created 12/15/97.
created: 10/8/03
Trek V: The Final Frontier
Collector's Edition - 1989 (2003) - Paramount
by Bill Hunt, editor of The Digital Bits
things are afoot on Nimbus III, the so-called Planet of Galactic
Peace. A mysterious "prophet" has taken the Federation,
Klingon and Romulan ambassadors hostage, and so the Starship
Enterprise is called into action. Unfortunately, this newly
commissioned Enterprise is a bit of a lemon - nothing is working
right. Upon arriving on Nimbus III, Kirk and company discover that
this prophet is an emotionally outgoing Vulcan named Sybok (Laurence
Luckinbill). Sybok wants nothing more than to hijack the Enterprise,
use it to get to the center of the galaxy, and there find the
mysterious planet Solaris (oops... I mean "Shaka-Ri"),
where he expects to learn the true nature of God. Naturally, there's
also a pesky Klingon out there in a Bird of Prey who wants to throw
a wrench in the works. And you know Klingons... they don't like Kirk
very much.
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
is... well, like the Enterprise in this film, it's also a lemon.
This is easily the worst film in this series by far. Directed by
William Shatner (Kirk himself), the film is so bad that event the
very silliest of The Original Series
episodes are great by comparison. It's a shame too, because there
are some nice character moments here, and you can definitely see
that there were flashes of something better in the script. There's a
spirituality here that is refreshing, along with nice insights into
what makes the classic Trek "trio"
tick. Unfortunately, most of the actual dialogue is terrible, a lot
of the acting is awful, and there's a painfully-forced attempt at
humor here that works only about once in every five tries. Picture
Kirk, Spock and McCoy sitting around a campfire singing "Row,
Row, Row Your Boat." If you just went, "Huh?" then
that's about the same reaction most Star
Trek fans had. When I first saw this film in theaters, I
was fearful of the scene degenerating into an infamous moment from
Blazing Saddles. I had to get
up and leave the theater a couple of times, I was so disgusted. Add
to this some of the worst feature film special effects since the
Buck Rodgers TV series in the
70s, and this is a cinematic clunker of galactic proportions. Coming
right off the amazing success of Star
Trek IV: The Voyage Home, it's amazing this film didn't
kill the franchise.
Paramount went to create a new "special collector's edition"
of this film for DVD, Shatner reportedly wanted to go back and
re-do some things. He wanted to fix the special effects and
perhaps create the ending he'd originally intended for the film.
At the time, I was all for it... but after having watched this
film again, I think the studio made the right choice in denying
Bill's request. Simply put, no amount of money, tweaks and
changes could save this film. As such, it's better left for what
it is - a cautionary tale to all those who work on this
franchise in the future.
What Paramount did do for this DVD, was to create a new
transfer of the film. So, bad though it is, the film looks great
in full anamorphic widescreen video. This is a big improvement
on the original DVD's letterbox-only transfer. The contrast is
good (if not perfect), the colors are vibrant, the print is
clean and free of blemishes, and overall detail is generally
Audio-wise, this seems to be the exact same Dolby Digital 5.1
track that was on the previous edition. The surrounds kick in
from time to time, but there's a lack of atmospheric fill that
other Trek feature film
DVDs have really taken advantage of. There's also not much low
frequency reinforcement. Still, dialogue is clear and the music
is presented well. Overall, the audio is serviceable, if
extras here are pretty typical of what Paramount's been doing for
their Star Trek films on DVD.
That is to say, they're very cookie-cutter, but interesting, with
flashes of good stuff here and there. Disc One features an audio
commentary with Shatner and his daughter, who assisted her father on
set. It's interesting for its insights into Shatner's personality
alone, and there are some nice moments. You can tell he really
wanted this film to be good... what is it they say about the road to
Hell? The track is a bit self-indulgent, but what involving Shatner
isn't? Trek fans, at least,
will be entertained. Disc One also features another good subtitle
trivia track by the Okudas, which will also please fans.
The meat of the extras are on Disc Two, and they consist of a
series of video featurettes, along with a few trailers and TV spots,
and a video montage of production photos. The best of the bonus
material begins with a nice tribute to the work of production
designer Herman Zimmerman, who is largely responsible for the look
of Star Trek, from The
Next Generation to Enterprise,
and including most of the recent feature films. I'm glad to see
Paramount acknowledging his work. The
Journey is the most interesting piece on Disc Two, taking
you behind the scenes on the production. I wouldn't say there's full
honesty here, but it's easy to see that most of those involved were
pretty disappointed by this film. You can see it in their eyes and
hear it in their comments. Everyone meant well and had a great time
making the film, but in hindsight, it's clear they're all wondering
what they must have been smoking. This is fascinating viewing. Also
amusing is the Pre-Visualization Models
featurette. Seriously, most of you reading this could do better
feature film effects than this crew, and watching this footage makes
it pretty clear why. My favorite of the extras, however, is a
featurette called Rockman in the Raw.
Shatner originally wanted the ending of the film to feature an
attack by ten "rockmen". But the budget only allowed them
to build one rockman costume... and it ultimately looked like
something out of a Godzilla
flick - the classic "man in a rubber suit" syndrome. The
ironic thing is that if this had appeared in an episode of The
Original Series, it would have kicked ass. Personally, I
think they should have put it in the film. It would have been the
perfectly cheesy ending to Star Trek V,
and might actually redeemed it a little. Hell, I would've gotten a
kick out of seeing Shatner wrestling around with that thing. Might
even have put a dent in his bullet-proof hairdo.
Storyboards for three scenes from the film are also included here,
as well as three deleted scenes (unfortunately, all in
letterboxed-only widescreen). The deleted scenes don't add much, but
they're worth a viewing. The filler material on Disc Two includes
featurettes on the nature of the cosmos, Star
Trek's link to nature and how Yosemitie allowed the crew
to film in the park, a vintage interview with the director, Harve
Bennett's rather embarrassing pitch video, and an equally
embarrassing press conference with the cast and crew in costume. If
I have to see these poor bastards doing the Vulcan salute once
more... man, I just feel bad for them. Just FYI, there's also an
Easter egg gag reel hidden in the menus of Disc Two.
I can't recommend this film, but the DVD is at least an interesting
piece of work. It's nice to see these guys (sort-of) acknowledging
that they're aware this film blows. You know a film is bad when the
all-new animation created for the DVD menu screens is better than
the actual film's effects. No kidding - the menus for Disc One
feature a gorgeous shot of the Enterprise and the Bird of Prey
orbiting "Solaris" that absolutely puts the footage in the
film to shame. So there you have it.
Film Rating: D+
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras):
Bill Hunt