Site created 12/15/97. |

review added: 5/14/01
2-Disc Edition - 2000 (2001) - Miramax Films
review by Brian Ford Sullivan of
The Digital Bits

Rating: B
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras): A-/B+/A-
Specs and Features
Disc One: The Film
107 mins, PG-13, letterboxed widescreen (1.85:1), 16x9 enhanced, single-sided,
RSDL dual-layered (layer switch at 1:17:29), dual Amaray keep case packaging,
audio commentary by director Don Roos and co-producer Bobby Cohen, 10
trailers/commercials (for Emma,
The Pallbearer, The
Cider House Rules, Shakespeare in Love,
Music of the Heart, Boys
and Girls, The Crew and
Unbreakable, along with the
Miramax Movies to Remember promo and a
Bounce soundtrack promo), animated
film-themed menu screens with sound, scene access (18 chapters), languages:
English & French (DD 5.1), subtitles: English and Spanish, Closed Captioned
Disc Two: The Supplements
14 deleted scenes with optional audio commentary by director Don Roos and
co-producer Bobby Cohen, music video for Need to Be
Next to You by Leigh Nash, theatrical teaser, All
About Bounce featurette, Ben and Gwyneth
Go Behind the Scenes featurette, gag reel, 8 selected scenes with
audio commentary by director Don Roos and actors Ben Affleck and Gwyneth
Paltrow, animated film-themed menu screens with sound, languages: English (DD
2.0), subtitles: none |
The notion of fate and destiny
always seem to be tied to movies about relationships, but never to the extreme
we see it in Don Roos' second film, Bounce.
Ben Affleck is Buddy, an advertising executive at the top of his game (or, as
Buddy himself puts it, "a born salesman"). During an airport delay in
Chicago, he meets two other stranded travelers - Mimi (Natasha Henstridge), an
attractive salesman, and Greg (Tony Goldwyn), a world-weary family man. When
Buddy finds out that his plane will make it out of Chicago that night, he offers
to give his ticket to Greg in the hopes of getting a chance to spend the night
with Mimi. Greg graciously accepts and it's this action that sets into motion
the rest of the events in the film.
Greg's plane crashes, killing all on board, sending Buddy into a spiral of
guilt over Greg's death. He builds an addiction to alcohol, which forces him
into rehab after a breakdown at the Clio Awards. About a year later, Buddy
manages to patchwork his life back together and decides to try to make amends
for his mistakes. Chief among these, is seeking out Greg's widow Abby (played
wonderfully Gwyneth Paltrow) to try to help her get back on her feet. When he
finds out that she's found work as a real estate agent, he manages to help her
broker a deal for his ad agency's new headquarters building. The two soon
develop an attraction to each other, and Abby asks him out. Buddy agrees
reluctantly, as she still doesn't know exactly who he is. The film then takes us
through the highs and lows of their relationship and, ultimately, the revelation
of Buddy's real identity (as the man who switched places with her late
husband). Also thrown into the mix are Abby's two surprisingly non-precocious
children, as well as some fine work by Johnny Galecki as Buddy's assistant.
When I first caught wind of this film, I fully expected it to be along the
lines of a Lifetime movie of the week. But was stunned to find the depth and
complexity that Don Roos' script, and the actors performances, provided the
film. The movie doesn't shy away from the obvious pitfalls that come from a
relationship with this type of set-up, nor does it tie everything together in a
neat little bow. Abby and Buddy aren't written or portrayed as perfect or
infallible beings, something I find very endearing about the film. There's also
a myriad of little moments that help add to the characters' relationships
without being too trite, whether it be Abby helping a prom date who has toilet
paper stuck to her shoe, or Buddy waiting in line with Abby for the bathroom at
a baseball game. And the real-life, on-again-off-again relationship between
Affleck and Paltrow definitely adds to the on-screen chemistry. All these
things help to flesh out a charming and believable relationship, that's not only
endearing but also quite refreshing.
Let's talk about this disc itself. Those wondering why in the world a movie
like this needs 2 discs' worth of material will be pleasantly surprised. The
Disc One offers the film in a nice anamorphic widescreen transfer, which I
didn't have too many problems with. A few scenes have some inconsistent
sharpness or just look extremely soft compared to the rest of the film, but it's
not too distracting. Colors are fairly subtle, as the film seems to stick to a
very cool and natural palette. As far as audio, the Dolby Digital 5.1
presentation does a great job here in terms of clarity and in maintaining a very
natural and engaging listening experience. From the jets blasting in the
beginning to Michael Danna's quietly elegant score, I was very pleased.
Also on Disc One is the first of two audio commentaries (the other I'll get to
in a second). This one features director Don Roos and producer Bobby Cohen. The
two have a nice rhythm to their conversation, as Cohen generally asks questions
about the film or presents ideas about it to Roos, who then responds. It's a
good (albeit not great) commentary, especially when compared to the other
commentary on Disc Two. Rounding out the first disc are 10 trailers and
commercials for Bounce and other Miramax
releases, many of which feature either Affleck or Paltrow.
It's over on Disc Two that the extras really start to kick in. Included are 14
deleted scenes, which run well over 45 minutes total. It's fairly obvious, from
watching these scenes, that Roos originally had a much longer, more drawn out
story in mind, and had to cut back the scope as time started to become an issue
(2 hours and 30 minutes seems quite long for a romantic comedy/drama). Many
subplots that were either pushed into the background or omitted completely
appear here, including a lot of scenes with Johnny Galecki's character, as well
as more on the airplane trial subplot. The best scenes in the bunch though are 2
featuring Tony Goldwyn's reappearance in Abby and Buddy's minds. Roos and Cohen
offer the reasons why these scenes were cut in an optional audio commentary.
Also unique about these scenes is the inclusion of two different endings, both
of which run rather long and were thankfully excised in favor of the one in the
final cut. I should also note that these scenes appear in very rough form and
feature a time code overlay.
The other big feature on the second disc is a series of 8 selected scenes from
the film, presented with additional audio commentary by Affleck, Paltrow and
Roos. I find it quite odd that Affleck and Paltrow aren't included on a feature
length commentary track, but, nevertheless, their presence is felt quite nicely
on these selected scenes (which run about 45 minutes in total). Affleck is the
most animated of the three, making quite a few amusing jokes - especially about
the various endings shot ("We should have released it like
Clue!"). Paltrow also plays off
Affleck, and it's quite obvious that the pair are still very close off-screen.
Roos is pretty silent in this track, serving in Cohen's role on the primary
track by asking Ben and Gwyneth about the production.
Disc Two also offers up a pair of "behind-the-scenes" featurettes.
All About Bounce is your by-the-numbers,
HBO First Look-type of featurette, while
Ben and Gwyneth Go Behind the Scenes is a
more amusing attempt, with the actors going around the set and interviewing the
various people involved in the production. Rounding out the second disc is a
hilarious gag reel ("I will give you the corn-holing of a lifetime!"),
that runs a brief 5 minutes, as well as the music video for
Need to Be Next to You - the song that
runs over the closing credits. Finally, you get the film's theatrical teaser
Overall, Bounce is definitely a film that
I didn't expect to enjoy. It also wasn't a DVD I expected to be this impressed
with. Ben Affleck, Gwyneth Paltrow and Don Roos have done an astounding job in
putting together a story that (while sticking to the romantic comedy/drama norm)
manages to feel quite real and believable. So don't be scared away by the
Lifetime drama-style billing the film was released with. Give it a spin and you
might find yourself pleasantly surprised by the film.
Brian Ford Sullivan |