Site created 12/15/97. |
review added: 8/21/99
Erin Brockovich
2000 (2000) - Jersey Films
review by Todd Doogan of
The Digital Bits
Rating: B+
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras):
Specs and Features
132 mins, R, letterboxed widescreen (1.85:1), 16x9 enhanced,
single-sided, RSDL dual-layered (layer switch 1:11:45 in chapter
26), Amaray keep case packaging, Spotlight
on Location: The Making of Erin Brockovich featurette,
Erin Brockovich: A Look at a Real Life
Experience (interview with the real Erin Brockovich),
deleted scenes (17 scenes totaling 30 mins) with optional commentary
by director Steven Soderbergh, cast and crew bios and filmographies,
production notes, theatrical trailers (for Erin
Brockovich, Out of Sight
and Notting Hill), DVD-ROM
features (weblinks), newsletter information, animated film-themed
menu screens with music, scene access (44 chapters), languages:
English (DD 5.1) and French (DD 2.0), subtitles: English |
When someone asks you,
"Well, what can I do? I'm just one person...," first slap
them in the head. Then, pop this disc into your player and make them
sit down. Not only is Erin Brockovich
a really well-made film, it's also the story of one woman with big
problems of her own, who decided that some other people had even
bigger problems and did what she could to help them out.
Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts) is a single mother of three who
can't catch a break. She can't seem to land a job, she gets a
parking ticket, breaks a nail and is broad-sided by a speeding
luxury vehicle when she clearly had the right of way. This is all in
the first few minutes of the film. Imagine all the crap this chick
has suffered through before we even join her story. In dealing with
the accident claim, she meets Ed Masry (Albert Finney), an attorney
who has much potential but is happy taking cases that he can handle.
Little does he know, when he takes Erin's case, he's going to be
forever entwined in her life. Masry looses the case, but Erin ends
up joining his firm as a clerk and takes it upon herself to become a
researcher/paralegal. While working, she discovers an odd real
estate file with blood tests and soil samples in it. "What the
hell?" she thinks to herself. Curiosity may have killed the
cat, but Erin's no cat. So she dives deep into the how's and why's
of the case... and discovers something so shocking and engrossing
that you'll sit captivated by the film the whole way through.
Now... Erin Brockovich isn't
a perfect film, and Julia Roberts isn't the best actress out there.
But with Steven Soderbergh behind the camera, anything can be good.
And Roberts is the perfect choice for playing Erin. She's not
perfect looking in the sense that she and the real Erin are dead
ringers for each other. Rather, they both have the same endearing
spunk. You like Erin when she's telling you you're an idiot. Hell,
you can't help but agree with her. She's absolutely right. She may
have no couth or tact, but she's mostly right... and that's a really
hard thing to convey on screen. We could have easily hated Erin
here. She could have been seen as a bitch, slut and bad mother. But
with Roberts in the role, you see Erin for what she really is in
reality - something special. I mean, she has to be something special
to do what she did, right? You may not yet know exactly what Erin
did, and that's for the best. Just watch this film and enjoy - and I
think you'll end up agreeing with me.
Soderbergh films usually make for great DVDs, and this is no
exception. Although this disc isn't as heavy with Soderbergh's
participation as Out of Sight,
The Underneath or The
Limey, it's still is a great presentation. The video is
available in anamorphic widescreen, and Universal's done a nice job.
The print is flawless and the transfer is wonderful. We get some
gorgeous color work in this film and the disc represents it very
well. All the natural light shots are full of detail, with beautiful
texture. There are few moments of artifacting, and some edge
enhancement in a few scenes, but it certainly won't distract from
your viewing pleasure. The sound is also wonderful. It's done up in
Dolby Digital 5.1 and comes across very naturally. The dialogue is
centered up front and there's some interesting play in the rear
channels, but usually only for the music. All in all, the track is
nice and clear. It's quite enjoyable.
On the subject of extras, first off, I'd like to say this: I would
have liked a feature-length commentary track. I've had this disc for
a while, and I thought it had a commentary track. It does, in a way.
There's something like 17 deleted scenes on this disc, totaling 30
minutes. Soderbergh does a commentary on these scenes, explaining
why he cut what he cut, how painful it was to cut certain scenes and
how much he enjoyed shooting some of them. As for the scenes
themselves, pretty much all of them deserved to be in the film. But
it would have made the movie almost three hours (actually, I think
he says the original running time was 3 hours and 10 minutes - ugh),
so he made the right decision. There's a few derivative scenes, and
a storyline about Erin getting sick (either from the accident in the
beginning of the film or from exposure to the chemicals she's
fighting so hard against). It's nice to hear why they were cut. I
like Soderbergh's work and the way he talks about it - he's never at
a loss. His track on The Limey
ranks as one of my favorites this year, and I would have loved to
hear him on this disc during the whole film, maybe with the real
Erin Brockovich and/or Julia Roberts. The absence of a full-length
commentary is noticeable. It probably all came down to a scheduling
problem, but it would have been a welcome addition. Also included on
this DVD are trailers for this film, Out
of Sight and Notting Hill,
an interview with the real life Erin Brockovich (with a few bits of
the real Ed Masry), a Spotlight on
Location featurette, production notes, cast and crew info
and a video promotion for the Jurassic
Park DVDs. One last note - the DVD-ROM material amounts
to a bunch of studio weblinks. Don't even bother with it.
One person can make a difference... and one person's struggle can
make a great film. This disc isn't the greatest special edition, and
I would have liked more. But what we get is fine, so I'll keep my
yap shut. As a DVD of a recent, mainstream movie, this is a pretty
good effort from Universal.
Todd Doogan |