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review added: 2/5/02
Breaking Away
1979 (2002) - 20th Century Fox
review by Dan Kelly of
The Digital Bits
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Rating: B+
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras): B-/B/C-
Specs and Features
101 mins, PG, letterboxed widescreen (1.85:1), 16x9 enhanced, full frame
(1.33:1), dual-sided, single-layered, Amaray keep case packaging, theatrical
trailers (for My Bodyguard,
The Sandlot and others), TV spots,
film-themed menu screens, scene access (24 chapters), languages: English (DD 2.0
surround and mono) and French (DD 2.0 mono), subtitles: English and Spanish,
Close Captioned
"Mom, the Italians are coming
to race in Indianapolis!"
Breaking Away is one of those rare movies
that address the complexities of life during young adulthood in a way that pokes
fun at it, without ever once devaluing the issues that confront us at that age.
Bloomington, Indiana has never seemed so full of life, and yet so confining, as
it does here. Dave (Dennis Christopher) is on the verge of turning 20, and
neither he nor his friends know what they're going to do with the rest of their
lives. They're trapped in a college town, but their chances of attending any
institution of higher learning themselves are slim at best. All the while,
Dave's father (Paul Dooley, in a good comic performance) is quickly tiring of
his son's lack of motivation and his obsession with bicycle racing and
everything Italian (that's EYE-talian).
When Dave's not singing opera or shaving his legs (to cut wind resistance), he
spends most of his time swimming in the quarry hole with his friends. Mike
(Dennis Quaid), Cyril (Daniel Stern) and Moocher (Jackie Earle Haley) are just
as unsure of their future as Dave is. They make frequent trips to the University
to torment the "townies." The townies, in turn, take jabs at Dave and
his friends, and refer to them not so affectionately as "cutters." As
Dave falls for one of the townies, and woos her by convincing him that he's an
Italian exchange student, things start to turn around (if only momentarily) for
him. And when he learns that the Italian bicycle team will be nearby for a
competition, his fixation goes into overdrive. He and his friends are determined
to use the competition as an opportunity to prove that they're more than just
Breaking Away was a sleeper hit when it
was released in 1979, and it went on to reap 5 Oscar nominations. It would
ultimately net only one, for Best Screenplay. As much as I like this film, it
doesn't quite resonate today like it did when the film was released to theatres.
It also hasn't aged as well as it could have, looking very much like a film of
the late 1970's. But what makes Breaking Away
still a joy to watch today, is its eccentric sense of humor and the sincerity of
the characters... no matter how out of the ordinary they may be.
The picture quality of Breaking Away on
DVD is average at best. What you get is an anamorphic transfer (in the film's
original 1.85:1 aspect ratio), as well as a pan & scan job on the opposite
side of the disc. For this review, I watched the widescreen version. There's
quite a bit of grain and source material defects (mostly in the form of speckles
and scratches) early on in the film, but it diminishes almost entirely beyond
the opening credits. Black level is decent, and provides some much needed depth
to a picture that can otherwise be very uninteresting. Flesh tones are smooth,
accurate and natural in appearance, but the picture has a relatively flat look
to it, partly as a result of lifeless color reproduction. Breaking
Away also has an especially dated look, and is awash in natural
lighting that doesn't come across all too well in this transfer. As far as
transfer-related defects go, you won't find any substantial instances of edge
enhancement or artifacting. The transfer gets the job done, but that's the best
it does.
The audio is about as uneven as the picture quality. A new 2.0 surround mix
directs the film's score to the rear surrounds, to provide a little boost to the
soundtrack. There's more action toward the end of the film, but it's also at
this point that the audio breaks up in odd places between the front and rear
channels (check the 1:18:35 mark for an example of this). The surround usage at
this point just sounds more forced than it needs to be, but otherwise the
surround work is adequate. Dialogue is crisp, though somewhat hushed, and the
sound effects track is clean and active on occasion in the rear channel. The
important thing here is the dialogue track, and you'll get your money's worth
for that portion of the mix.
The extras are of the promotional variety and don't really enhance the
experience. The film's theatrical trailer is presented full frame and is
accompanied by two televisions spots. There are additional trailers for other
films in the Fox Family Feature line (My Bodyguard,
The Sandlot and others), but nothing to
hold your breath for. A running commentary by screenwriter Steve Tesich would
have been a nice touch to the disc, but it's not here. Such is life.
If you haven't seen Breaking Away, do
yourself a favor and rent it. And if you have seen it and like it, this disc's
got an easy-on-the-wallet asking price. Despite my reservations on the picture,
this is still the best the film has ever looked on home video.
Dan Kelly |