created 12/15/97. |

added: 2/12/02
Oscar Picks for 2002
a day full of celebration: Happy Year of the Horse to all of you,
and for the folks in the Southern LA, pull a golden baby for me,
But even more important than Chinese New Year and Marti Gras, it's
Oscar Day for film fans everywhere. There were a few surprises this
morning, but mostly I think the nominations fell into what people
were thinking. I'm going to take a look at all of the nominations,
and give my two cents and see if I can pick a few winners.
Let the good times roll!
Russell Crowe - A Beautiful Mind: Crowe won last year. Can
he do it again?
Sean Penn - I Am Sam: The Academy seems to love mentally
challenged adults, and Penn WAS quite good in this. In my opinion,
Sean Penn will always deserve the Oscar when he's nominated, but
will he get it this time?
Will Smith - Ali: C'mon, the buzz for his performance has
been next to nothing. If he were going to win and actually deserve
it, they'd be talking about it already.
Denzel Washington - Training Day: I just watched Training
Day and I have to say I wasn't all that impressed with Denzel in
it. In fact, I didn't think the film was all that great in the first
place. I just don't think they can't give it to him simply because.
Tom Wilkinson - In The Bedroom: This is his first
nomination, but he's had plenty of great work in the past. But the
fact remains: no one really knows who he is.
Todd's Pick: Right now, I'm
leaning towards Crowe repeating or Penn pulling a surprise win.
Either would be fine in my book.
Jim Broadbent - Iris: Jim's always great. I liked him better
in Moulin Rouge, but he's a fine actor regardless. He could
surprise us all and get it.
Ethan Hawke - Training Day: See my above comments on Denzel.
This film didn't seem too "Academy friendly". I'm
surprised Hawke pulled a nomination for this. I'm sure he is too.
Ben Kingsley - Sexy Beast: This was a great role for Ben.
It's possible he could get a supporting Oscar to join his Actor
award for Gandhi.
Ian McKellen - Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring:
Without a doubt, McKellen was and is Gandalf the Grey. I wouldn't be
a bit surprised if he pulled it out of his ass. In my book, this guy
is the greatest living actor, out Siring Hopkins.
Jon Voight - Ali: An Oscar for playing Cosell? I dunno about
this one. Voight is great and all, but he looked like Jack in Hoffa
for Christ's sake. On the flip-side, it's too bad Jolie won in 1999,
she could have possibly read his name this year.
Todd's Pick: At this very
moment, I'm going with my heart and saying McKellen. But I wouldn't
be surprised if Kingsley gets it.
Halle Berry - Monster's Ball: People ARE talking about her.
It would be a very nice pull for her even, she has a Golden Globe
and an Emmy. After this she could start singing, get a Grammy and
then do some Broadway and get that Tony. Odder things have
Judi Dench - Iris: She's always nominated; I think they just
do this because it's expected.
Nicole Kidman - Moulin Rouge: -Sniff-, poor girl. We hate
Tom, don't we? She was really pretty in Moulin, but not the
best thing ever.
Sissy Spacek - In The Bedroom: I think she'll get it. I
haven't seen the film (well I did see the trailer which gives the
whole damn thing away) but I hear that she's apparently great in it.
Her buzz is deafening.
Renée Zellweger - Bridget Jones' Diary:
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Wait. Didn't see gain a lot of weight
for the role. It could be 1980 all over again. Yeah.
Todd's Pick: I'm liking
Spacek. Berry might get the shocker though, which would be great for
Jennifer Connelly - A Beautiful Mind: If Crowe gets it,
Connelly could follow suit as a bookend. I seriously doubt it, but
right now she may be the lock.
Helen Mirren - Gosford Park: People LOVE Gosford. I
dunno why, but they do. Do they love Ms. Mirren as much though?
Maggie Smith - Gosford Park: Again, with the Gosford
thing. Could Mirren and Smith cancel each other out? Should they
have nominated Smith for Harry Potter?
Marisa Tomei - In The Bedroom: Just keep Jack Palance away
from reading the winner and she won't get it.
Kate Winslet - Iris: Here we have an oddity; up above you'll
find Judi Dench playing the older version of Winslet's character. If
Dench snags it, then Winslet might pull one in and make it, what,
the first or third time that's happened? I'm not up on my Oscar
history, but if you are: chime in. Either way, Winslet's never won
after two previous noms and deserves the award if you ask me.
Todd's Pick: I'm again, going
with the ticker, and saying Winslet will get it. BUT - Connelly
could pull it easily.
Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius
Monsters, Inc.
Todd's Pick: This is a
historical moment in film history. Too bad the pickings were light.
Where's Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust? It was up for
consideration, right? Ah. I say, let's give it to Shrek.
Gosford Park
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Moulin Rouge
Todd's Pick: Amelie IS
a beautifully designed film. Lord of the Rings shimmers and
Moulin Rouge is all about design. It's really a drop for
those three, but I think Moulin has the edge. All the
Academy needs to see is that stellar DVD.
Bruno Delbonnel - Amelie
Slawomir Idziak - Black Hawk Down
Andrew Lesnie - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Roger Deakins - The Man Who Wasn't There
Donald M. McAlpine - Moulin Rouge
Todd's Pick: Amelie
was shot incredibly well, as was Black Hawk. Man Who
Wasn't There was in black and white, and the last major b/w won
(Schindler's in 1993) so I don't think we can drop that one.
If there could be a tie though, I think it's between Rings
and Rouge.
The Affair of the Necklace
Gosford Park
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Moulin Rouge
Todd's Pick: Rouge
wins this just because.
Robert Altman - Gosford Park
Ron Howard - A Beautiful Mind
David Lynch - Mulholland Drive
Peter Jackson - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Ridley Scott - Black Hawk Down
Todd's Pick: Lynch would be a
fun win, wouldn't he? But my Magic Eight Ball is showing Altman
seems destined to get it after all of his awards this year.
Children Underground
LaLee's Kin: The Legacy of Cotton
Murder on a Sunday Morning
War Photographer
Todd's Pick: I know nothing
about these, but kids in the title win it every year, so let's go
with Children's Underground.
Artists and Orphans: A True Drama
Todd's Pick: Again, I know
nothing, but let's Sing!
Jill Bilcock - Moulin Rouge
Dody Dorn - Memento
John Gilbert - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Mike Hill and Dan Hanley - A Beautiful Mind
Pietro Scalia - Black Hawk Down
Todd's Pick: I'm feeling Black
Hawk Down, but because of its style, I wouldn't be a bit
surprised if Memento gets it.
Amelie (France)
Elling (Norway)
Lagaan (India)
No Man's Land (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
Son of the Bride (Argentina)
Todd's Pick: I loved Amelie,
so I'd like that to win. But where's Japan's Spirited Away?
Did that come out last year?
A Beautiful Mind
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Moulin Rouge
Todd's Pick: Geez, where's
Planet of the Apes? Wouldn't that have been a lock, or was
it held back because of Baker's continuous wins? In that case, I
think Rings had the more interesting stuff in it.
A.I. Artificial Intelligence - John Williams
A Beautiful Mind - James Horner
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - John Williams
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - Howard Shore
Monsters, Inc. - Randy Newman
Todd's Pick: Gut feeling: Rings
is in more people's CD players right now, so that's my bet.
If I Didn't Have You - Randy Newman (Monsters, Inc.)
May It Be - Enya, Nicky Ryan and Roma Ryan (The Lord of the Rings:
The Fellowship of the Ring)
There You'll Be - Diane Warren (Pearl Harbor)
Until - Sting (Kate & Leopold)
Vanilla Sky - Paul McCartney (Vanilla Sky)
Todd's Pick: This is an odd
round up. Everyone has a reason to win. Pearl Harbor's Diane
Warren's never won with all of her cheesy songs. Neither has Randy
Newman. He did a song for Monster's Inc.. And who doesn't
love Sting (Kate & Leopold)? He could get it just for
being himself. Enya and company (with Rings) have to be the
most ripped off performers in film history, so giving it to them
would be a nice nod. But my vote is for Paul McCartney. Just hand it
to him. Besides: he has that Dylan appeal from last year. Vanilla
Sky, all the way.
A Beautiful Mind
Gosford Park
In the Bedroom
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Moulin Rouge
Todd's Pick: This is a hard
year to call. Will Gosford pull it? Can A Beautiful Mind
handle the pressure? Is Bedroom a sleeper? Does Rings
have the commitment needed? Can-Can Moulin Rouge be the
Best? I, personally, like Rings as the surprise of the year,
but that puts a lot of pressure on the next two films, doesn't it?
Kinda makes the trilogy a best picture when it's all done. But
ultimately I think Gosford will win. Then again, I've been
wrong a lot in the past.
Fifty Percent Grey
For the Birds
Give Up Yer Aul Sins
Strange Invaders
Stubble Trouble
Todd's Pick: All right, For
the Birds was the Pixar short that appeared before Monsters,
and it was awfully cute. But Strange Invaders might get it.
Have you ever seen Cat Came Back a few years back (1988).
The Accountant
Copy Shop
Gregor's Greatest Invention
A Man Thing (Meska Sprawa)
Speed for Thespians
Todd's Pick: I have no idea
about any of these.
Black Hawk Down
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Moulin Rouge
Pearl Harbor
Todd's Pick: Well,
historically Sound and Sound Editing go hand in hand, so the only
one repeated is Harbor. I give it to Black Hawk Down.
Monsters, Inc.
Pearl Harbor
Todd's Pick: Fifty-fifty, huh?
I'm going with Monsters. I didn't like Harbor, can
you tell?
A.I. Artificial Intelligence
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Pearl Harbor
Todd's Pick: Harbor is
bigger and badder than them all, but Rings would be a great
win for New Zealand's WETA. I'm going with Rings.
Daniel Clowes and Terry Zwigoff - Ghost World
Akiva Goldsman - A Beautiful Mind
Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio, Joe Stillman and Roger S.H. Schulman -
Rob Festinger and Todd Field - In the Bedroom
Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens and Peter Jackson - The Lord of the
Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Todd's Pick: As you know, I
loved, loved, loved Ghost World. That would be a great win.
Then again, Rings could get it, which would be great for
Jackson. I'm torn.
Milo Addica and Will Rokos - Monster's Ball
Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson - The Royal Tenenbaums
Julian Fellowes - Gosford Park
Guillaume Laurant and Jean-Pierre Jeunet - Amelie
Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan - Memento
Todd's Pick: I personally
think Tenenbaums was the best-written film last year. Memento
might pull it though. Again, Torn.
Surprises? The list, for me, is short: Hawke getting nominated for
Training Day, the lack of Planet of the Apes in
make-up and Baz Luhrmann not getting a best director nod. The only
other thing I'm surprised, but really happy about, is that Memento
didn't get Best Picture. But as I said to all my friends after I saw
it, it just didn't deserve Picture, but it absolutely deserved to be
nominated for Script. So, I'm glad to have my faith in the Academy
That's it for today's special spontaneous edition of Doogan's
Views. I'll be back later this week with a real column
and a handful of great DVDs I watched over the weekend.
Stay tuned and keep spinnin' those discs!
Todd Doogan |