created 12/15/97. |
added: 7/23/02
(aka The Punishment of Anne)
(2002) - Audubon Films (Synapse Films)
by Todd Doogan of The Digital Bits

Rating: B+
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras): A/A/C+
Specs and Features
94 mins, NR, letterboxed widescreen (1.78:1), 16x9 enhanced, Amaray
keep case packaging, single-sided, RSDL dual-layered (layer switch
at 1:00:52 in chapter 8), liner notes by Stephen R. Bissette,
isolated music score, theatrical trailers, film-themed menus with
music, scene access (11 chapters), languages: English (DD 2.0 and
mono), subtitles: none |
how about this. Leave it to our wily old friends over at Synapse to
release an art film all men can enjoy. The
Image, the Radley Metzger film too hot for any other DVD
company to release, is a true sight to behold. Not only is it a
fantastic looking DVD, but it's one of the greatest pieces of
artistic pornography ever popped into my player. At least under the
classification of me having no idea it was going to be pornographic
when I chose to give it a spin in the first place.
I'm not a naive man. I knew a DVD featuring a naked woman suspended
by chains on the cover (obscured artfully by the title logo, might I
add) was going to dance on the sexual side. And, judging from most
of the Metzger films I've seen in the past distributed by Image and
First Run Features, I knew there was going to be a bit of sex and
some flashes of female nudity. But... I was in no way prepared for
the jaw dropping levels of sexuality in this film. No way.
And don't think I'm complaining, because I'm not.
The Image is done so well, you
hardly expect what happens to happen. Half the movie goes by and you
think you're firmly imbedded in a nice old-fashioned European sex
romp. You have the badly dubbed voices, the standard
Metzgerian/Freudian visual puns layered in and the bad 70s fashion.
It's all here. But somewhere, about 40 minutes in, the film takes a
turn. The young girl featured on the cover finds herself wantingly
chained to a chair with a woman behind her explaining her moistness
levels to a man who is whipping out his manhood and sticking it
lovingly in the girl's waiting mouth. No cuts. No obscured angles...
the guy's pecker is in her mouth and she's a-sucking. The film was
based on a book called L'Image
and the film was originally released as The
Punishment of Anne (later renamed The
Image). But I think a more fitting title would be
The Man Who Loved Blowjobs,
'cause from the point I just described on, that's all that's in this
film. Well... that and a ménage between the man, the girl and
a hot little redheaded store clerk... and then an S&M scene that
has gone down in the annals of filmdom as one of the greatest
bondage scenes ever filmed for a legitimately released movie.
I like The Image. I like it a
lot actually. I like it more on this new DVD. Synapse really did
pretty great with this release. They pulled out all the stops to
make sure it looks and sounds as good as possible, and it does. The
image quality is as good as you'll see in any major studio release
of one of their older titles. The new anamorphic transfer, struck
from the original 35mm camera negatives, is incredible. The colors
are pure and solid, the blacks are crisp and, aside from a few flaws
inherent the original camera negative, there's not a thing marring
this film. The sound is just as solid. There's a full and resonant
mono track, with clear dialogue and supple music, along with an even
nicer newly remastered stereo track. And if you like the music (and
you will if you like 70s porno music), as an extra you'll find the
score isolated on a separate track. It's a great listen.
The extras are a bit light, but still. We get a selection of
trailers from other Metzger film's like Score
and The Lickerish Quartet, as
well as a nice liner note essay from Stephen R. Bissette. The disc
is not jam packed, but considering how beautiful the film is
presented, it wouldn't matter if there were nothing else on this
All in all, I wouldn't be surprised if stores carrying this title
have it in the regular alpha section and not in adult. I'd be they
just have NO idea. Just in case you picked this title up and thought
it was an art film you can watch with the kids (yeah, right), the
disc does support parental lock. If you have that set-up on your
player, this disc won't play.
So if you think it's the kind of thing you might enjoy, give this
classic bit of porno a spin. It's not your average porn flick. It's
a very well done little art film... that just happens to explore the
darker side of sexuality. Not quite Harry
Potter, but that's a good thing in my opinion.
Todd Doogan |