created 12/15/97.
created: 9/26/98
(1998) - Paramount
by Bill Hunt, editor of The Digital Bits
Rating: B-
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras):
Specs and Features
111 mins, PG-13, letterboxed widescreen (2.35:1), 16x9
enhanced, single-sided, Amaray keep case packaging, 2 theatrical
trailers, film-themed menu screens, scene access (31 chapters),
languages: English (DD 5.1), English & French (DD 2.0),
subtitles: Spanish, Closed Captioned
During the shakedown cruise of the new Enterprise-E, Captain
Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his crew learn of an invasion
by the greatest enemy the Federation has ever faced... a race of
soulless, cybernetic beings known as the Borg. Picard, haunted by
the experience of having once been 'assimilated' by the Borg, is
ordered against all logic to stay out of the fight. Despite the fact
that the Enterprise is the most powerful ship available, Starfleet
is afraid the Borg may still have some control over his actions. But
the fleet's best efforts are not enough, and the Borg break through
their defenses easily, heading for the Earth.
Picard and crew ignore their orders, of course, and arrive just in
time to stop the invasion, but a small Borg craft escapes and
creates a temporal rift, disappearing back in time. Suddenly the
Earth changes, becoming a Borg world, and Picard realizes that the
Enterprise too must go back to the past, to undo whatever damage the
Borg have done there. Upon arriving, our heroes quickly discover the
Borg's nefarious plan: to prevent the most important event in human
history - first contact with extraterrestrial life.
The whole gang of regulars is back, in this second film outing by
the cast of Star Trek: The Next
Generation. Also along for the ride, are actors James
Cromwell (best known for his work in L.A.
Confidential and Babe)
and Alfre Woodard (Miss Evers' Boys,
Primal Fear), as denizens of a
past Earth recovering from the devastation of World War III. And
sitting behind the camera, this time out, is none other than
Commander Riker himself, Jonathan Frakes. Frakes does an admirable
job - he's clearly a capable director. The problem here is all in
the script.
The film starts off with a bang - the battle scenes with the Borg
are exciting and make for great spectacle. But it's all over in a
matter of moments. Picard and crew defeat the bad guys easily - hard
to believe for anyone who followed the Borg storyline on the TV
series. Then, all of a sudden, we're diving back into the past, and
we quickly lose the dramatic tension. It would almost have been
better if the good guys were losing the battle in the present, and
had to chase the Borg back through time, in order to come back and
repel the invasion. That, at least, would have raised the stakes. Oh
well. Unfortunately, the writers also can't resist throwing some
very hokey Trek-isms into the
mix, such as alien T & A, in this case a Borg Queen (Alice
Krige). Worse yet, Counsellor Troi's drinking binge ranks right up
there with the drunken Scotty subplot from the Shatner-directed
disaster Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.
Still the effects are excellent, the film is well-intentioned, and
Patrick Stewart's Captain Ahab speech is almost enough to pull it
all off.
This disc is arguably the best of Paramount's first batch of DVD
titles, and it's a good batch indeed. The anamorphic widescreen
picture presented here is very good (THANK YOU Paramount, for
realizing the value of anamorphic enhancement - Buena Vista take
note!). First Contact is a
dark, murky film to begin with, but on DVD it looks great - the
MPEG-2 compression has been very well done. Little digital
artifacting is apparent, but you can see some visible film grain,
inherent in the print itself. There's also a bit of Digital Video
Noise Reduction, which appears as a slight shimmering on edges
occasionally. A minor complaint. But the contrast is terrific, and
the saturation is outstanding. The colors are gorgeous - very
vibrant and crisp.
But, as good as the video is, it's the audio that really shines
here. The Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack is outstanding. Listen for
yourself, particularly during the space battle early in the film -
the shrill cry of phaser fire, the metallic thump of photon
torpedoes. There's lots of great directional sound - very good use
of the rear channels. When the Borg speak in their gravelly
monotone, arrogantly demanding unconditional surrender, their voices
seem to come from everywhere at once. Aboard Worf's ship, the Defiant,
we hear the groaning of stressed metal and sizzle of overloaded
circuitry all around. One item of note is that you must select the
Dolby Digital 5.1 audio in the menu, prior to playing the film
(unless your player does this automatically). Otherwise you will
hear the default Dolby Surround audio - you can't switch audio
tracks during playback. Another minor complaint.
The disc's only real weak spot is extras, or a lack thereof. Other
than a pair of theatrical trailers, there's not much to be had. But
it's more than some studios put on their discs, and this IS one of
Paramount's first titles. They do at least provide an OK mix of
languages (English and French), subtitles (Spanish) and Captions
(English). Given the quality of the presentation, I have few
Wrath of Khan it ain't, but if
you're a Star Trek fan, you'll
probably get everything you're looking for here. The action
sequences are generally good and the story, while at times campy, is
entertaining. The first film appearance of the Borg should have
packed more punch though, and there's just a hair too much Trek
hokum here for my taste. As for picture and sound quality, this disc
definitely delivers. The sound, in particular, is really
outstanding. If this is any indication of the DVDs we can expect
from Paramount in the future, all I've got to say is bring 'em on!
Bill Hunt |