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Site created 12/15/97.

review added: 1/25/99

The Unknown Marx Brothers
1993 (1998) - WinStar Home Entertainment (Fox Lorber)

review by Todd Doogan, special to The Digital Bits

Film Rating: B
The Marx Brothers have always made me laugh, and thanks to this informative documentary, I now know a little bit about the lives of these remarkable comedians.

Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras): C/C/B+
The audio and video are a bit subpar, but the Zoomlink feature on this DVD is neat. It's basically a fancy way to access a library of outtakes from You Bet Your Life, which are really funny. There are also bios, filmographies, and a trivia game. You could spend a few hours playing with this disc.

Overall Rating: B
I had fun with this DVD. If you're a fan of The Marx Brothers, you will too. It has a lot to offer, and it shows some of the potential that is available through DVD.

Specs and Features

126 mins, NR, full screen (1.33:1), single-sided, single-layered, Amaray keep case packaging, outtakes, Zoomlinks (alternate angle access to outtakes during film), bios and filmographies, production notes, trivia, film-themed menus, scene access (8 chapters), languages: English (DD 1.0) subtitles: none

Bottom line

You can't go wrong with the Marx Brothers. You can't go wrong with DVD. With that said, here's a disc that does right by both. You get an informative look behind the lives of these remarkable comedians, plus you get a nicely packaged DVD.

Todd Doogan

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