do nothing else, new videos will keep appearing as the
episode goes on. If you chose to view a text option, however, you
have to go back into video mode again to continue seeing them. The
controls and the interface are somewhat clumsy, and they don't
always work smoothly (for example, occasionally when you exit the
viewing option, the side-by-side video will disappear but the blue
screen windows will remain for a few seconds longer). And some of
the episodes don't feature as much added content as others. Still,
for all its flaws, Starfleet Access
is mostly an interesting feature.
As you might expect, the DVD sides of these discs offer the
remastered episodes in standard definition resolution. The DVD sides
also include the Spacelift: Transporting
Trek into the 21st Century, Billy
Blackburn's Treasure Chest and Star
Trek Online Game Preview featurettes in standard
definition. Unfortunately, as I noted, they also include additional
features not on the HD-DVD side. Carrying over from the original
Season One DVD release are
several more featurettes (including The
Birth of a Timeless Legacy, Reflections
on Spock, Life Beyond Trek:
William Shatner, To Boldly
Go... Season One and Sci-Fi
Visionaries), as well as preview trailers for the various
episodes. You also get a pair of extras that previously had only
been available on DVD in Region 1 on the Season
One Best Buy bonus disc, including the Kiss
'n' Tell: Romance in the 23rd Century featurette and Trek
Connections. Completely new here in standard-def is the
History Channel's 90-minute Star Trek:
Beyond the Final Frontier documentary. On the other hand,
missing from the previous DVD release are the 4 Red
Shirt Logs Easter eggs (they MAY actually be here, but I
haven't found them), as well as the previous Okuda text
commentaries. The fact that most of the previous extras have carried
over - and that there's new material as well - is great. The fact
that the material is scattered over different discs and is further
split between sides is not. It makes trying to access some of this
material almost inconvenient enough not to bother with it.
Again, if these had been BD-50 Blu-ray Discs, all of the material
could potentially have been included on one-sided discs, whether it
was standard definition or high-def. Sticking with the DVD/HD-DVD
Combo format, I would RATHER have had the standard DVD side simply
include the same DVD content that was released previously -
including the original versions of these episodes - so this set
could REPLACE the previous discs on your shelves. As it is, most
fans are surely going to want to keep both sets, so they can retain
the classic episodes as they were originally presented. As far as
high-def material, most of what's here is great. I do have one
suggestion for future sets, however. After seeing the widescreen
versions of some of the effects shots in the Spacelift
featurette, it occurred to me that it would be cool for future sets
to include some sort of Effects Sizzle
Reel, featuring the best of the season's effects work in
full high-def widescreen. Just a thought.
In the end, Star Trek: The Original
Series - Season One Remastered is a generally good
release, but like the new effects work itself, it feels a little bit
undercooked. The content producers have obviously worked hard to
take advantage of the new HDi interactive capabilities, but whereas
in some ways they're reinvented the wheel in interesting ways, in
others ways they've just created a clunkier wheel. Still, if the
interactive features are a mixed bag, Billy
Blackburn's Treasure Chest is an extremely cool gem. And
there's no doubt that the most avid fans of this show - not to
mention those with HD-DVD players and high-def displays - will
thrill at seeing their favorite episodes in 1080p in this kind of
quality. When this set was first revealed at Comic-Con, the early
word from CBS and Paramount was that it would carry the hefty SRP of
$217.99. There's no way it's worth that much. Fortunately,
is currently carrying it for the reduced price of $132.95.
That's more like it. The set is still pricey, so I just can't
recommend it to most people, including more casual Trek
fans. But if you can get it on sale, you diehard Trekkers might just
find it worth considering.
Bill Hunt