Site created 12/15/97. |

review added: 6/1/00
American Movie
Edition - 1999 (2000) - Columbia TriStar
review by Adam Jahnke of
The Digital Bits
Rating: A-
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras): B+/A/A
Specs and Features
104 mins, R, full frame (1.33:1), single-sided, dual-layered (no layer switch),
Amaray keep case packaging, Coven short
film, audio commentary (with director Chris Smith, producer Sarah Price and cast
members Mark Borchardt and Mike Schank), 22 deleted scenes, trailers for American
Movie, Crumb, Welcome
to the Dollhouse, The Opposite of Sex
and SLC Punk, web link, film-themed menu
screens, scene access (28 chapters), languages: English (DD 2.0 mono),
subtitles: English and Spanish, Closed Captioned |
"We're in America today and
we're ready to roll."
For the average person on the street, the phrase "independent cinema"
means a movie that only costs one or two million dollars instead of twenty-five,
and stars Steve Buscemi and Parker Posey instead of Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts.
Some of us, though, have quite a different picture in mind when we talk about
independent movies. The budget is slightly less than what it will actually cost
to buy the raw film stock, the locations, props and costumes are begged and
borrowed from the things around you, and the cast is made up of everybody you've
ever met. At this point I suggest we drop the use of the word "independent"
when referring to these kinds of movies. These are DIY movies (Do It Yourself,
for those of you unfamiliar with either punk music or home improvement).
DIY movies aren't always the easiest things in the world to watch. Believe me,
working at Troma, I've sat through more than my fair share. But sometimes you'll
stumble across something really unique and, always, the filmmakers' passion and
enthusiasm for what they're doing will come through. American
Movie, a terrific new documentary, introduces us to Mark Borchardt, a
DIY filmmaker from Milwaukee with more genuine love for making movies than I've
seen on display in any of the behind-the-scenes features on major studio DVDs in
the past year.
The movie introduces us to Mark as he's in pre-production on his first feature
film, Northwestern. After several
production meetings and auditions, that movie falls apart. Undaunted, Mark
refocuses his energies on completing Coven
(pronounced CO-ven, because the other way, cuv-en, rhymes with oven and that
just doesn't work), a short horror film he started the year before. The scheme
sorry, plan
is to sell Coven on VHS
at $15 a pop and finish funding Northwestern
with the proceeds. What follows should be familiar to anybody who's ever picked
up an 8 or 16mm camera and headed outside with a bunch of friends - difficulties
rounding up cast members, cajoling family members into helping out, and
all-night marathon editing sessions. But Mark has two secret weapons that other
filmmakers don't. One is an almost superhuman confidence in what he's doing. No
matter what goes wrong (and plenty does), Mark perseveres. The other is his
friend Mike Schank, one of the most genial and laid back people ever captured on
Director Chris Smith spent two years with Mark and it shows. Mark and his
friends have been playing with cameras all their lives, so if at times they seem
to be playing towards the camera, they are. But Smith is able to capture some
remarkably intimate and honest moments as well, particularly with Mark's Uncle
Bill, the executive producer (that is, he's putting up the money) of
Coven. American
Movie won Best Documentary at the 1999 Sundance Film Festival, a sign
that good things can still occasionally come out of that increasingly
commercialized festival.
Columbia TriStar has done an exemplary job putting together this disc,
particularly since this is hardly going to sell in record numbers. The
full-frame video is surprisingly good, though the edited in footage from Mark's
movies is understandably of considerably lesser quality. This is not going to
replace A Bug's Life as the disc you use
to show off your DVD player to friends. My appreciation for the transfer
increased after listening to the commentary track, as Smith tells a few
anecdotes about his own problems shooting the documentary. The mono sound is
also excellent, and Sarah Price discusses her own problems in that department on
the commentary, so I'll leave her to justify any faults.
But it's the special features that really make this disc. Mark and Mike also
participate on the commentary track. There's a few gaps, surprising when you've
got four people in the room, and once in a while they'll simply repeat what's
being said on the dialogue track. However, these are minor prices to pay for
some of the genuine insights into the movie that are imparted over the course of
the track. The disc also contains the complete 35-minute short film
Coven. Perhaps surprisingly, it's not half
bad (I've seen plenty of genuinely awful short films to know the difference).
Continuity is somewhat questionable and there's some rough patches, but Mark has
done some good work here. It compels you to watch to the end, which is more than
I can say for a lot of movies. I would have enjoyed hearing a commentary by Mark
and Mike on Coven, but that's a minor
complaint. The real prize on this disc is the generous selection of deleted
scenes. Deleted scenes on DVDs almost always disappoint me. They're often
unfinished looking and, even when the director passionately declares how hard it
was for him to cut a scene, it's usually pretty obvious that the movie works
much better without it. American Movie
provides nearly enough deleted scenes for a whole other movie. And while I can
understand why they were trimmed (they're tangential to the main narrative),
they're all pretty damn funny.
American Movie is one of the best
documentaries I've seen in recent years and Columbia TriStar deserves high
praise for giving it such a respectful treatment on DVD. Now if only we could
see some movies by Michael Moore and Godfrey Reggio released on DVD, I would be
one happy non-fiction film fan.
Adam Jahnke |