1997- |

added: 7/19/06
reviews by Bill
Hunt, Editor of The Digital Bits
here for some notes on our high-definition format reviews.]


1995 (2006) - Universal
Film: A+
Video (1-20): 16
Video (DVD comparative): 8
Audio (1-20): 16
Audio (DVD comparative): 8
Extras: B (most DVD features included)
Specs and Features:
140 mins, PG, VC1 1080p widescreen (2.35:1), full analog
resolution, HD-30 DL, Elite Red HD packaging, audio commentary
(with director Ron Howard), audio commentary (with Jim and
Marilyn Lovell), all video extras in MPEG-2 480 resolution, Lost
Moon: The Triumph of Apollo 13 documentary, Conquering
Space: The Moon and Beyond documentary, Lucky
13: The Astronauts' Story featurette,
, animated film-themed root menu
with audio/"in-film" menu overlay, scene access (20
chapters), languages: English, French and Japanese (DD-Plus
5.1), subtitles: English (SDH), French and Spanish
DVD Features Not Included:
116-minute IMAX version of Apollo 13,
theatrical trailer
April 11, 1970, astronauts Jim Lovell, Fred Haise and Jack Swigert
rocketed from the Earth on what would have been Mankind's third
mission to the Moon. It's hard to believe now, some thirty-five
years later, that walking on the Moon was then considered so routine
that most of the world had lost interest. That quickly changed
fifty-five hours into the mission however, when an explosion onboard
the spacecraft ended the astronaut's dreams of going to the Moon,
and nearly their lives as well. For four tense days, thousands of
NASA technicians struggled heroically to overcome virtually
insurmountable odds, and the entire world collectively held its
breath in the desperate hope that these three brave men would return
safely home.
Based loosely on the book Lost Moon,
written by Jim Lovell & Jeffrey Kluger, Apollo
13 is an extraordinarily gripping and accurate depiction
of the doomed flight, which although a failure by mission standards,
is rightly considered by many to be NASA's finest hour. Directed
masterfully by Ron Howard, Apollo 13
rings honest and true from beginning to end. The script is well
written by William Broyles, Jr. and Al Reinert (Reinert also
produced and directed For All Mankind,
perhaps the best documentary you'll ever see on the Apollo
missions). What amazes me most about this film, is the extraordinary
attention paid to detail, and the way it keeps you on the edge of
your seat, despite the fact that you know how it's going to end. The
zero-gravity is not a special effect - the filmmakers actually put
the set in a NASA jet, capable simulating weightlessness by diving
headlong at the ground for 30 seconds at a time. The launch sequence
is simply breathtaking, and gives me a chill every time. Perhaps the
greatest testament to this film, is the fact that many of the actual
participants in this real-life drama, after seeing Apollo
13, felt as though they had relived the event.
Hanks (who is himself a huge fan of the space program) gives a
poignant and perfectly understated performance as mission commander
Jim Lovell, a veteran astronaut on his last and greatest mission.
Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon, Gary Sinise and Kathleen Quinlan all
deliver some of the best performances of their careers as well. And
Ed Harris is absolutely terrific as Gene Kranz, the stalwart Flight
Director back in Mission Control, for whom "failure is not an
option". There are even some great cameos to look for: B-movie
mogul Roger Corman, Howard's mother, father and brother Clint (as
the EECOM), Herb Jefferson, Jr. (Boomer from the original Battlestar
Galactica TV series) and both Jim and Marilyn Lovell.
The HD-DVD's high-definition video benefits greatly from all of the
clean-up work that was done a few years ago for the IMAX release.
Overall image clarity is wonderful here. Light to moderate print
grain is visible, and you'll see the occasional scratch or bit of
dirt, but I have to say that this is as good as I've ever seen Apollo
13 looking before. Color is vibrant but not
oversaturated, and the shadows are deep without looking crushed.
Detail is good at all times. It's quite something to see the shot
where Hanks (as Lovell) is holding up his thumb to block out the
Moon. When he pulls it away, and the camera focuses on the Moon, the
stars you see are delightful - crisp and numerous. During the launch
sequence, I found myself riveted by all the little pieces of ice
falling from the side of the Saturn V rocket. It was also a thrill
to be able to read all of the labels on the switches and controls in
the Command Module. The detail is so good here that I realized for
the first time watching this film (and I've seen it many times) that
the crew patches hanging on the walls of Mission Control are all
wrong - they're based on the souvenir patches and not the actual
patches the crews wore! Truly, this is space-geek heaven. All in
all, the HD-DVD offers an exceptionally pleasing image that is a
great improvement over the most recent standard DVD release, which
was itself quite good in its way. Still, the DVD is much softer
looking comparatively, with grayer blacks and a somewhat subdued
appearance. This is one case where I'm definitely spoiled - I'll
never be able to watch the standard definition version again.
The 5.1 Plus audio is equally exceptional. Once of the things that
always drove me crazy about the regular Dolby Digital mix was the
way that some of the dialogue tended to get a little buried in the
sound effects - the astronaut com audio during the launch sequence
for example. Not so here, despite the fact that the launch effects
are thunderous, with deep, gut-rumbling bass enough to rattle your
windows. Even in the midst of all this, you can clearly hear the
call out: "We have cleared the tower at 13:13!" The whole
sequence is just thrilling and the added clarity and expansiveness
of the Plus mix really puts you right in the thick of things.
Nearly all of the extras that were available on the previous DVD
releases are included here, save for the IMAX version of the film
(full frame and shorter, so who wants that anyway?) and the
theatrical trailer. Everything else is here, however, is all well
worth having. The commentaries (one by director Howard and the other
with real Jim and Marilyn Lovell) are excellent - packed with
interesting information and good listening in general. The best of
the rest is the nearly hour-long documentary on the making of the
film, Lost Moon: The Triumph of Apollo 13.
It features interviews with virtually everyone involved, including
many of the actual historical participants. Conquering
Space: The Moon and Beyond starts off a bit dry and
generic, but it develops into a surprisingly comprehensive
historical piece covering everything from the Soviet launch of
Sputnik to the recent Columbia tragedy. It runs about 48 minutes.
Lucky 13: The Astronauts' Story
runs only 12 minutes and looks more specifically at the real men and
Apollo 13 mission, featuring new interviews with Lovell and his
wife, Fred Haise, Gene Kranz and a couple of the other mission
controllers involved. The piece was original created for Dateline
NBC, and it's a good quick primer on the actual events.
Apollo 13 is a wonderful film
about the best things we do as humans (and Americans) - push back
the frontiers, explore the wonders of the Universe and pull together
in times of crisis to overcome adversity. It's gripping,
entertaining... and a great film to watch with the whole family.
It's highly recommended, and it's definitely a must-own disc for
those looking for a superior HD-DVD experience.


Kiss Bang Bang
2005 (2006) - Warner Bros.
Film: A
Video (1-20): 16
Video (DVD comparative): 9
Audio (1-20): 14
Audio (DVD comparative): 6
Extras: C- (all DVD features included)
Specs and Features (HD-DVD only):
103 mins, R, VC1 1080p widescreen (2.40:1), full analog
resolution, HD-15C (HD-DVD and DVD Combo Format), Elite Red HD
packaging, audio commentary (with director Shane Black and stars
Val Kilmer and Robert Downey Jr.), all video extras in MPEG-2
480 resolution (anamorphic-enhanced full frame), gag reel,
theatrical trailer, "in-film" menu overlay, scene
access (29 chapters), languages: English and French (DD-Plus
5.1), Spanish (DD-Plus 2.0), subtitles: English (SDH), English,
French and Spanish
DVD Side Features:
Same as HD-DVD side and standalone DVD
know how every once in a while, a film comes along that just takes
you completely by surprise? Kiss Kiss
Bang Bang was that film for me in 2005. It's a
delightfully twisted little film-noir... or maybe you'd call it a
hard-boiled buddy caper. Either way, it's a damn great little flick.
Much of this is due to the unlikely but successful on-screen pairing
of two of my all-time favorite actors, Val Kilmer and Robert Downey
Jr. These guys aren't given nearly enough credit as actors, in my
opinion, and they show just how good they really are be here. Downey
plays, Harry Lockhart, a small-time thief who suddenly finds himself
swept up in the Hollywood movie scene after he's offered an
unplanned audition. While there at a party, he happens to meet up
with Harmony (Michelle Monaghan), an old girl friend from high
school who's become just another one of many screwed-up Hollywood
actress wanna-bes since he last saw her. Things get even more
interesting, however, when Harry suddenly finds himself at the
center of a murder/crime caper, with which he's oddly ill-equipped
to deal (strange, given his profession). Fortunately, Kilmer steps
in as Gay Perry, your basic hard-nosed private eye, to help sleuth
out all the particulars. And yes... he's gay, while interestingly
being also the most traditionally 'tough' of the pair. Their
resulting personal dynamic, and the story through which they're
sifted, results in one of the most unexpectedly entertaining film
experiences I've had in some time. I don't want to say any more than
I already have - you just really need to see this one for yourself.
It's a quirky little cinematic gem.
Warner's HD-DVD is actually a combo format disc, meaning that it
includes both high-definition HD-DVD and standard-definition DVD
versions of the film on different sides of the same disc. Some have
made quite a lot of hay about the benefits of the combo format, but
while I admit that it's nice to have both versions in principle, it
isn't really something I personally care much about. Frankly, I'm
not a big fan of 'flipper' discs. I'd rather just have the high-def
version with all the extras that were on the DVD - so I can get RID
of the DVD - and maybe have the studio use the extra space (if any)
for even more extras. Anyway, that's just the cut of my jib. I
suppose, however, that I can see the benefits of the combo format to
those who might be purchasing these discs early, in anticipation of
buying an HD-DVD player in the future. For the record, my Pioneer
DV-59AVi standard-definition player read the DVD side just fine,
though I didn't dally long on it.
On the flip-side, the high-definition image quality is exceptional.
Detail is crisp and natural looking, and there's very light grain
visible throughout resulting in a wonderfully film-like experience.
The clarity is so good, in fact, that the image takes on an almost
three-dimensional quality from time to time. Contrast is rock solid,
with deep blacks and yet abundant shadow detail. Color plays a
significant role in creating atmosphere and mood in this film, and
the HD-DVD video renders it every last bit of it with vibrant and
accurate hues. All of these aspects represent a clear improvement
over the standard DVD image (contrast and detail in particular),
although the difference here isn't quite as pronounced as it is on
some titles. That isn't a strike against the HD-DVD image in any
way, rather it's a testament to the quality of the standard DVD
video presentation. Warner does damn nice video work on many of
their DVDs these days.
Audio is included here in a very nice Dolby Digital-Plus 5.1 mix
that's smooth and atmospheric. This being a dialogue-driven film,
there's not a major need for blood-pumping surround, but the mix is
surprisingly lively. There's plenty of subtle little surround cues
in the quiet scenes, but when the mix does need to kick in hard
(gunfights, car crashes, etc), the dynamic range is surprising.
You'll enjoy pleasingly rich bass and very smooth panning. Dialogue
is nicely clean and clear, and the film's playful musical score in
particular benefits greatly from the added sonic resolution of the
Plus mix. The standard DVD's Dolby Digital 5.1 mix is quite good
too, but it still feels more directional and front-loaded - less
natural all around compared to the Plus audio on the high-def side.
The extras included on the HD-DVD and DVD sides are identical, and
they're exactly the same as you get on the stand-alone DVD version.
Included are an audio commentary track with writer/director Shane
Black and stars Val Kilmer and Robert Downey Jr, a gag reel and the
film's theatrical trailer. The gag reel is cute, both you're not
likely to watch it more than once or twice. The trailer is
anamorphic widescreen, which is a nice touch. The audio commentary
track is surprisingly good, and it's definitely the best thing on
the disc extras-wise. Kilmer and Downey have great chemistry
together, making this a fun listen. Black even manages to sneak some
interesting production information in from time to time. It's a good
track and worth your time if you like the film.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is one of
my favorite films of the last few years - easily among the best
films of 2005. It's sharply funny, surprisingly original and
entertaining, and twists in interesting and unexpected ways. It's
probably not for everyone, but I couldn't recommend it more highly
to those looking for something a little different than the usual
Hollywood fare. And hey - buying the combo disc means you'll enjoy
great DVD quality now, and even better high-def quality down the
line... though once you flip that disc to HD, I warn you, you'll
never look at the other side again.


Unrated Director's Cut
- 2000 (2006) - Universal
Film: B+
Video (1-20): 14
Video (DVD comparative): 6
Audio (1-20): 13
Audio (DVD comparative): 7
Extras: C- (most DVD extras included)
Specs and Features:
112 mins, Unrated, VC1 1080p widescreen (2.35:1), full analog
resolution, HD-30 DL, Elite Red HD packaging, audio commentary
(with director David Twohy and actors Vin Diesel and Cole
Hauser), audio commentary with David Twohy, producer Tom
Engleman and VFX supervisor Peter Chiang), all video extras in
MPEG-2 480 resolution, video introduction by David Twohy, 3
featurettes (The Making of Pitch
Black, Dark Fury:
Advancing the Arc, A View
into the Dark), The
Chronicles of Riddick Visual Encyclopedia (PARTIAL
interactive text with video), John's
Chase Log (interactive text), Raveworld Pitch
Black event video, The
Game is On videogame trailer, animated generic
Universal root menu with audio/"in-film" menu overlay,
scene access (18 chapters), languages: English (DD-Plus 5.1),
subtitles: English (SDH), French and Spanish
DVD Features Not Included:
theatrical trailers, part of the Visual
Encyclopedia material
know, there's nothing I like more than a savvy little Sci-fi
thriller. A Sci-fi flick that's smart, with some great effects
(low-budget or not) that doesn't pretend to be anything more than
what it is. That's Pitch Black
in a nutshell. The plot is simple as all get out. A freighter is
travelling through space with its crew and passengers in hypersleep,
when it accidentally passes through a comet's tail and suffers a
series of hull breaches, which kill its Captain. The ship is knocked
off course, into the atmosphere of an alien planet, and its docking
pilot, Fry (played by Radha Mitchell), manages to crash-land the
ship in such a way that 9 of the 40+ people on board survive (in a
very cool little special effects sequence). So there they are, stuck
on an alien planet with limited supplies and little hope of rescue -
pretty bad right? Well, it gets worse. One of the passengers who
survived is a psycho-killer escaped convict named Riddick (played by
Vin Diesel). Riddick was being transferred back to prison... and now
he's loose somewhere. But that's not even the worst of it. The
planet is routinely bathed in the light of the system's three stars,
but it seems that once ever 28 years or so, an eclipse plunges it
into complete darkness. And that's when the shit hits the fan...
because the planet's only major life forms are nasty little
creatures with razor-sharp claws and teeth that only come out to
play in the dark - think fast-flying piranhas and land sharks quick
as cheetahs. Guess what time it is. That's right... nearly lights
out. How's that for a cool premise?
Pitch Black was co-written and
directed by none other than David Twohy, who previously wrote and
directed another nifty little Sci-fi flick, The
Arrival. Twohy also helped to pen the screenplays for
G.I. Jane, Waterworld
and The Fugitive, and later
went on to write and direct a sequel of sorts to this film, The
Chronicles of Riddick. One of the reasons that Pitch
Black is so effective, is that Twohy keeps it nice and
simple, and he knows that what you don't see is infinitely more
scary than what you do. You're only really asked to buy into one
plot contrivance - the fact that the ship just happens to crash on
the day before the 28-year eclipse. Otherwise, it's a pretty
straightforward "survival of the fittest" yarn. I was also
surprised at the depth of each character - these aren't the most
well-rounded characters you'll ever see, but for this type of flick,
there's more to each character than meets the eye. The special
effects are excellent - particularly the creature effects. These
aliens are some strange little mothers, straight out of Barlowe's
Guide to Extraterrestrials. The acting also isn't half
bad. Mitchell plays her character very well, and I really like Vin
Diesel in this role. What's more, the pair are backed by a good
supporting cast, which includes Claudia Black (of TV's Farscape),
Cole Hauser and Keith David.
As part of Universal's early HD-DVD slate, the high-definition
image quality is quite impressive. The video here generally
represents a major improvement over the previous DVD release. As
you'd expect, color saturation, image detail and clarity, and
contrast are all dramatically better in high-definition, whereas the
standard definition image appears far softer, with lackluster hues
and an all-around washed-out looking appearance. Reds, yellows,
blues... they're all richer and more intense in high-def. The added
detail rendered in high-definition is striking. One needs only to
watch the film's opening crash sequence to see the difference. The
stars are crisp, the texture of the swirling cloud-tops in the
atmosphere is more pronounced... hell, you can even see the
individual stitching on Mitchell's jacket and read her crew patch.
The added resolution means that you see much more of the print
grain, which is light to moderate depending on the scene, but it's
never distracting. Indeed, given that this was a fairly low budget
production (not to mention that it's a gritty looking film by
design), it's actually very true to the theatrical experience.
The enhanced contrast in particular makes a difference in this
film, in which so much action takes place in the dark. The blacks
are much deeper here on the HD-DVD than you've likely seen them
outside of the movie theater. Unfortunately, there is one scene in
particular where the deeper blacks are actually a hindrance. As the
twin suns are eclipsed, and the characters are caught out in the
open when night falls, the image has been adjusted such that the
HD-DVD version of the scene appears much darker than the DVD. Too
much image detail gets crushed into the shadows and disappears - so
much in fact that when Claudia Black's character is being hunted,
you can barely see what happens to her. The DVD, by comparison,
renders this scene in greater detail with much more of the action
visible. The difference between the two is really only a problem in
this scene, and the change may even have been a deliberate one
(designed to literally keep you more in the dark and thus ratchet up
the tension), but having become used to the way the scene played out
on DVD, the loss of detail is a bit irksome. Still, the other
improvements are so significant that I can't see myself ever
watching the standard definition version again... no doubt I'll get
used to all those blacker blacks.
The HD-DVD's Dolby Digital-Plus track renders a wonderfully natural
soundfield. Audio effects have a tighter, more precise quality to
them, and yet they linger nicely to enhance the atmosphere. Bass
reinforcement is deep and resonant. This isn't as dynamic a mix as
you'll hear on some other films on HD-DVD, but it's perfectly suited
to this particular film experience. Once the creatures start to
appear (or not) in the shadows, you'll hear lots of creepy and
enveloping panning effects. Compared to the Dolby Digital and DTS
mixes on the standard DVD, the Plus mix is markedly smoother and
more natural sounding, although the DTS manages to hold its own.
Unfortunately, the HD-DVD doesn't port over quite all of the
previous DVD's extras (notably missing are the theatrical trailers
and some of the Visual Encyclopedia
material), but then the DVD's extras weren't particularly
interesting anyway. The best of the lot is a pair of audio
commentaries, one featuring the director with Vin Diesel and Cole
Hauser, and the other the director with some of the production crew.
The Making of Pitch Black
featurette is worth watching, but most of the rest of the material
here is just promotional fluff (although John's
Chase Log does help to flesh out some of the events that
took place in the fictional story universe prior to the film's
opening). Oddly, the studio seems to have run out of time with
regard to the menus - rather than using film imagery as other
Universal HD-DVDs do, this disc has only a generic studio logo to
bolster the root menu. Strange.
Pitch Black isn't the best
offering available on HD-DVD so far, but this disc is still much
preferred over the standard DVD version. This is an original and
entertaining Sci-fi thriller, and it's well worth your time. If the
extras are lackluster... and they are... the improved picture and
sound quality more than makes up for it.
Bill Hunt
billhunt@thedigitalbits.com |
on High-Definition Format Reviews (April 2006)
Reviewing the new HD-DVD and Blu-ray Disc formats presents a number
of unique challenges. First, the new formats will inevitably offer
both video and audio quality that is dramatically improved over even
the very best quality that standard DVD can offer. But just how good
is it? How much will the quality vary between high-definition
releases? How much will it improve over time? Second, we feel that
it's important to be able to offer a comparison between the quality
of existing DVD releases and the same releases in HD-DVD or Blu-ray
Disc format whenever possible. To assist us in this effort, we've
made a few changes to the way we grade/score this material.
The Film and Extras
categories will continue to be graded on the familiar A through F
letter scale we've used always used here at The
Bits, however we'll take care to note any extras that for
whatever reason did not carry over from the previous DVD release to
the new high-def release.
The Video category on
high-def releases will be scored with a 1-20 numeric scale, which
allows for a meaningful relative comparison between standard
definition DVD video quality (generally 1-10 on the scale) and the
high-definition video quality found on HD-DVD, Blu-ray Disc and
other sources (11-20 on the scale). Splitting the video scale in
half this way makes sense to us, as 1080 resolution should, in
theory, be about double the quality of standard definition 480
resolution. Most of the initial high-definition video scores will
average 15 on this scale, which allows room for inevitable
improvements in the compression and presentation quality of the
video as the HD-DVD and Blu-ray Disc formats mature. We will also
endeavor to note, whenever possible, what the maximum allowed analog
video resolution is, and which codecs were used to encode the video.
It's also worth noting that you'll seldom see the anamorphic logo or
the term 'anamorphic' used in these reviews. That's because
high-definition video (unlike NTSC standard definition video) is by
its nature a native 1.78:1 (16x9) aspect ratio format, making
anamorphic enhancement unnecessary.
The Audio category will also
now be scored on a 1-20 numeric scale, which again allows for a
meaningful relative comparison between the standard Dolby Digital
and DTS sound quality on standard DVDs (generally 1-10), and the
Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD and high-resolution Linear
PCM sound quality included on the new HD-DVD and Blu-ray Disc
formats (generally scored 11-20). Again, as with the video, we're
going to start the scoring for the high-resolution audio quality a
little bit lower to allow room for inevitable improvements in mixing
and mastering. Keep in mind that the Toshiba HD-DVD players
currently available do not output Dolby TrueHD in the full 5.1 (just
downconverted LPCM 2.0), and that most current audio receivers read
the Plus and TrueHD audio bitstreams as either DTS or LPCM,
depending on your choice of outputs and system interconnects. This
will change with time, as new HDMI 1.3 compliant equipment becomes
available, but it seriously limits our current ability to accurately
review the TrueHD audio in particular.
Hopefully, this new system for reviewing high-def releases on
HD-DVD and Blu-ray Disc will prove effective, reliable and accurate.
We shall see.