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Site created 12/15/97.

review added: 2/24/99

Next of Kin
1998 (1989) - Warner Bros.

review by Todd Doogan, special to The Digital Bits

Film Rating: B-
Sure, I'd much rather be sitting here reviewing Roadhouse -- but who wouldn't? What we have here is Patrick Swayze kicking ass as an Appalachian backwoods hick turned Chi-Town cop. When his brother is offed by the mob, he pulls out his own family to show the true meaning of family value.

Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras): B-/B-/F
Looks and sounds fine for what it is. Actually it's the better of this last Warner cheap-o, full frame bunch. Extras are, not surprisingly, missing.

Overall Rating: C
A good movie, an OK disc. Not much more can be said.

Specs and Features

109 mins, R, full frame (1.33:1), single-sided, single-layered, Snapper case, scene access (33 chapters), language: English (DD 2.0), subtitles: English, Close Captioned

Bottom line

What do you want from me, permission to buy it? Sure, go on out and pick it up. It'll make a fine addition to your Swayze DVD collection.

Todd Doogan

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