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Site created 12/15/97.

review added: 1/22/99

1973 (1998) - MGM (Turner Home Entertainment)

review by Todd Doogan, special to The Digital Bits

Enhanced for 16x9 TVs

Film Rating: B-
It predates Jurassic Park by more than 20 years, but these days, that matters very little. I have no love for this movie, but for a generation of fans -- it's "da bomb". Maybe it's Richard Benjamin's stilted performance, maybe it's Yul Brenner as a cowboy (I don't like The Magnificent Seven either, just so you know), or maybe it's the special effects. Either way, I felt nothing watching this flick.

Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras): B+/B+/C
The sound is pretty good, for a film that was originally released in the 70s. The picture quality is top notch, and the original trailer is here. As with most MGM DVDs, you get an informative, 8 page booklet. The menu screens are also filled with sound effects and animation.

Overall Rating: B
The movie, viewed through 1990s eyes at least, is pretty weak. That doesn't really kill it as entertainment, it's just not as powerful as it might have been (i.e.: it's dated). Having it on DVD makes it at little better - it's a pretty fair disc.

Specs and Features

89 mins, PG, letterboxed widescreen (2.35:1), 16x9 enhanced, single-sided, singled-layered, Amaray keep case packaging, 8 page booklet, theatrical trailer, animated film-themed menus, scene access (32 chapters), languages: English (DD 2.0), French (DD 1.0), subtitles: English & French, Close Captioned

Bottom line

Fans of the film will love it. Movie purists will love it. DVD fans will love it. Sticklers and wishful thinkers will wish the film was remade -- but all in all, they'll probably like it as well.

Todd Doogan

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