Site created 12/15/97. |
review added: 4/20/01
Edition - 2000 (2001) - 20th Century Fox
review by Greg Suarez of
The Digital Bits

Rating: D+
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras):
Specs and Features
93 mins, PG-13, letterboxed widescreen (2.35:1), 16x9 enhanced,
single-sided, RSDL dual-layered (layer switch at 52:41, in chapter
13), THX-certified, audio commentary with director Harold Ramis,
audio commentary with star Elizabeth Hurley and producer Trevor
Albert, The Making of Bedazzled
HBO featurette, extended basketball sequence, 2 scoring session
clips, Bedazzling Designs with Deena
Appel featurette, still gallery, theatrical trailer, TV
spots, THX Optimode test signals, Nuon-enhanced features (see review
text below for details), film-themed menu screens with sound effects
and music, scene access (24 chapters), languages: English (DD 5.1 &
2.0) and French (DD 2.0), subtitles: English and Spanish, Closed
Captioned |
Okay, here's the
scoop... Bedazzled is an
uninspired remake of a very funny 1967 British film of the same
name. The original was written by (and starred) Peter Cook and
Dudley Moore. Director Harold Ramis attempted to modernize the story
by giving it a 21st century sensibility and high profile leads, and
by pumping up the subtle humor of the original. Unfortunately, it
didn't work.
Elliot Richards (Brendan Fraser) is a lonely, pathetic computer
tech-support geek. The closest things he has to friends are his
coworkers, who talk negatively about him behind his back. And since
he's fairly socially inept, he has no girlfriend. Elliot has a major
crush on the beautiful Alison (Frances O'Connor), but he can't seem
to get close to her romantically. One night, the Devil (Elizabeth
Hurley) approaches him and talks him into selling her his soul in
exchange for seven wishes. All that Elliot wants is to be with
Alison, but every time he makes a wish, the Devil viciously exploits
some loophole in his wishing to foil Elliot's plans. For example,
Elliot wants to be rich and successful so that he can give Alison
anything she wants... but the Devil makes him an infamous South
American drug lord. So Elliot's challenge is to be with Alison by
outsmarting the Devil before he runs out of wishes. Will it work, or
will he have to find another way?
This movie is not funny and script is very unoriginal. The jokes
are weak and telegraphed, and some of them go on far too long (see:
the sensitive wish and the entire basketball sequence). On the
positive side, Brendan Fraser is actually pretty good in this film.
He's always able to convincingly disappear into the very different
roles for each wish segment. And the idea of writing the Devil as a
sexy, alluring female is intriguing on the surface. But that's
pretty much it for the positives, because Ms. Hurley is just not
able to do enough with her role to keep the hook of the devil being
a chick fresh for the length of the film. But I don't entirely blame
her for the film's failure. That dishonor belongs entirely to the
script and the director. That's sad, because Ramis is usually much
better than this. In fact... he's always much better than this.
The original 1967 film was so much better. Its humor was much more
subtle, and the film succeeded because of a clever script and the
brilliant chemistry of Peter Cook and Dudley Moore (when Hurley
shows up on the beach during Elliot's sensitivity wish, her dogs are
named Dudley and Peter
now you know why). As a big fan of the
original, I was really let down by the new film, especially
considering that the humor of the new version is nowhere near as
creative as the original. But even standing on its own, without
having to live up to the original, Bedazzled
is still a very weak comedic offering.
Even though the film is a real stinker, Fox has served up an
excellent special edition DVD. The anamorphic widescreen image is
quite good. Colors are well saturated (especially the bold reds),
and fine detail is well conveyed. Compression artifacting is kept to
a minimum, but a bit of minor picture noise pops up here and there.
The Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack is always appropriately quiet or
raucous depending on the circumstance. Music is nicely spread
throughout the listening environment, and a few cool directional
effects can be heard. Overall, this is a fine audio/video
presentation that will surely please (even if the movie doesn't).
This disc certainly isn't short on the extras, either. First off,
you'll find two audio commentary tracks. The first is with director
Harold Ramis. It's a fairly bland commentary, but Ramis focuses in
on a lot of what went into the casting and making of the film, and
just barely succeeds in being informative. The second commentary is
with star Elizabeth Hurley and producer Trevor Albert. Hurley
doesn't seem to participate as much as Albert, and the track covers
much of the same ground as Ramis' commentary. A 13-minute, HBO "making
of" featurette is included on this disc, and contains some
illuminating tidbits... as well as its fair share of butt-kissing
(but at least they admit it in the featurette). The most interesting
parts of the featurette are the explanations of how the filmmakers
transformed Fraser into so many different characters. A painfully
long extension of the basketball scene can also be here, which
showcases the announcers free-styling their post-game commentary.
Also on board is a short featurette, Bedazzling
Designs with Deena Appel, which discusses Elizabeth
Hurley's seductive wardrobe (by costume designer Appel). There are 2
short scoring session clips, showing an orchestra performing to a
corresponding scene in the film (shown here in a small window). A
gallery of conceptual art, the theatrical trailer and TV spots round
out the supplements.
I guess it's also important to note that Bedazzled
is the first DVD to feature Nuon-enhanced features, but (to be
completely honest) we haven't reviewed them. Few people actually
have Nuon-compatible DVD players anyway, and the disc gives no
indication as to what these features are. Fox certainly hasn't
chosen to overly promote its first (and possibly last?)
Noun-enhanced title as such. You can barely see the Nuon logo on the
back of the packaging! We understand that these features include
Viddies ("dynamic
bookmarks of scenes from the film along thematic lines"), Gamma
Zooms (which "lets the studio pre-select interesting
still frames and highlight behind-the-scenes stories and points of
interest") and Hyper Slides
(which "brings the stills gallery to life by contrasting the
art director's concept with the movie director's implementation").
We don't much care. And given that, to our knowledge, Bedazzled
is the ONLY studio film to include Nuon-enhancement thus far,
neither (it seems) does anyone else... at least at the moment. All
that information comes from the
home page, by the way, which is worth visiting if you like the
Do yourself a favor and rent this disc before you plunk down your
hard-earned money for it. The comedy is weak and uninspired, despite
valiant efforts by Brendan Fraser and Elizabeth Hurley. On the
bright side, the disc itself sports a wonderful audio/video
presentation, and a decent list of extras, so at least it's not a
total loss. But if I had seven wishes, I'd use one to get the
original 1967 version of Bedazzled
on DVD. Please... make it come true Fox!
Greg Suarez |