created 12/15/97. |
added: 11/10/99
list of films that damn well ought to be on DVD, Round Two |
Okay. So by now, most of you have made yourselves very clear. We
now know what a great many of you want to see on DVD. The feedback
we received on the original
of must-be-on-DVD-soon films that Bill and I did a few months
ago, generally found about an 85% to 90% agreement rate with
everyone who responded. You also made sure that we knew EXACTLY what
you were looking forward to seeing on our favorite video format by
the end of 2000. So here, for everyone's enjoyment, is a list of
everything you told me you wanted to see, plus our own choices.
For the most part, every one of the suggestions were killer. Most
of these titles you'll know. Those that you're not familiar with are
probably classics, or the cream of foreign titles we could think of.
Some things were a bit off the beaten path. But some are so obvious
that you'll find yourself scratching your head that someone didn't
think to put them on DVD already. For the most part, we think this
is a solid list. And while it may seem long, this list probably only
scratches the surface of most studio catalogs. Why, for example, has
Warner (which is working well into their catalog) virtually ignored
their RKO films and classic Looney Toons animated shorts (not to
pick on one studio)? In any case, at this point, basically
everything we could think of that's deserving of DVD treatment is
covered by this list. We know there are probably titles missing, and
we'll update frequently as new requests come in. But, to misquote
Jack Nicholson in Easy Rider, "It's
a dandy of a list."
I hope you enjoy looking it over. It was a load of fun pulling it
together. A great majority of you guys are pretty passionate about
some of these films. Who would have thought I would get a full essay
about the importance of the Max Headroom
television series on DVD? I did, and it makes absolute sense. What
you'll find below, works out to be 7 full pages of added titles. Of
them all, Bill and I plan to cull out our select list of 25 titles
that we feel the studios should make a priority. When we post that
priority list, we'll tell you who owns the rights, and why it should
be on DVD (in our opinion - look for it soon). One last note: we
already know that a few titles in the list below are on the way to
DVD, but they haven't been officially announced yet.
Okay, one more last note: we need not say that all films should be
presented in their original aspect ratio (no pan & scan crap
please), unedited (the director gets last say, thank you), and all
widescreen format movies should be enhanced for anamorphic-capable
displays (16x9), right?
The List of Movies:
12 Angry Men (1957)
12 O'clock High
1984 (Orwell adaptation with John Hurt)
2001 (anamorphic anyone?)
3 O'Clock High
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
Absolutely Fabulous (BBC series)
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (you've talked about this MGM -
time to deliver!)
L'Age D'Or
AIP/Corman Poe Titles (2 to a disc!)
Akira (word is Pioneer is working hard on this one - but no date is
announced and this is why it's on here)
Aladdin: Special Edition
All That Jazz
All The Mornings of the World (Tous Les Matins Du Mondes)
Allegro Non Troppo
Amadeus (RSDL dual)
American Flyers
American Me
American Ninja (I was fooled into putting this one on the list)
The Apartment (1960)
Apartment Zero
L' Appartement
Apu Trilogy: Pather Panchali (1955), Aparajito (1956) & Apur
Sansar (1959)
Are You Being Served (BBC series)
Arsenic and Old Lace
The Art of Buster Keaton 1-3
Baby of Macon
Babylon 5 (TV series)
Bachelor Party
Bad Taste
Barbra Streisand: One Voice
Barton Fink
Baseball (Ken Burns)
Basic Instinct (Director's Cut)
Battle of Britain
Battlestar Galactica episodes
Beatles Anthology
The Bedford Incident
Bedknobs and Broomsticks: SE
Before Sunrise
Being There
Belle Du Jour
Belly of an Architect
Betty Blue (Director's Cut)
Beverly Hills Cop
The Big Country
The Big Sleep
Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey
Bill Cosby: Himself
The Birds
Bizet's Carmen
Blood Diner
Blue Velvet
Bound by Honor
The Boys In Company "C"
Brain Candy
Braindead: The Dead Alive Special Edition with additional footage
Breaking Away
Breaking the Waves: SE
Breathless (both the 1960 and 1983 versions)
Bridge Over River Kwai
Bringing Up Baby
The Brood
Bucket of Blood
Bugsy Malone
Burn Witch Burn
Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid
By Dawn's Early Light
Caddyshack: SE
Cemetery Man
Cheech and Chong (all 6 films with commentary and SE materials like
the Get Out of My Room video)
Children of Paradise
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (and for God's sake in anamorphic
widescreen this time!)
City of Hope
City Slickers
Citizen Kane
The Civil War (Ken Burns)
Clash: Rude Boy
Cloak & Dagger
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Coldblooded (because Joel wants it)
Comperes, Les
The Conquerer (1956 - John Wayne as Genghis Khan) this time 16x9
widescreen with remastered sound
The Conversation
Crimson Tide: SE
Critters and its sequels
Cronenberg's Stereo and Crimes of the Future
Crow: Mirimax Collector's Series
Cry Baby (Theatrical version on side A/Television version on side
The Cure: In Orange
Damnation Alley
Das Boot (RSDL dual)
The Day the Earth Caught Fire
Dead Pool
Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam
Death on the Nile
Death Warrant
Death Wish
The Devils
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
Diva: Remastered
Dr. Detroit
Dragon Half
Dragon Slayer
Dressed To Kill
Drowning By Numbers
Dune (long version)
E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial
Earrings of Madame Du
Easy Money
Eating Raoul
Ed Wood
Eddie Murphy: Delirious
Eddie Murphy: RAW
Edward Scissorhands
Eight Men Out
Elephant Man
Emerald Forest
The Enforcer
The English Patient: Special Edition (16x9!)
Erik The Viking (16x9 with Terry Jones Commentary)
Every single title in Animego's Samurai Line!!!
Every Which Way But Loose
Every Which Way You Can
Evil Under the Sun
Exocist 3
Exterminating Angel
Fail Safe
Fantasia (16x9)
Fantastic Voyage
Faraway, So Close!
Fawlty Towers TV series
Fear of a Black Hat
Female Trouble
Final Countdown
Fistful of Dynamite (aka Duck You Sucker!)
Five Heartbeats
Flight of the Intruder
The Fog
Forrest Gump
Force Ten From Navarone
Fritz The Cat
From Beyond
Fugitifs, Les
Gettysburg- expanded version
Giant Robo
Glengarry Glen Ross
Gone in 60 Seconds
Gone With the Wind: SE
Good Guys Wear Black
Grand Canyon
Great Expectations (1998)
Greatest Show on Earth
Gremlins 2: The New Batch
Gremlins: SE
The Guns of Navarone
Hairdresser's Husband (Le Mari De La Coiffeuse)
Hamlet (1996)
Hangar 18
Hardware Wars: Special Edition (with Troops, Close Cases of the
Nerd Kind, Bambi Meets Godzilla and Porklips Now - a great movie
spoofs disc)
HBO Comedy Specials
Heat: SE
Heaven And Earth (1990 Japanese)
Henry V (new)
Hidden Fortress
Highlander (the current version sucks)
Hill Street Blues (TV series)
His Girl Friday
Holy Mountain
Honeymoon In Vegas
Horse's Mouth
Hot Shots (and Part Deux)
The Howling
The Hunger
I Bury The Living
I Love Lucy episodes
I Love You To Death
I, Claudius (uncut TV miniseries)
Ice Storm
I'm Gonna Git You Sucka
The Indiana Jones Trilogy
Jackie Brown
Jake Speed
James and the Giant Peach
Jean De Florette
JFK: Director's Cut (RSDL dual)
Johnny Dangerously
Joy Luck Club
Jungle Book (Live Action)
Jurassic Park/Lost World
Kelly's Heroes
Kentucky Fried Movie
Kids In The Hall episodes
Kieslowski's Three Colors Trilogy (Bleu/Blanc/Rouge - in 16x9)
Kiki's Delivery Service
Killer -- Reissue
King Creole
Kissing Cousins
Koyaanisqatsi (and its sequels, Powaqqatsi & Naqoyqatsi)
La Dolce Vita
The Lady from Shanghai
Larry Sanders Show (HBO Series)
Last of the Dogmen
Last Unicorn
Last Waltz
Let It Be
Like Water for Chocolate
Lion King
Little Shop Of Horrors: SE -- Reissue
Lone Star
Lonesome Dove series
Long Goodbye
Lord of the Rings
Lost Highway
Lost in America
Loved One
Lovers on the Bridge (Les Amants Du Pont Neuf)
M. Butterfly
Macross 1984 (Japanese TV series)
Mad Max with original dialogue track
Magnum Force
The Maltese Falcon
Man Bites Dog
Manhattan Project
Manon of the Spring (Manon de Sources)
Map of the Human Heart
Max Headroom series
The Maxx (MTV Series)
McCabe and Mrs. Miller
Miami Vice series
Millennium (TV Series)
Miller's Crossing
Miracle Mile
Mission (16x9)
Modern Romance
Monsieur Hire
Moonstruck (16x9)
More Spike & Mike's Festival Of Animation's
Mr. Show With Bob and David (HBO series)
Muppet Movie (and sequels like Great Muppet Caper)
Murder on the Orient Express
My Darling Clementine
My Father's Glory
My Favorite Year
My Mother's Castle
My New Partner (Les Ripoux)
My Uncle (Mon Oncle)
Mystic Pizza
Naked Gun movies and TV series
The Name of the Rose
The Natural
Nausicaa (sub and dub)
Navigator: A Medieval Odyssey
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Never Cry Wolf
Night of the Hunter
Now, Voyager
North by Northwest
Omega Man
Once Upon a Time in America
One Crazy Summer
Only Angels Have Wings
Ordinary People
Othello (1995)
Out Of Africa
Papillon (16x9)
Paris, Texas
Party Animal
Peanuts Specials: w/ isolated music score
Pennies from Heaven
Peter Gabriel Secret World Concert
Phantom of the Paradise
Pink Floyd: Pulse
Pirate Movie
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Platoon: Re Release
Play it Again Sam
Point Break: SE (with Bigelow commentary)
Possession (1981): Region 1
Predator 2
Prime Cut
The Princess Bride
Prisoner (TV series)
Producers (with Mel Brooks commentary)
Prospero's Books
Pulp Fiction: Mirimax Collector's Series
Rabid Race with the Devil
Raging Bull: SE
Ran: Special Edition (we need a MUCH better looking DVD of Ran -
16x9 anyone?)
Rapid Fire
Real Life
Real Men
Rear Window
Red Dwarf (BBC series)
Reilly: Ace of Spies
Ren and Stimpy
Revenge of the Nerds
Richard III (1995)
Right Stuff: SE (16x9 and RSDL)
Robin and Marian
Robin and the 7 Hoods
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Roger & Me
Roman Holiday
Roots (TV miniseries)
Rosencrantz and Guilderstern are Dead
Rules of the Game
Rush: Exit Stage Left
Rush: Scrooge's Rock and Roll Christmas
Rush: Show Of Hands (okay - so someone is a Rush fan out there)
Sabrina (1954 and 1995)
Sand Pebbles
Saturday Night Fever
Say Anything
Scarface: Remastered
Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills
Schindler's List
School House Rock (the original episodes)
Seinfeld episodes
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
Shining (TV series)
Shogun (TV miniseries)
Silver Bullet
Six Degree of Seperation
Smila's Sense of Snow
Some Kind Of Wonderful
Son of Frankenstein (see Bill, you make a passionate argument and
we listen)
Song of the South
Sound of Music, The
Southern Comfort
Soylent Green (it's made of people!)
Space: 1999 episodes
The Spirit of St. Louis
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Wars saga: original and special edition versions
Steel Magnolias
Strange Brew
The Stunt Man
Sudden Impact
Superman 1 & 2
Tales from a Parallel Universe (4 movie series aka Supernova in
Tank Girl
Terms of Endearment
Terror Train
That Thing You Do
This Is Spinal Tap -- reissue
THX 1138
Tick episodes
To Have and Have Not (with Bacall track)
To Live and Die in L.A.
Tombstone: Special Edition
Top Gun (16x9)
Toy Story
Trading Places
Transformers: The Movie (uncut)
Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Tucker - The Man and His Dream
Tune in Tomorrow
TV Nation (complete series with Michael Moore commentary)
Twilight Zone: The Movie
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
U2 - Rattle and Hum
U2 - The Unforgettable Fire Collection
Until the End of the World
Urban Cowboy
"V" series and MFT movies
Vampire Princess Miyu
Les Visiteurs (The Visitors, starring Jean Reno)
Voyage Into Space
Waiting For Guffman (ala Spinal Tap with deleted footage added back
Week End (Godard 1967)
Weird Science
We're No Angels (1955)
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
White Heat
White Water Summer
Wild at Heart
Wings of Desire
The Wizard of Speed and Time
Wizards (animated)
Working Girl
Young Indiana Jones (TV Series)
And Some Odds & Ends:
Everything by David Lynch
Everything by John Sayles
Everything By The Coen Bros.
Everything by Hitchcock
Russ Meyer Library
Disney Cartoons (Complete and properly mastered in order - ala the
LD sets)
Looney Toons Cartoons - Warner (Complete and properly mastered in
order - ala the LD sets)
New Transfers for everything that came out 4:3 when they should be
Todd Doogan |
to Current |