created 12/15/97. |

added: 1/14/02
Slow and the Disgruntled
there, hi there, how do you do? It's me, Todd Doogan, back from a
long winter's nap. Boy, I needed the vacation too.
Hey, is it just me, or is everyone else getting sick of DVD at this
point. The industry made billions of dollars, and I think most of
that came out of my pocket trying to keep up with everything that
came out last year. And this year is no better. Hey, studios! Stop
it already. Just put out one title a week so I can catch up. I'm
kidding of course. I'll never catch up. I'll be buying DVDs for the
rest of my life, or at least until something better comes out. Oh,
how I love DVD.
Which brings me to Blockbuster. Wanna stick it to them and promote
fun and love in the process? Good. I have an idea and I need your
help. All year long I will be doing a project and once a month, one
of you will be my partner. I want to send out props to our favorite
brick and mortar DVD shops. Places that stock hard to find titles,
genre titles and stuff for rent. Here's what I need you to do. Pick
your favorite DVD shop and tell us why you like to shop there.
Contact the manager and get permission to take digital photos of the
store for us. And get contact info so I can contact the manager.
Each month, a new shop will be featured in The
Digital Bits as our Brick and Mortar of the Month.
Remember, we need the shop's help - that's why I ask that you talk
to the manager. And if you happen to own a shop, let your customers
know that they can drop me an e-mail about you. Send everything to
me at
This could be a lot of fun. It'll help promote hometown DVD and
stick it to the man (Blockbuster) a little in the process.
All right. This week we're looking at fast cars, winged faced
creeps and samurai lovin'... |

Fast and the Furious
Collector's Edition -
2001 (2001) - Universal
Program Rating: C+
Disc Ratings (Video/Extras): A+/A
Audio Ratings (DD/DTS): A+/A+
Specs and Features:
107 mins, PG-13, letterboxed widescreen (2.35:1), 16x9 enhanced,
Amaray keep case packaging, single-sided, RSDL dual-layered (layer
switch at 43:09 in chapter 8), Public Service Announcement from
Castrol Syntec tacked onto front of film, audio commentary track
with director Rob Cohen, The Making of
The Fast and the Furious featurette, reprinted article (Racer
X by Kenneth Li), 6 deleted and 2 extended scenes with
optional commentary, multiple camera angle stunt sequence,
Movie Magic (interactive look
behind the special effects on Final Crash Stunt), featurette on
editing the film to get PG-13 rating from MPAA, visual effects
montage with music, storyboard-to-final film comparison and isolated
storyboards for two scenes, Furious
music video by Ja Rule featuring Vita and O1, POV
City Anthem music video by Caddillac Tah,
Click Click Boom music video
by Saliva, soundtrack commercial, music highlights scene access (19
songs), theatrical trailer, production notes, cast and filmmakers
biographies and filmographies, Easter egg, DVD-ROM features
(behind-the-scenes footage, Supercar
Street Challenge game demo, screensavers, wallpaper and
website access), recommendations, DVD newsletter, Universal Studios
Theme Parks commercial, Supercar Street
Challenge game commercial, animated film-themed menu
screens with sound, scene access (20 chapters), languages: English
(DD & DTS 5.1) and French (DD 2.0), subtitles: English
Fast and the Furious knocks you down like a drunken hit
and run, and leaves you wondering, "Why me?" The answer,
I'm sorry to say, is this: because you chose to watch. But hey, it
must be good because the film made a lot of money. (Duh!) And I'll
give the film one thing - everyone here (including the extras) is
full of charisma. But, man, this is a dumb-ass flick. I sat there
watching it and couldn't help thinking I'd seen it before. Yes, I'm
sure I have. Except at the time I think it was called
Point Break. That film not
only has a charismatic cast, but it was also overseen by Kathryn
Bigelow, who has a lot herself. Here we're guided by the director of
Dragon, Daylight
and The Skulls... Mr. Rob
Cohen. Cohen has some directorial charisma, but it's more sheen than
style. I don't think I could pick out the Rob Cohen style if asked,
but I would definitely know a Bigelow film if shown a scene. So what
we get here is a lot of car races and chases, undercover cop
tomfoolery and rolling heists. I like heist films, sure, but I
didn't like The Fast and the Furious.
The DVD actually helps make the film a bit better. This has to be
one of the best sounding DVDs in a long while. And it looks good
too. Presented in a bold and colorful anamorphic widescreen,
The Fast and the Furious is
one of the best Universal transfers yet. But the sound! Man. Loaded
with both DTS and Dolby Digital 5.1, it rumbles, it crumbles - it
will knock you out. Crank it up and forget the silliness of the
story and the hippity-hoppity characterizations. I swear, it's the
first reference disc for 2002 people.
Once you're done with the film, go to the special features. Forget
the commentary track. Cohen has the enthusiasm of a dead parrot.
He's as monotone as a clock alarm. He could have been informative,
but I wouldn't know because he put me to sleep. The rest of the
extras, on the other hand, are pretty cool. I liked pretty much
everything else on this disc, except the typical Universal shameless
promotional fluff. Still, there's not much meaning behind these
special edition DVDs anymore. There was a time that laserdisc and
DVD meant film history, but now we get EPKs (that's Electronic Press
Kit for you newbies).
The meaty extras include a set of deleted scenes that look like
crap (and don't really add much), but they're still neat to see. And
Cohen's commentary on them is, once again, annoying due to his
monotone and unenthused speaking voice. The worst thing on here is a
mandatory (mandatory being why it sucks) Public Service Announcement
from Castrol Syntec tacked onto front of film. Paul Walker warns
that the film is full of stunts pulled off by pros and not to try
any of this at home. I'd say "duh", except I know some
asses who already tried half this shit. There's also the
Making of The Fast and the Furious
featurette, which is fluffy but fun. I think the best thing,
information wise, on this disc is a reprinted article,
Racer X by Kenneth Li, which
shows how the film began.
You also get a multiple camera angle stunt sequence for a car crash
in the film. You get eight angles plus the final edit. An Easter egg
features a "camera combo edit" from this scene as well.
Movie Magic is an interactive
look behind the special effects on the "final crash stunt"
(the one with the train). I found it to be on the silly side and a
bit worthless, but if you care... it's here. A short featurette on
how Cohen edited the film to get PG-13 rating from MPAA is also
available. At this point, the extras start to taper off (and get
more fluffy), with a visual effects montage set to music from the
film, a storyboard-to-final film comparison, isolated storyboards
for two scenes, a trio of music videos, a soundtrack commercial, "music
highlights" (which allows you to access scenes with music), the
theatrical trailer, some production notes, cast and filmmakers
biographies and filmographies, DVD-ROM features, a Universal Studios
Theme Parks commercial and, finally, the Supercar
Street Challenge game commercial. It's a lot of stuff. A
lot of stuff.
When I was done with it all, I really didn't hate the movie as much
as I did when I started. I came to understand that it really wasn't
about anything - just lots of fast cars, with a side story or two to
keep it moving forward. You can't kick a flick for not aspiring to
be more than popcorn fare. At least, you can't and feel good about
yourself. |
Fast and the Furious: Collector's Edition


Special Edition - 2001
(2001) - United Artists (MGM)
Film Rating: B-
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras): A/A/A+
Specs and Features:
90 mins, R, letterboxed widescreen (1.85:1), 16x9 enhanced, full
frame (1.33:1), Amaray keep case packaging, dual-sided, dual-layered
(no layer switch), audio commentary track with writer/director
Victor Salva, Behind the Peepers: The
Making of Jeepers Creepers documentary (6 featurettes
combined), 10 deleted and extended scenes, Last
Looks photo gallery with music, theatrical trailers (for
Jeepers Creepers and
Hannibal, DVD promo trailers
(for Silence of the Lambs,
The Terminator and
Carrie), cast and crew
filmographies, animated film-themed menu screens with sound, scene
access (20 chapters), languages: English (DD 5.1), Spanish and
French (DD 2.0), subtitles: English, Spanish and French, Closed
what do you get when you combine elements from classic Universal
horror films with all the new rules found in modern day thrillers?
Jeepers Creepers is my bet.
Sure, it's not the greatest creepy tale ever told. And if you sit
down and really try to unravel the point behind the story, you'll be
left pretty empty handed. But it is a nice ride while you're on it.
Simply told, Jeepers Creepers
follows a brother and sister as they drive home from college. En
route, they get into a bit of trouble with a road rager... who turns
out to be a potential serial killer (and who just may be even more
than that - what exactly, we're never told). But when you see the
final vision of the creature, you'll mutter, "Cool..."
under your breath just like every one else.
Writer/director Victor Salva crafts a very well made film, with a
pace that sucks you in, a tone that's quite scary and performances
that are real and based very much in "our world". Never
once will you ask, "What the hell are you thinking? Just get
the hell out of there!" because Salva and the cast make you
believe that these people would do everything you see them do on
screen. There are a couple of things that slightly annoyed me, and I
won't let them go unsaid. For me, the lack of a myth behind the
story is a very sore spot. I like to know my movie monsters a bit
more. It makes the film-going experience a bit more fun. In this
first film, we don't get a history to the "Creeper" and it
raises too many questions (that it will take a sequel and a prequel
at least to answer). For example, who or what is he and why? The
other thing that bugged me, are way too many Spielbergian
references. The film invokes Sugarland
Express in its camera movies, there are
Duel-inspired chase scenes and
the very Jaws-like score is
quite noticeable. The knowledge that Salva is a Spielberg junkie
only compounds the damage.
MGM presents the film in both full frame and anamorphic widescreen
on DVD. Both look very good, with nice color representation, true
blacks and no artifacts anywhere. Both versions live by themselves
on their own layer of a dual-layered disc, and the video quality is
better for it. Sound is also nicely rendered. The Dolby Digital 5.1
track is spooky, loud and clear as a bell. Even the menu screens
sound great. I know that there's some controversy about some audio
drop-outs and sound quality not being up to snuff, but my untrained
ears didn't catch anything fishy. In fact, I'd have liked a
remastered DTS track, but I'm not going to hold that against the
disc. For everything it is, Jeepers
Creepers is a phenomenal looking and sounding DVD.
The extras only make it better. Side One showcases a very
informative and easy to listen to audio commentary track with Salva.
He goes into everything you want to know about the film. He
discusses lighting and how this DVD is brighter than the theatrical
prints, how they got the cars in the film, working with the special
effects team and how much he loves Spielberg. Salva has a great
commentary tone and it ends up being a very enjoyable experience.
Also on the film side of the disc are cast and crew filmographies.
Side Two is even better. Without repeating himself too much, Salva
co-creates a documentary on the making of the film. From design to
casting, this is one of the best documentaries about filmmaking ever
to come out on DVD. I was into it right from the start. It's broken
into different featurettes, but you can choose to watch the whole
thing at once with opening and closing credits. It's the real deal.
After that is a photomontage of behind-the-scenes photos and
production art, along with some theatrical and DVD promo trailers.
Last, but hardly least, is the selection of deleted and extended
scenes (which includes an alternate ending that I hated). The film's
ending is much more impactful. All in all, this special edition is
the first real must own DVD of the year. |
Creepers: Special Edition

from Hell: Samurai Armageddon
1996 (1998) - Tokyo Shock (Media Blasters)
Film Rating: B-
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras):
Specs and Features:
80 mins, NR, letterboxed widescreen (1.85:1), Amaray keep case
packaging, single-sided, dual-layered (no layer switch), liner notes
on characters in film, promotional trailers (for
Prisoner Maria,
Ricki-OH and
Zero Woman), film-themed menu
screens, scene access (9 chapters), languages: Japanese and English
(DD 2.0), subtitles: English
from Hell 2: Jubei's Revenge
1996 (2000) - Tokyo Shock (Media Blasters)
Film Rating: B-
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras):
Specs and Features:
83 mins, NR, letterboxed widescreen (1.85:1), Amaray keep case
packaging, single-sided, single-layered, liner notes on characters
in film, promotional trailers (for Bio
Zombie, Ricki-OH,
Wild Criminal and
Zeiram 2), film-themed menu
screens, scene access (8 chapters), languages: Japanese and English
(DD 2.0), subtitles: English
I asked for some samurai movies and Media Blasters kindly answered
my call. No sooner had I complained of the lack of good samurai
flicks on DVD, in my mail comes a pair sword flicks that are worth a
Reborn From Hell is the
two-part story of Jubei (Jubei Yagyu, the real-life historical one,
not the fictional Jubei from Ninja Scroll),
a sword master supreme who finds himself doing battle with some of
the greatest samurai fighters of all time - including Musashi
Miyamoto from the Samurai series (on DVD through Criterion) and
Inshun Hozoin, the sexually repressed spear master. Resurrected from
Hell and wishing to rule the world, these samurai warriors will stop
at nothing to have their way, and Jubei will stop at nothing to
defeat them.
Filmed back to back, Samurai Armageddon
and Jubei's Revenge fit
together nicely at about 80 minutes each. This is a pretty cool pair
of films, with very neat fight sequences and geysers of blood. I
can't say they're my favorite samurai flicks of all time, but seeing
as they're part of a new generation of samurai film, they're not bad
at all.
Tokyo Shock (through Media Blasters) has done a pretty good job
with these DVDs. The video quality is a bit better than VHS, but not
quite as stellar as we're used to on DVD. Part Two, released
recently, looks a lot better than the first film, but it's still not
perfect. Because they're quite different, I'll look at both discs
Reborn From Hell: Samurai Armageddon
is a dual-layered disc, with a Japanese language version (with
English subs) on one layer and the English dubbed version on another
- both in non-anamorphic widescreen. I preferred the English dub
version, because it was easier to watch. The Japanese version is
pushed up to the top to give a larger black space on the bottom of
the screen for subs. I don't think we loose any widescreen image
from this, but it's hard to readjust your eyes to watch the film so
far up on the screen. The English dub is widescreen and centered and
looks okay, although (as I said above) both versions have a VHS look
to them. The sound is a serviceable Dolby stereo that doesn't fall
out of favor or have any glitches that I could tell.
Reborn From Hell 2: Jubei's Revenge
is single-layered and non-anamorphic widescreen. This time, Tokyo
Shock got it right and just left the optional subtitles and dubbing
as a remote-switchable option. The video quality is very nice, at
least nicer than the original disc. Sound is on par with the first
disc, in Dolby stereo in Japanese and English.
Extras on both discs include a selection of promotional trailers
and liner notes for the characters used in the film, with their
historical information and biographies. It's neat to know that all
of these guys actually existed. And if you want an animated taste of
this story, anime DVD company ADV has a cartoon version of this
story called Ninja Resurrection
that's pretty cool, although not as cool as the film it's riding the
coattails of... Ninja Scroll
(which I hear might have a sequel in the works).
I'm pretty excited by Media Blasters and their genre lines (along
with Tokyo Shock, which is feeding my Japanese cinema needs). They
have their Euro Horror line of DVDs, called Shriek Show, which has a
very cool film coming out on disc soon - Jungle
Holocaust (from Cannibal
Holocaust filmmaker Ruggero Deodato). But more on that in
my review when I get a final copy. |
from Hell: Samurai Armageddon

from Hell 2: Jubei's Revenge

out, baby! Don't forget to send us information about your favorite
DVD shop. Keep spinning those discs!
Todd Doogan |