created 12/15/97. |

added: 12/14/01
in the Red Room
are tons of discs pouring out of the studios right now. There are
some great horror titles, truly classic foreign films and TV series
out the wahzoo. And yet, I'm sad. My two favorite genres are left
almost totally in the dark.
Where are the spaghetti westerns and where are the samurai films? I
mean, there are tons and tons of those films, and yet all we get are
a few films from Anchor Bay (two come out next week, see my list of
10) and the highbrow classic sword yarns from Criterion. I want
Zatoichi! I want
Lone Wolf and Cub! I
especially want Lady Snowblood!
When I dug into exactly why I can't have what I want, I'm told that
the licenses are too expensive. Seems the rights holders think their
product is worth too much and that the audience in the States is
just a few gung ho fans - some measly scholars and me. And when
there are films available, I'm told that the source material is way
too poor to put onto DVD. Now, I don't want crap... but I do what
some of my favorite films on DVD where they belong.
Maybe Santa will bring me a stack of really cool spaghetti westerns
and samurai films for Christmas. It would be very nice of him. And
yet, I feel like I'm setting myself up for a disappointment.
Anyway, I'm slowly getting back into the grind. My wife's play went
off incredibly well. If any Bits
readers showed up and supported the show, thanks from the bottom of
my heart. This week I'm going to take a look at the best TV product
to come out on DVD yet, as well as a lame John Carpenter flick
recently released. Next week, look for two columns - one on Tuesday,
to get me back in the swing, and another on Friday before the
Bits takes a Christmas
Ho-ho-ho...! |

Peaks: The First Season
Special Edition - 1990
(2001) - Artisan
Film Rating: A
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras): A/A+/A
Specs and Features:
336 mins, NR, full frame (1.33:1), 4 single-sided, dual-layered
discs, library case packaging with slip cover, audio commentaries
(by episode one director Duwayne Dunham, series director of
photography Frank Byers, episode three director Tina Rathborne,
episode four director Tim Hunter, episode five director Lesli Linka
Glatter, episode six director Caleb Deschanel with series writer
Harley Peyton and series production designer Richard Hoover), Bravo
Network Log Lady intros, on-screen script note access, Mark Frost
interview with Wrapped in Plastic founders Craig Miller and John
Thorne, Learning to Speak in the Red Room
with Michael J. Anderson featurette,
An Introduction to David Lynch
featurette, 17 Pieces of Pie: Shooting at
the Mar T (AKA RR) Diner featurette,
The Twin Peaks Directory (with
filmographies, biographies and postcards from the cast), Easter eggs
on each episode's special features menu, animated film themed menu
screens with sound, scene access (8 to 10 chapters per episode),
languages: English (Dolby Digital 5.1 & 2.0 and DTS 5.1),
subtitles: none, Closed Captioned
the darkness of futures past, the magician longs to see. One chants
out between two worlds: Fire Walk With Me."
If you're looking for a detailed deconstruction of the history,
themes and reasons for and behind Twin
Peaks, you're not going to find it here. In fact, I don't
have that much to say about the series aside from this: I really
like it. I think the first season was probably the best thing to
ever crawl onto a television screen. Sure, I like other television
shows better than this, but Twin Peaks
really helped a lot of quirky shows become even quirkier. Without
Twin Peaks, you could say
goodbye to The X-Files or
Ally McBeal. I like the show
because, for the year and a half it was on, Twin
Peaks helped remake television for the better.
Twin Peaks surrounds one
simple question: "Who killed Laura Palmer?" Laura was a
simple and sweet girl who organized Meals-on-Wheels programs, helped
tutor mentally challenged teenage boys and dated the captain of the
high school football team. But, as we find out, Laura had secrets...
and secrets are dangerous things. As it turns out, just about
everyone had a reason to kill Laura. So FBI Special Agent Dale
Cooper comes into town with a high powered pistol, hand-held voice
recorder and the metabolism of a hummingbird to find out exactly who
did it.
Sadly, the series was just too weird to work for the network.
Twin Peaks died a quiet death
after the second season, long before the twine unraveled. David
Lynch, one of the creators behind the show, went on to make a
prequel (Fire Walk with Me)
which didn't too well, but at least told us who did the deed and
why. There's been talk of wrapping the series itself up with another
stand alone film, but financing keeps falling through, so it may or
may not ever happen. But ten years later, Twin
Peaks has finally come to DVD and it's a real winner in
my book.
First off, it's important to note that the pilot episode is not in
this set. Why? Rights issues I guess. Republic released a Chinese
DVD of the episode that's actually pretty okay. The video on that
DVD isn't very good, but the whole pilot is there and it doesn't
feature the extra stuff or tacked on ending seen in the European
theatrical version Warner released on video. But it's not in this
set, so no use crying over spilled milk, right? Anyway, once you get
over that, you'll find that these episodes look and sound
incredible. The full frame transfers are gorgeous, with luscious
color, excellent blacks and really nice detail. This is how TV
product should look on DVD. But the quality doesn't stop there. The
sound is also wonderful... and you get no less than three seperate
options - a standard Dolby Digital 2.0, Dolby Digital 5.1 and a
really cool DTS 5.1 track. Anyone who knows anything about David
Lynch films knows that, right from the beginning with his early
shorts and Eraserhead, he was
all about sound. So having an atmospheric DTS track is the best you
could ask for in terms of sound for these mini-movies. The other
tracks are just as nice and alive, but the DTS track is very wicked.
Each disc features two episodes, with the fourth and final disc
holds one episode and the supplements.
But before we get to Disc Four, let's talk the extras that ride
along with the episodes. Each one of the episodes features audio
commentary from someone behind the scenes on that episode. Usually
it's the director, except when Lynch directed the episode. Because
Mr. Lynch doesn't like to interpret his own work, he's decided not
to do commentaries. In those two instances on this set, we hear from
the production designer and the director of photography instead,
which still works out quite well. These tracks are all fairly good
for the most part, though I think the series itself stands better
without someone giving the details of how it was made. Thankfully,
the commentaries are all pretty masturbatory - we don't get too much
"mythos" about the series itself. It's mostly just me, me,
me stuff. So if you're interested in that, you'll like these tracks
well enough. Also, along with the episodes are some "script
notes". You can choose to read them in the chapter access menu
or turn on a "white rabbit" feature that allows you to
access the script note where it would have appeared in the episode.
These notes explain deleted scenes or extended dialogue that was cut
for some reason or another. I liked this feature, except for two
things. One, it doesn't seem like you can turn the rabbit off once
it's activated - even if you start the episode over. Maybe it's just
my system and me, but each one of the episodes gave me the same
guff. The other is: if you choose to access the feature without the
rabbit, you have to click around and hunt for the notes in the
chapter access section. And they're not supposed to be Easter eggs -
they're just buried under layers of pseudo-art. Don't get me wrong,
the menu screens look good on this set. But their functionality
rates a big fat zero in my book. Finishing off the extras on the
episodes are the Bravo Network introductions from the Log Lady. You
can turn this on and watch the vague philosophy unfold. The video
quality is quite poor, especially when held up against the show
quality, but they're still neat to see. Oh... and be on the lookout
for intentional Easter eggs on the special features menu screens for
each episode. You get an outtake of the video interview with the
crewmember that did the commentary for that episode. They're all
pretty quirky and fun to watch.
Disc Four holds a secret area called Tibet,
which explores the world of Twin Peaks
a little more thoroughly than the commentaries do. First, there's an
odd little thing called Mark Frost
interview with Wrapped in Plastic. It's exactly what it
sounds like - a video interview with WIP founders Craig Miller and
John Thorne. The odd thing here is, the original video with Miller
and Thorne had to be scrapped - so it's been reshot. Why it's even
here is a mystery. It makes no sense. Oh, well. Next up is
Learning to Speak in the Red Room
with the man from another place himself: Michael J. Anderson. This
featurette teaches you how to talk backwards. It's shot on video
with 80s era equipment, but it's fun enough to be worth at least one
viewing. After that are a series of video interviews with the cast
and crew from the show. Entitled: An
Introduction to David Lynch, it's just stories about
Lynch and a bit about why he doesn't really like being read into.
17 Pieces of Pie: Shooting at the Mar T
(AKA RR) Diner is a video interview with the woman who
owned the diner the show shot at for the pilot. It's neat, but not
really valuable. Finally, there's The
Twin Peaks Directory. This is a wheel of connection,
piecing together everyone in the cast. Some of the cast have little
video postcards on where they are now and what they look like ten
years later. Not everyone is included. There are, however,
filmographies and biographies for just about everyone, along with an
index of each show (with details about who wrote and directed each,
and its air date). It's all very interesting stuff but, like all the
other menus, the usability is next to nil. All of the supplements
have this weird psuedo-Lynchian feel to them. Shot on video and very
unstable, it becomes very annoying, very quickly. But as it stands,
the info is worth working your way through the menus.
Twin Peaks was and is a great
show - a fact underlined quite well on DVD. This is really a nice
way to re-explore the series. All the extras are fun and worth
checking out, although whoever designed the menus should be wrapped
in plastic. Hopefully, the next set will be better done, but somehow
I doubt it. Still, just getting the whole series on DVD will be
nice. I really enjoyed watching these episodes and hearing from the
cast again. Now if someone will just get Warner to put out the
pilot/European theatrical version to complete the collection... |
Peaks: The First Season - Special Edition


of Mars
Special Edition - 2001
(2001) - Screen Gems (Columbia TriStar)
Film Rating: C-
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras):
Specs and Features:
98 mins, R, letterboxed widescreen (2.40:1), 16x9 enhanced, full
frame (1.33:1), single-sided, dual-layered, Amaray keepcase
packaging, audio commentary (with co-writer/director John Carpenter
and actress Natasha Henstridge), Red
Desert Nights: Making Ghosts of Mars featurette,
Ghosts of Mars: Special Effects
Deconstruction featurette, Scoring
Ghosts of Mars featurette, cast and crew filmographies,
film-themed menu screens, scene access (28 chapters), languages:
English (DD 5.1), subtitles: English and French, Closed Captioned
Carpenter is going to Hell in a hand basket. I never thought I'd
ever say that, but I think it's true. His last couple of films have
really sucked... this one included. And save your e-mails calling me
a jerk. I am a big fan of John's overall. I'm just very disappointed
with his recent output.
Ghosts of Mars is about the
colonization of Mars. We've built it up and watched it grow.
Apparently, women are in control there for some unexplained reason.
The film is told in flashback from Natasha Henstridge's point of
view. She's sorta on trial because of something that's happened to
her. What? Well... we'll see. Henstridge is a Martian Marshall and
she's been sent to pick up a grade-A psycho from a mining town jail.
The psycho, Desolation Williams, is a criminal with a capital C. Why
it's not Snake Plissken, we'll never know. Anyway, Williams (played
by Ice Cube) is about to be loaded onto a train and brought back to
the city, when all of a sudden the whole mining town goes crazy. The
workers have pierced themselves with everything and anything they
can find and, in effect, have made meat bags out of each other.
Apparently, they have been taken over by the spirits of an ancient
alien warrior race and they want revenge or something. The rest of
the movie is basically unballetic violence, where stuff explodes and
people just fly through the air screaming at the camera. I was bored
throughout the entire film. Worst of all, everyone seemed to have
forgotten how to act, because the cheese is just pouring out of this
thing. In the end, I found the whole thing to be a huge waste, which
is a shame because the basic idea here was pretty cool.
This new DVD gives us the film in two formats (on different layers
of a single-sided disc): anamorphic widescreen and full frame. The
video quality is pretty good. It's a dark film, shot at night, but
there are only a few instances of grain. Color and contrast are
excellent and you'll get no complaints from me. The sound is limited
to an English Dolby Digital 5.1 mix, which is loud and quite
playful. It also shouldn't disappoint any fans out there.
Surprisingly, the extras here aren't half bad. We get the standard
audio commentary track with John Carpenter, this time with actress
Natasha Henstridge. They both seem to love the film and think pretty
highly of it. I guess when you invest that much time and energy into
something, you have no choice but to like it. Either way, the track
is informative and as much fun as any Carpenter track out there.
There are a few behind-the-scenes featurettes as well.
Red Desert Nights: Making Ghosts of Mars
looks at the overall making of the film. There're no voice-overs, no
interviews - just production footage. It's a bit off-putting, but
seems to work all right. Next is Ghosts
of Mars: Special Effects Deconstruction. This featurette
shows what was done and how, in terms of some of the bigger effects
scenes. Surprisingly, a lot of miniature work was done and it's neat
to see how this comes together. Finally, we get
Scoring Ghosts of Mars.
Carpenter, along with metal band Anthrax, guitar god Steve Vai and
the mysterious "Buckethead" lay down the music and play
with the mood of the film. We get to see it first hand. Rock on.
There's also a cast and crew filmography section, but no trailers.
Ghosts of Mars is a popcorn
film. I guess you could like it if you weren't really expecting
anything, but I just felt it sucked. Maybe, over time, I'll change
my mind. But for now, I'm sticking to my guns. This DVD is very nice
overall - better than I expected. But it doesn't make me feel any
different about the film. |
of Mars: Special Edition
