created 12/15/97.

added: 12/9/05
Bat Time, Same Bat Channel
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so I've liked the X-Men
I've never been one of those they're-the-end-all-be-all of
superhero flicks advocates, but I thought they were at least good
cinematic experiences. Bryan Singer is a very competent director. He
knows his way around both actors and the camera, and that's hard to
find in a director these days. And say what you will about Brett
Ratner: he's slightly hacky and his movies tend to be style over
substance, even when he's trying to do something more substantial
like The Family Man. But his
action films are very well handled and always engaging. He does have
a tendency to hire dramatic actors that "don't" need
directing because they're so damned good, but my experience as a
filmgoer shows that those are exactly the actors that need to be
directed. A fine actor getting great directing always makes for a
better film. Left to themselves, you get self absorbed performances
that reek of ham.
So, with all that said, the trailer for X3
is out now and it's pretty damn sweet. Check it out
I love and hate trailers. They've gotten so good (and bad) that I
don't even need to see a flick anymore. I can just watch the trailer
and know exactly what happens. Hell, I watched the trailer for Saw
II and knew instantly that someone in the trailer was in
on Jigsaw's action plan. Still haven't seen the film or read a
single review, but I promise you I know just from the trailer how it
The same goes with the X3
trailer. Want a SPOILER based on nothing but the trailer? Without an
informed behind-the-scenes/spy script review, I will say that Jean
goes bad (but probably not as the Dark Phoenix we know and love from
comic book continuity) and Professor X dies saving her (and thusly
the world) and that's his funeral in the trailer.
Beast and Juggernaut look like ass though. Sorry, but Nightcrawler
and Colossus looked like ass in X2,
so I won't hold Ratner responsible for those grievances.
Look, if Ratner just made Rush Hour,
Money Talks and Family
Man, I wouldn't be scared. But he raped the pooch with
Red Dragon. There was no
reason for that flick to suck as bad as it did. There was no
redemption with After the Sunset
either, which was a waste of time, money and celluloid. BUT heading
up my favorite new show on this TV season, Prison
Break, has saved him a bit, in my eyes at least. This
X3 trailer ups his cache a
little bit more. Enough to excite me a smidge. So I say to you fan
boys and girls, if a jaded prick like me can want to see something
of Ratner's and not hold Family Man,
Red Dragon and After
the Sunset against him, why can't you?
Alright, so my rant is done. My time became limited again, but I'm
training (*cough* forcing *cough*) myself to at least write about
something this week. So... since the subject was superheroes how
about a Doogan's View look at
the recently released Batman
quadrilogy on DVD?
'sright? 'sright.

The Motion Picture Anthology 1989 - 1997
1989-1997 (2005) - Warner Bros.
We all know Batman. We
seem to like him more collectively in his
version than we do in his previous incarnations on TV, movie
serials and the Burton/Schumacher four-fer. But we shouldn't
loose sight that the first three versions of Batman
on the big screen are actually pretty good. You just have to...
uhm... keep 'em in perspective. Here's the deal...
Batman, directed by Tim
Burton and released in 1989, is a dark, foreboding vision that
ushered in an era of darkly stylized filmmaking the like of
which really hasn't been seen since the days of film noir from
RKO, Fox and WB. It also represented the Frank Miller Batman
style without the storytelling of Frank Miller. Miller will now
be more closely linked to Begins,
so in all fairness, Batman
(1989) really is more akin to the serials in tone. I would
certainly say that as a film adaptation of the Batman
serials, Batman is utterly
perfect. Nicholson is genius as Joker... but why, oh why did
they kill him? Oh well. I give Batman
a solid B+ as a Batman
Batman Returns is not a
Batman movie. I mean,
obviously it is, but it's so purely Burtonesque that it's just
not fair to rank it as a franchise film. As such, it would fail.
But as a piece of cinema, Batman
Returns is my very favorite of all the Batman
incarnations. Keaton is great, Penguin is great, Catwoman is
great, Max Schreck is great, the music, production design and
effects... they're all great. Batman
Returns is just great. But my rank for Batman status
is C+. As a film, it's an
on, Joel Schumacher's Batman Forever
is presented as a comic book on film. It's the 1970s Batman
brought from the page to the screen. Kilmer is wonderful as Bruce
Wayne/Batman. The villains are in line with the first two: a bit
over the top, but not the TV versions quite yet. Sure, Chris
O'Donnell is a weak-ass Robin, but he's hardly in the film so he
barely tarnishes it. Overall, this is a great Batman
film. We can look back on it now and hate it because of its sequel,
but don't kid yourself... when it came out, we all loved it. This
Batman gets an A-.
Finally, there is Batman & Robin.
What can I say? This is a movie version of the TV show... and there
should NEVER have been a movie version of the TV show. Everything
about it sucks. Clooney wasn't a good Batman. O'Donnell still isn't
Robin. Batgirl is a misstep in purpose, origin and casting; Uma and
Arnold are not worth discussing. I hate Batman
& Robin. You hate Batman &
Robin. Let's just give it an F
and be done with it. Although, hey... if you want to see a version
of the film that actually works a bit more (not much more, but it's
still better than the original), troll around online and see if you
can scare up a view of the bootleg edit Greencapt's
Batman & Robin Deassified. I've seen it and I have to
say it makes an unwatchable film watchable.
So, as a whole, the Batman
films are worth seeing. Okay... maybe not Batman
& Robin. But as DVDs, I think these new special
editions are all really worth owning. Let's see if I can explain
the films feature new digitally-restored transfers in 1.85:1
anamorphic widescreen, and I have to say, they look really nice. All
of 'em. The first two - the Burtons - are dark and rich with subtle
grays, hard blacks and electric white and blue. There's some grain
here and there throughout these two films, especially the first one,
but it's not a fault of the transfers. I'd have to guess that what
we're seeing here are the limitations of special effects films made
in a time before digital CGI, magnified by Burton's love of
in-camera effects. The second two films look more like what we're
used to seeing on DVD. The colors here are more vibrant, the blacks
are very, very solid and there's very little print issues left
The audio for all four films is available in DTS 5.1 and Dolby
Digital 5.1, in both English and French. All of the surround tracks
sound very, very good and represent the films' sweeping scores and
brilliant sound design incredibly well.
Okay... so the extras are what you're really picking these DVDs up
for, right? Well, believe me that it will take decades of research
for someone to beat the stuff that's been included on these discs. I
don't think you'll find better special editions for any of these
flicks for a long time. If you're a fan of the Batman
films, superhero films or just plain ol' film films, these are must
seen discs. Even Batman & Robin
is suddenly good on DVD. Okay... that's a bit hyperbolic, but still.
film DVD is packed to the gills - two discs filled with
commentaries, galleries and video extras galore. The best amongst
the extras is a massive multi-part documentary, spread over all four
of the film discs, entitled Shadows of
The Bat. Also excellent is the additional documentary on
the first film, Legends of the Dark
Knight: The History of Batman, which is a very cool look
at the history of Batman over
the six or so decades he's been around, including all of the
influences upon Bob Kane (and screw it, Bill Finger, because credit
is due and someone should be saying it around here).
The DVDs also include a collection of soundtrack music videos (from
Prince, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Seal and others), promotional
docs that appeared on The WB, hero and villain profiles, storyboards
and, in the case of the latter two films, deleted scenes. Why are
there no deleted scenes from the first two films? I have no idea.
I should point out that the audio commentaries are all really good
as well. Burton is very interesting, but he's somewhat aloof, as he
tends to be on his commentaries. Joel Schumacher's commentary tracks
are very enlightening. Amongst the ass-kissing there's a lot of
honesty. He discusses the flaws of his two versions of Batman
with one simple word: "toyetic" (or letting toy companies
have a say on what costumes, props and vehicles can and should
appear in the film based on it's tie-in value on toy shelves).
As I stated up above somewhere, you really should check these DVDs
out if you haven't already. You can pick them up all at once, in the
new four-film box set (see the artwork at the top of this review) or
you can buy each two-disc set individually. If you're a fanboy not
up to buying the second two flicks, just buy the first two and put
the others on your Christmas list and let someone else buy them for
you. That way it's guilt free. But you won't regret watching all
four of these films and their supplements on disc. There's a lot of
great stuff on these DVDs, and man... will they ever look good on
your screens.
I'm hoping to check in again before the holidays sweep me up. But
until then, make sure to load up your lists with all of the DVDs you
can. I know I plan to. Hopefully, Santa will bring me a couple.
Keep spinning those discs!
Todd Doogan
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