- Weekly Release Roundup (for the week of 8/3)
"Where did you go, by brown-eyed son? Where did you go my
darling young one?"
"Well, my computer crashed, with no help of fixin'. My credit
approved, a new Dell was shippin'. The DSL line was unspoiled, hard
wired and tied-in. It's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a
hard, it's a hard beeeeeeeing entirely digital."
My apologies to Mr. Dylan.
Yeah, I've been gone for a few weeks. Ill-timed I know, considering
I just met thousands of fans, shook hands and learned how much Bill,
my and the boys' work touches so many.
But no, I didn't go anywhere. My annoyingly short looks at the
week's releases aren't going anywhere. I'm here to stay as long as
you and Bill will have me.
But, because I missed two weeks of releases, I'm going to go back
one week and look at last weeks two discs that I actually got. As
always, I'll rattle off what else came out that I think is worthy of
your time and money. I'll do the same thing for this week and the
week before. So if you're a studio person that sent we a disc that
didn't get covered yet, hold your horses.
Look for this week's releases on Friday and then we'll do the same
thing next week with July 27th's releases early in the week and
August 17th's releases on Friday. Then we'll be fair and square and
back to Tuesday/Wednesdays. Damn computers.
Alright, with all that outta the way, here are the discs that came
out the first week of August, 2004. Or if you'd rather, here's...
Going on 30: Special Edition
Jennifer Gardner's hard body and soft lips jump forward in
time, (so it's not quite Big...
take that film critics!) to find that all of the lessons of
youth have been thrown away and that in her 30s she's become a
hard-living, corporate sabotager with a whore's wardrobe and
matching moral system. Hmmm. Is the film any good? It's alright.
Nothing to write home about. Garner mugs like a muther though.
Geez. I don't quite see her appeal, but she has her fans. This
is as chick flick as you can get, and so I'm sort of the last
person who needs to be criticizing the film. But as a film, it's
only slightly watchable. There are some "funny" parts
but nothing that will have you rolling on the floor.
The anamorphic widescreen video looks good, with no problems
that I could see. Audio is presented in Dolby Digital 5.1 and
sounds fine. This is a special edition, and therefore has some
special features (go figure). These include two commentaries:
one with the director and the other with the producer. Sorry, I
wouldn't listen to either. There's also a bunch of extended
scenes, a blooper reel that's not particularly funny or
interesting, a making of featurette (fluff), some Easter eggs
hidden behind stupid set-top games and two very neat archival
videos from Rick Springfield and Pat Benatar. Aside from the
videos, most everything is a lost cause. |
Black Hole
This one sort of snuck through into the new release field
didn't it? Not making too much of a splash this particular week
is The Black Hole. That's
a shame 'cause it's really an okay disc of a nice classic sci-fi
flick. Disney's early 80s entry into the new world of dark
sci-fi films is about a team of astro-researchers who catch up
with a missing vessel sitting on the edge of a black hole. The
vessel is ruled with a cast iron fist by the mad doctor Hans
Reinhardt and his right hand bot, Max. The researchers slowly
learn that there's some wicked evil stuff going on, and they
also learn that Reinhardt plans to head right into the hole and
come out the other side. If they're with him, they can come, but
if they're against him, they will suffer the same fate the
mysteriously missing crew. Will our intrepid team win out, or
will they enter... The Black Hole! Uh-hem. |
The Black Hole is not a great
film, but it's pretty cool for what it is. I've always enjoyed it,
and if you're not expecting much, you will too. Kicking the original
Anchor Bay release into the dirt, this new Disney DVD version
presents the film in a nice anamorphic widescreen. There are some
source issues here and there with the print, but it's mostly a fine
transfer. Sound is in a very confident Dolby Digital 5.1 track that
serves the film mighty fine. Extras include a very cool look at the
making of the film from the perspective of the legendary production
designer Peter Ellenshaw's son Harrison (who also worked on this
film serving as matte painter; a job he worked on the original Star
Wars). It's a nice documentary and well worth your time.
You'll find an extended trailer for The
Black Hole on this disc as well. My only real complaint
is the packaging art... there's no planet in this film, but there's
a nice blue one on the cover. Go figure. Anyway, if you're a fan of
this film, it's a disc worth picking up. And if you've never heard
of The Black Hole -- check it
out. It's cheesy, but fun.
for a quick rundown of some of the other DVD releases, including
some TV on DVD.
Bow to the theme song of all theme songs!
Rider: Season One and, for those who've asked over and
over again, yes, it's here:
The First & Second Seasons. Plus, if you can't get
enough Star Trek, there's
always the
Trek: The Next Generation - Jean-Luc Picard Collection.
These titles also came out 8/4, but I didn't get them so you're on
your own...
Surf's up with
Complete Gidget Collection. If a leprechaun pulls a knife,
you pull a gun, that's the Irish way...
O'Gill and the Little People. Go get the Elvis Box. It has
the following titles:
Happened at the World's Fair,
Trouble with Girls. Alex Proyas gives us...
Days. Flash can be used for good and for evil. Figure
which category
Tree Friends Volume 3: Third Strike falls under. Viggo and
a horse, because the ladies keep asking for it:
Robin Williams can't act his age, can he?
Just in time for the sequel. Look it's a new version of
Princess Diaries: Special Edition. Wicked cool flick:
Wicked This Way Comes. Jackie Gleason is cool and all, but
he just ain't Redford of Newman:
Sting II. Sci-fi, the Disney way before The
Black Hole:
Flying Oddball.
Watcher in the Woods streets. Got nothing witty to say
about it though. Anchor Bay collects their newest Werner Herzog film
in to a new
It includes: The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser,
Even Dwarfs Started Small,
Lessons of Darkness, Fata
Morgana, Heart of Glass,
Little Dieter Needs to Fly and
Stroszek. Oh, and for the
whole A to Z thing, we end with
the Greek. Stretched that one, didn't I?
See you later this week with more...
Todd Doogan
todddoogan@thedigitalbits.com |