created 12/15/97.
created: 1/14/04
vs. Jason
Series - 2003 (2004) - New Line
by Todd Doogan of The Digital Bits

Rating: C+
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras):
Specs and Features
Disc One - The Film
97 mins, R, letterboxed widescreen (2.35:1), 16x9 enhanced,
full frame (1.33:1), single-sided, RSDL dual-layered (layer
switch at ??), custom keep case packaging, audio commentary
featuring director Ronny Yu and actors Robert England and Ken
Kirtzinger, "Jump to a Death" scene access,
film-themed animated menu screens with sound, scene access (17
chapters), languages: English (DD 5.1 EX), subtitles: English
and Spanish, Closed Captioned
Disc Two - Supplemental Material
19 deleted scenes and alternate ending (with optional commentary),
5 production featurettes (including Genesis:
Development Hell, On Location:
Springwood Revisited, Art
Direction: Jason's Decorating Tips, Stunts:
When Push Comes to Shove and Makeup
Effects: Freddy's Beauty Secrets), Visual
FX featurettes, footage from Camp
Hackenslash, reprint of two-part Fangoria
article (Freddy and Jason go to
Development Hell), footage from the pre-fight promotional
event at Bally's in Las Vegas, theatrical trailers (for
Freddy vs. Jason,
The Butterfly Effect,
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003),
Jason Goes to Hell and
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare),
TV spots, Ill Nino's How Can I Live
music video, storyboards and still galleries, DVD-ROM material
(featuring enhanced viewing with screenplay and trivia, The
Cutting Room Floor editing suite and web links)
"Freddy died by fire and Jason died by water. How can we use
I couldn't tell you why, but watching this film for the first time
in the theater, I had a great time. Yeah, the acting is awful
(awful!) and the dialogue is even worse (as with the above quote,
you will laughingly say, "What!?!" several times during
the course of the film). But I have to say, the first time you catch
Freddy vs. Jason, as long as
you have an open mind to the fact that you're watching two goofy
slasher monsters appearing in the same film with "versus"
in the title, you'll have a good time. But I'll also say that repeat
viewings of this film don't help it. In fact, it starts to show its
true colors when you see it the second time.
Freddy vs. Jason is just that.
Freddy, trapped in hell with no way out, infects the mind of Jason
by using his dreams. Sending him on a rampage on Elm Street, Freddy
is trying to slowly invoke his name and image in the minds of the
Elm Street youth. Much like Peter Pan's
Tinkerbell, if the kids believe, Freddy will gain power and can
escape his hellish prison. Well... things work out and Freddy
manifests, only to find Jason not so easily controlled. All this
leads up to a no-holds barred battle within and without the dream
world, around Elm Street and ending in Crystal Lake. If you know the
mythos of each film series, you'll have a fun ol' time jumping
around the film. This is helped by the fact that every other event
here plays homage to the Friday
and Nightmare films. Punny,
surreal dream deaths: check. Violent, Home Depot funded deaths:
check. Naked kids, humping and partying: check. Strong female lead
ending the orgy of evil: check. Freddy
vs. Jason's got it all.
FvsJ is directed by Ronny Yu,
who brought some very cool HK cinema to life, most notably
The Bride With White Hair 1 and 2.
He also gave life to The Bride of Chucky
and Formula 51. So, Yu knows
his way around fun, violent films with a cinematically beautiful
edge. And FvsJ is all those
things: fun, violent and cinematically beautiful. Overall, it has
its moments. It just doesn't combine them into a unified whole, and
that's too bad. It's particularly disappointing because, as pop
culture, most of the Friday
films (well, aside from maybe, Jason Goes
to Hell) are re-watchable even though they're just as bad
as FvsJ. The
Elm Street film are also just
as fun (again, except for maybe Freddy's
Dead), but as cinema, they hold up a little more than any
of the Friday films, as they
ushered in stylish new directors. The fact that
FvsJ works at all, owes itself
to the last 20 minutes or so when Freddy and Jason go at it with a
lot of fury and funked up fight choreography. The way it's all done,
you'll wish there were more of it in the film.
Freddy vs. Jason is given to
us in both 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen and 1.33:1 pan and scan. As
always, New Line does an incredible job with the video. The transfer
is colorful, deep, very detailed and clean. Sound is also good in
Dolby Digital 5.1 EX. The surround channels are very active, with
some intense action in the rear speakers, solid LFE and nice
centered dialogue up front. If you're a fan of the film, you'll love
how it looks and sounds on DVD.
But hey, it's not just the movie you people want, is it? No. We all
want the extras, don't we? Well let's take a look at the "added
value material" shall we?
First up, we're treated to a very nice and cordial commentary track
featuring Yu, Freddy's alter-ego Robert England and the new Jason,
Ken Kirtzinger. It's a nice track, but nothing that will blow you
away. England talks about how much fun everyone was and how talented
they are. Yu discusses the production and Kirtzinger chimes in here
and there. Everyone is very nice, and they even make mention of the
Kane Hodder Controversy (Jason to the true Friday
Now we're moving on to what everyone out there will consider the
most important aspect, the deleted/extended scenes. There are 19,
and they add nothing to anything. The extended opening is a bit more
Friday than the version in the
film, the add-on ending is awful and everything else deserved to be
on the cutting room floor. The nice thing is, these deleted scenes
look as good as the film with three sound options (5.1, 2.0 and
commentary). But their technical quality isn't enough to make the
scenes any more worthwhile. If you're buying this disc thinking the
ending will be badass, do yourself a favor and buy it because you
liked the film.
My favorite bonus features are the Visual
FX featurettes. The two guys in charge of the digital
effects break down the hows and whys of each of the major, as well
as a few minor, effects. These guys are fun and easy to watch, and
the magic they pulled off is pretty wild.
There are also the usual slew of production featurettes that cover
everything from the screenwriters, to location scouting, stunts, set
design and Freddy's new face. Of least importance is the feature
entitled Camp Hackenslash
which looks at the premiere event sponsored by Ain't
it Cool News down in Austin. If you though Freddy was
scary, wait until you see Harry dressed as a camp counselor.
Rounding out the extras are a reprint of the two-part Fangoria
article detailing the long road the film took to production,
trailers for this and other New Line horrors (like
Butterfly Effect,
TCM and Jason
Goes to Hell/Freddy's Dead), still and storyboard
galleries, a music video, footage from a promo event at Bally's
Casino in Las Vegas and the standard DVD-ROM enhanced viewing mode
stuff (with the script, trivia, edit-the-film-your-damn-self and
Anyone over the age of 25 has to be at least somewhat of a fan of
these films. but if Freddy vs. Jason
is your first taste, then go out and pick up Friday
the 13th 2 and 3, and Nightmare
on Elm Street 1 and 3 first. Then come back to this. For
everyone else, Freddy vs. Jason
is cheesy, nostalgic fun, and it looks great on DVD.
Todd Doogan |