created 12/15/97. |

added: 11/12/01
very sick. Coughing, sniffing and gurgling. I hate being sick. I
think the worst part is when you get that one nasal cavity that's so
dry it hurts. The other one is stuffed so bad that you can't get an
air bubble in there. But that dry one is so clear that the air burns
it. Your eyes water and you hate everyone and everything. I get
really pathetic too. I'm like a little kid when I'm sick. My wife
takes real good care of me too, hich spoils me to no end. So the
next time I'm sick it's even worse.
Anyway, that's my world. On Friday, Lucas unveiled his new
Star Wars Episode 2: Bring in the Clones
trailer. I'd watch it, except I don't have the DVD. I was banned
from the ranch and didn't get to hang with George like Bill did.
Nope. Fox and Lucasfilm hate me so much I'm not even allowed to buy
the disc. I tried, but there's a picture of me behind the counter.
And it bothers me because I wanna own "the greatest DVD ever
produced". Did someone actually say that in their review, by
the way. I saw it in a commercial last night while watching
Family Guy through a Sudafed
haze. I think that's shameless, because everyone knows the greatest
DVD ever produced is Dungeons and Dragons.
Man, that rocked. I'm kidding of course. There's no such thing as a
greatest DVD. If there were, Shrek
or Planet of the Apes come
closer than Phantom Menace.
But hey, to each their own. Dow, if youb would excuse me, I hab to
bow my nobse and drink plenty of bluids. Maybe I'll have something
worthwhile to bitch about next time. I doubt it, but there's always
Until then... I give you a Lucas dud, an animated classic and a
film that coulda, but didn't. |

Special Edition - 1988
(2001) - Lucasfilm/MGM (Fox)
Film Rating: C+
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras): A+/A/B
Specs and Features:
126 mins, PG, letterboxed widescreen (2.35:1), 16x9 enhanced,
single-sided, RSDL dual-layered (layer switch at 1:03:22 in chapter
19), Amaray keep case packaging, audio commentary with star Warwick
Davis, Willow: The Making of an Adventure
featurette, From MORf to Morphing: The
Dawn of Digital Filmmaking documentary, Easter egg
featurette: The Making of Raziel's
Transformation featurette (hidden in
Trailers and TV Spots
section), 8 TV spots, 2 teaser trailers, theatrical trailer,
production photo gallery, THX Optimode test signals, animated
film-themed menu screens with sound, scene access (36 chapters),
languages: English (DD 5.1 and 2.0) and Spanish (DD 2.0), subtitles:
English, Closed Captioned
George Lucas conceived it; Ron Howard directed it and ILM truly made
their name with it. So why isn't it the best thing in the world of
cinema? That's a hard question to answer well. It sure does have a
lot going for it, from pretty good acting all around (I mean, I
bought everyone's motivations) to some remarkable special effects
(and some really bad effects - Brownie's anyone?). But ultimately,
the whole thing falls down because this feels like it's been done
before. Everything is so recycled. But what are you going to do? The
art of myth is the art of telling the same story over in more
remarkable ways. They say there are only a few stories to tell in
the world - but it's the way you tell them. I think Lucas, Howard
and company just didn't tell a new story here. As much as they, or
even we, wanted them to.
Willow is, in the most simple
of genre definitions, the world of J.R.R. Tolkien smooshed into R.E.
Howard's world. An evil queen is prophesized to be brought down by a
girl born with a mark on its arm. So she shuttles all the pregnant
women of her domain into cages and waits for the child to be born.
When she is, she'll be snuffed - simple as that. But thanks to a
quick thinking midwife, the young one is saved and starts on an
adventure. Warwick Davis plays Willow, an aspiring sorcerer and
hobbit-like villager who is charged with taking the newly orphaned
baby from the village she's found in onward to the first tall person
he finds. That tall person is Madmartigan (Val Kilmer), a swordsman
he finds caged along a highway. Not wanting to leave the little girl
with such a scoundrel, Willow joins Madmartigan and from there it's
high adventure, fairy dust, people turning into pigs, horribly
conceived Brownie characters (who really should have been dropped
from the film) and a really hot redhead. I could go into the whole
thing more, but I'm not going to because we've all been there. I can
say this: while watching this film, you'll really be watching
The Hobbit,
Conan, Gulliver's
Travels, Wizard of Oz,
Brian Froud's illustrations brought to life and a cannibalized
version of Lucas' Jedi mythos, sprinkled with a little
Indiana Jones for good
measure. I wasn't impressed at age 18. I'm not impressed today.
Still, Willow remains a movie
most wanted on DVD. And if you've been waiting for it... when you
get it, you're in for a stunner, actually. I never saw the film in a
theater, so I never really saw it widescreen. It was never a movie
high on my list, so I only caught video and television
presentations. On DVD, Willow
gains a lot - it's pretty epic. This is a widescreen film through
and through, and Fox, along with Lucasfilm, did it great justice.
The anamorphic presentation is top notch, with bright, vivid colors
and stark solid blacks. There are a few defects in the source print,
but nothing that will take away from the experience of watching the
film. The sound is also very, very good. We get Dolby Digital 5.1
and 2.0 Surround tracks and, except for a few hollow dialogue bits,
I'll take the 5.1 over the 2.0 in terms of natural quality. The
surround speakers get pretty wild with atmosphere and environmental
effects. It's pretty trippy in the scenes contained in the woods,
when you can hear bugs and birds all around you. I found a few
problems here and there, with the sound being a bit "echoy"
at times, but it didn't distract me from the world of
Willow. All in all, I have to
say this a grand treatment for this film.
In terms of the extras, I was pretty disappointed actually.
There're a few things here, but all in all, nothing to write home
about. There's a very good commentary with Willow himself, Warwick
Davis. He loves the film and you can tell. He goes from the
beginnings of his involvement and working with Kilmer to acting and
special effects. The problem is, it's all his point of view. This is
a big special effects film, and a well directed one at that. So
where is Lucas? Where's Howard? Where's Dennis Murren for that
matter? Well... they're on a new documentary about the morphing
special effects. Entitled, From MORf to
Morphing, it's a salute to the groundbreaking special
effects created for this film that are now available for use by
anyone and their grandmother. It's neat, yeah, but it only covers
the morphing effects and therefore seems cursory. I want to know
more about this movie. The only more there is, however, is an
archive featurette on the special effects (which looks like it was
made for television) and another Easter egg archived short on the
morphing effects. That's all you get on the history and the making
of the film. After that you get 2 teasers, a trailer, a handful of
TV spots and some production photos. That's it. I guess I can't
fault Lucas and Fox for not pumping too much money into this disc,
but this could have easily been a 2-disc set and maybe should have
been. The time is right to look back on it and see why it isn't all
that great. I'd love to hear Howard's take on it. Maybe even Lucas.
There's a moment in the archived featurette when Howard's asked to
make a decision about a dance sequence - Howard wants to pick up
where they left off and Lucas wants to start over. But Lucas is
letting Howard run the show, so he acquiesces. Howard ends up
starting from the beginning and there's this weird look on his face,
like he didn't want to upset Lucas. That's the stuff I wanna know
about. That's WAY more interesting than the morphing effects in the
film to me. When you look at a Spielberg film produced by Lucas, you
see Spielberg. But with Willow,
I saw nothing but Lucas - right down to the Star
Wars-style wipe dissolves. Interesting, no?
Maybe everyone loves Willow
because it made morphing into a viable special effect. If there were
no morphs, then Willow would
probably be locked away in the Lucasfilm Archives with
Howard the Duck.
Howard pushed no envelopes, so
it sees no light on DVD. But Willow,
the film that made T2 and
Michael Jackson's Black and White
video possible, is now on DVD for every fanboy to own. Get yourself
a copy and marvel away. Personally, I'm waiting for
Howard. And waiting, and
waiting, and waiting... |
Special Edition


the Cat
1972 (2001) - MGM
Film Rating: B-
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras):
Specs and Features:
78 mins, NR (X), letterboxed widescreen (1.85:1), 16x9 enhanced,
single-sided, single-layered, Amaray keep case packaging, theatrical
trailer, film-themed menu screens, scene access (16 chapters),
languages: English and French (DD mono), subtitles: English, French
and Spanish, Closed Captioned
of thunk that a major studio like MGM would release an animated film
about drug abuse, racial tension and sex? Not I. But here it is in
all of its glory - welcome to DVD Fritz
the Cat. All these years later, it's still quite edgy and
it'll always be an important film. But hey... it's never been the
greatest animated film ever made. I like it though. So, you can take
that for whatever you want.
Fritz follows the seemingly
single day adventure of 1960s NYU student Fritz, who's happens to be
a cat drawn in Robert Crumb's cross-hatched shading style. He's a
cat, yes, but he represents something much bigger. In this world,
cats are the white people in the world, aka The Man. Well, along
with all the dogs. Rats are the floaters, along with various types
of birds and lizards. It's a social morality tale, but I don't think
too much thought went into the symbolism. Now, where it gets a
little more clear-cut is with the crows. Crows are black, so they
are the Blacks (in this time African-American didn't exist as a
term) and pigs are pigs, er, cops. So, getting back to the tale, one
day while playing music in the park, Fritz finds three ladies
looking for enlightenment. Taking it upon himself to open their
minds (amongst other things), he brings them to a friend's pad, lays
them all in a bathtub and they get jiggy (again, I doubt jiggy was a
term in the 1960s, but you get my meaning). An orgy ensues with all
sorts of critters jumping in and soon the police happen upon the
scene. Fritz grabs a gun and shoots a toilet, causing a flood. And
the party's over. He's now on the run, so off to his pad he goes to
grab his things - which he quickly sets on fire, setting his dorm
building ablaze. Now a wanted man, Fritz goes off to hang with Crows
in Harlem. While trying to plead his social coolness case, he makes
friends with a crow named Duke. Duke takes him under his wing, if
you will, and they go off and do drugs and Fritz hooks up with an
eager crow lady. During this act, he has an epiphany and starts a
race war, which makes him public enemy number one. On the lam, he
hooks up with an old girlfriend and they head to San Francisco. They
break up on route and Fritz makes friends with a smack addicted
bunny in a motorcycle gang and his horse girlfriend. They soon join
up with revolutionaries with plans to destroy a power plant. Fritz
pulls the job of setting the bomb and he's blown to smithereens. And
I don't think what I've just told you spoils anything.
Fritz is a pretty cool flick.
It shows its age, and in no way does the film make as much sense as
I just laid it out. Animation lord (he's not really a God
considering his work) Ralph Bakshi did his best to serve the time
and the character, but he trips and falls along the way. You will be
shocked at the activities and even the tone of the film. If Warner
is planning to cut questionable cartoons from their eminent release
of the complete WB Looney Toons/Merry Melodie library, there's
nothing there that exceeds this film. If this can come out,
hopefully we'll see Coal Black
on DVD someday. If you're a fan of animation, this is a good disc to
The disc itself looks and sounds as good as can be expected. It's
anamorphic widescreen and the colors and contrast look great. The
print has about three spots of bad damage, but it's an old film that
has jumped around a lot over the years. The sound is a solid mono
track that serves the film well. Extras are non-existent, with
nothing but a trailer and (thankfully) a one-page insert sheet. This
DVD could and should have been a special edition. Maybe MGM will see
some sales and come back to this one. I'm hoping that they do. |
the Cat


2001 (2001) - Columbia TriStar/Revolution Studios (Columbia)
Film Rating: C-
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras): A/A/C+
Specs and Features:
103 mins, PG-13, letterboxed widescreen (2.40:1), 16x9 enhanced,
full frame (1.33:1), single-sided, dual-layered (no layer switch),
Amaray keep case packaging, 5 deleted scenes with option
introductions by director Joe Roth, theatrical trailers (for
America's Sweethearts,
My Best Friend's Wedding and
The Mask of Zorro, cast and
crew filmographies animated film-themed menu screens with sound,
scene access (28 chapters), languages: English (DD 5.1 and 2.0) and
French (DD 2.0), subtitles: English and French, Closed Captioned
will be a quick review. John Cusack and Catherine Zeta-Jones are the
biggest Hollywood couple ever. America loves them, and all of the
films they've been in together are just huge box office
blockbusters. But there's a problem: they've broken up. Now their
newest picture is going to flop, unless the studio can bring the two
back together. Enter Billy Crystal as the greatest PR guy this side
of the Mississippi. If he can't do it, no one can. But he'll need
help... in the guise of Zeta-Jones' assistant, played by Julia
Roberts. Can these two get the other two together, or will there be
big problems? What do you think? But even if they do, will there be
even bigger problems after that? Again, what do you think? Yeah... I
couldn't give two shits either.
Sweethearts is fun, funny,
cute and all those things, but I think it fails because the little
films within the film (that paint Cusack and Jones as a loved
Hollywood commodity) are too spoofy and make the film look like too
much of a joke. If they had sold me on the idea that these two
actors really are great, and didn't go so completely for the comedy
HERE, then the comedy in the "real world" would have
worked better. But who am I to question co-writer Billy Crystal and
director/studio head Joe Roth. Nobody, that's who. So there.
On DVD, Sweethearts is as
good as could be expected. It's presented in both full frame and
widescreen on the same side of the disc - you choose at the start.
The colors are rich and the transfer is great. The movie just came
out, so it would have to look great, right? The sound is also solid
in Dolby Digital 5.1 and 2.0 options. It won't explode your
speakers, but it's a talky comedy - what do you expect. There's a
nice extra on board - a collection of fun deleted scenes with an
optional video introduction to each by director Roth. He seemed to
love the film and lovingly shows off his snips. There's also the
trailer, trailer for a few other films by this cast and the usual
cast and crew filmographies. It's basically a movie-only disc of a
flick that isn't too good, but doesn't suck either. So give it a
shot if you think you might like it. The performances are all good.
The film just doesn't gel that well. |
