created 12/15/97.
created: 4/17/03

Maxwell - Main Page
this edition of Classic Coming
Attractions, I'll be taking a look at four recent classic
releases from Artisan as well as introducing you to a database that
will enable you to keep tabs on what classic titles have been
announced or rumoured. And of course, we'll look at the new
announcements of classic releases that have surfaced since the last
Artisan's Most Recent Classic
Releases on DVD
The most significant aspect of Artisan Home Entertainment for
classics fans is its control over the old Republic Pictures film
catalog. Republic was a small studio that produced films over a
two-decade period from the mid-1930s to mid-1950s. It specialized in
B-westerns and serials, but did produce the odd A-level title often
starring John Wayne with whom the company maintained a contract for
much of its production life. During the 1950s as the B-western and
serial markets dwindled away in the face of competition from
television, the company tried to go upscale with its productions -
an arrangement with John Ford's Argosy Pictures, for example,
resulted in the superior Rio Grande
and The Quiet Man - but
success was limited and the company finally ceased film production
in 1957.
Republic continued to exist as a corporate entity, however, and when
the home video market opened up in the 1970s, it marketed its titles
aggressively through its own home video arm. It also bought up the
rights to a number of independent productions from the 1940s and
early 1950s - productions that had come about as Hollywood stars and
directors set up their own production companies with names such as
Liberty Films, United States Pictures, and William Cagney
Productions. As a consequence, Republic was able to market on video
not only its own original productions, but also a few films
featuring stars such as Gary Cooper, Humphrey Bogart, and James
Cagney even though they had never worked in a Republic film
Artisan now controls this expanded Republic catalog and has
gradually been releasing some of the titles on DVD. Many of its
offerings to date have been films starring John Wayne, but it has
now started to show a little more diversity in its releases. Last
year, we got James Cagney's Kiss Tomorrow
Goodbye and Gary Cooper's Cloak
and Dagger is planned for later this spring, but to kick
off 2003, Artisan released four films from the 1940s. They were:
A Lady Takes a Chance (1943,
Jean Arthur and John Wayne); Flame of
Barbary Coast (1945, John Wayne and Ann Dvorak); Copacabana
(1947, Groucho Marx and Carmen Miranda); and Pursued
(1947, Robert Mitchum and Teresa Wright).
A Lady Takes
a Chance
In a year that included such comic gems as The
More the Merrier (Columbia, directed by George Stevens),
Heaven Can Wait (Fox, directed
by Ernst Lubitsch), and The Miracle of
Morgan's Creek (Paramount, directed by Preston Sturges),
RKO's 1943 production of A Lady Takes a
Chance was pretty much overlooked. It did, however,
manage to be the company's third highest grossing film of the year -
not surprising, I suppose, given that popular stars Jean Arthur and
John Wayne were the headliners.

plot is somewhat derivative of It
Happened One Night with Arthur as New Yorker Mollie
Truesdale heading west on a bus for "14 breathless days of
romance and adventure". When the bus makes a scheduled stop
in Fairfield where the annual rodeo is in progress, Mollie runs
into broncobuster Duke Hudkins (John Wayne). The two of them
play cat and mouse with each other over the next couple of days
after Mollie manages to get left behind by her bus. Mollie's
best efforts to corral Duke are apparently for nought, however,
and she catches her bus on its return trip, seemingly resigned
to a return to the same old New York City grind.
A Lady Takes a Chance is a
compact little comedy that passes the time quite pleasantly. It
was something of a turning point in the careers of both Wayne
and Arthur - that in itself enough to make a viewing worthwhile.
For Wayne, it showed he had a flair for more than just straight
action. He demonstrated an ability to deliver comic dialogue and
engage in comic timing effectively.
Jean Arthur, the film would be her last comedy. She's certainly
worth seeing in it, but in some ways, it was a denial of the strong,
independent, romantic heroines and comediennes she had specialized
in. Seeing Jean Arthur's Mollie stooping to making dinner as a
come-on to John Wayne's Duke was just a little dispiriting when
considered in that light. Supporting the two stars are a number of
well-known character actors, including Charles Winninger, Phil
Silvers, Grady Sutton, Hans Conried, and Grant Withers.
Unfortunately, Artisan's DVD transfer is substandard - characterized
by poor contrast, softness, insipid blacks, and speckles, scratches
and jumps. The mono sound is in rough shape too, and of course there
are no extras. It's too bad Artisan apparently isn't interested in
giving this sort of film a real chance on DVD. Trumpeting "digitally
mastered" and "stereo surround" on the back of the
case when all you've done is throw a bad transfer on a disc shows
how little Artisan thinks of classic film enthusiasts.
That same disdain is on display in Artisan's DVD for one of the key
westerns of the 1940s - Pursued,
a United States Production originally released through Warner
Brothers. The film was restored by the UCLA Film and TV Archive and
Republic issued a nice-looking laserdisc of it. Even better, the
disc contained a highly informative and entertaining audio
commentary by the reliable Bruce Eder, and also included the
original theatrical trailer. Of course, Artisan's DVD includes
neither and its film transfer is disappointing also. James Wong
Howe's beautiful black and white compositions for this western film
noir are compromised by a very inconsistent transfer. Some scenes
are crisp and clear, but too many are characterized by poor contrast
and over-processing.

are you missing out on, in not being able to enjoy this film as
was originally intended? Only one of the top two or three
westerns of the decade, in the same company as My
Darling Clementine, Colorado
Territory, She Wore a
Yellow Ribbon, and The
Ox-Bow Incident. There's a lot of top-flight talent
involved in Pursued, from
director Raoul Walsh to the afore-mentioned Howe to Robert
Mitchum, Teresa Wright, Judith Anderson and Dean Jagger to
composer Max Steiner to last but very-much-not-least writer
Niven Busch. Busch was greatly responsible for helping the
western grow beyond the level of the B-series entry and the
glossy-looking A westerns that were just dressed-up Bs. (Not
that there was anything wrong with the latter. After all, Warner
Brothers did very well by Errol Flynn with such A efforts as
Dodge City, Santa
Fe Trail, Silver River,
and San Antonio.) Busch's
scripts were intelligent and thoughtful and allowed room for the
actors to deliver more nuanced performances than was the western
norm. His work heralded the advent of the so-called
psychological western, later taken to ridiculous lengths by
others, but still adult and entertaining in his hands. Busch
followed up Pursued with
other superior entries such as The
Furies and The Man from
the Alamo.
is the story, told mainly in flashbacks, of Jeb Rand (Robert
Mitchum) who is tormented by nightmares from his childhood and
unknown killers in the present. Complicating the issue is his love
for his stepsister (Teresa Wright). She, however, hates Jeb because
he killed her brother and seeks revenge herself. The tale reaches
its climax at the site from which Jeb's childhood nightmares
originate. The themes of revenge and returning from war, the
femme-fatale nature of Wright's character, and particularly James
Wong Howe's photography which highlights brooding skies and shadowy
encounters in alleys and corrals combine to give this western the
feel of a film noir. Yet at the same time, director Raoul Walsh's
sure hand with action sequences and Max Steiner's rousing and
memorable score remind us of the more-traditional Warner Brother
western at its best. The resulting combination makes for a
compelling production that must have given audiences at the time a
considerable jolt. It's just too bad that Artisan couldn't have
given the film the DVD treatment it richly deserves.
Flame of
Barbary Coast
This is a tale of San Francisco around the time of the 1906
earthquake. John Wayne is Duke Fergus, a cowboy from Montana who
gets caught up in trying to make a go of his own casino - a new
establishment but only one among many others on the Barbary Coast.
He vies with chief rival Tito Morrell (Joseph Schildkraut) for the
affections of Flaxen Tarry (Ann Dvarak), the main performer at
Tito's own casino. Of course, the San Francisco earthquake plays a
key role in the story, but otherwise the whole thing is curiously
uninvolving. The story sort of staggers along with the hint of a
climax from time to time, but never really delivers.

is a need for more action and less talk, and a more satisfying
resolution of the conflict between Duke and Tito. Actually, the
film is a good example of what happened all too often when
Republic tried to step out of its B western specialty and made a
more ambitious western. The studio seemed to have a lot of
difficulty in translating its B action capabilities to an A
film. There were exceptions certainly, such as 1940's Dark
Command, but more often they ended up with the likes
of Flame of Barbary Coast.
The film is not a total loss of course. It is well acted by all
the main players and it makes good use of a seasoned supporting
cast that includes William Frawley, Virginia Grey, Butterfly
McQueen, Paul Fix, Russell Hicks, Jack Norton, and Marc
Lawrence. Republic's main house director Joe Kane does his best
and even manages to throw in a bit of inventive camera movement
and positioning. The Lydecker brothers display their special
effects magic with a small-scale but effective earthquake
sequence. If all this had been in aid of a film with a more
compelling dramatic structure, how much better it would have
one might expect, the lesser the film the better Artisan's DVD
transfer. Of course it's the usual bare-bones effort, but after a
shaky beginning, the image is quite good-looking throughout aside
from the usual speckles and odd scratch. The mono sound (although
Artisan persists in calling it stereo surround) is adequate.
The last of our four Artisan DVDs is a somewhat questionable pairing
of Groucho Marx and Carmen Miranda in a musical comedy set in the
legendary New York nightclub. Groucho and Carmen play a couple in
love who are unable to get work in show business until Groucho
realizes that if he withdraws from the act and begins to work as
Carmen's agent, they might have a better chance. It turns out he's
right, so right that he manages to book Carmen as two different
performers at the same club - the Copacabana. One minute she's on
stage as the "Brazilian Bombshell"; the next she has to
appear as the mysterious veiled singer "Mademoiselle Fifi".
The complications are predictable.

Copacabana's not a bad
piece of entertainment. The musical components are well executed
and Carmen Miranda is a real hit. She also gets good musical
support from Andy Russell. Groucho on the other hand soon
becomes tiresome more than anything else. His jokes come across
as old and stale, and he seems somehow lost without his brothers
or the likes of Margaret Dumont. The other main player is Steve
Cochran as the club owner. He's billed as appearing courtesy of
Samuel Goldwyn, but why they bothered to borrow him for the role
is hard to see. It's not a part really worth his time. Gloria
Jean is appealing as Cochran's secretary.
Artisan's DVD transfer is pretty much akin to its Flame
of Barbary Coast effort - fairly good overall,
although shimmer problems frequently arise with Groucho's
patterned suit. Again, the mono sound is adequate and there are
no extras.
these four Artisan releases, only Pursued
is a film that should be considered a must in your collection.
Unfortunately, it's one of the poorer of the transfers. At best, I
can recommend a rental to judge for yourself if a purchase works for
you. The best of the other three - A Lady
Takes a Chance - unfortunately has the poorest transfer.
The other two films - Flame of Barbary
Coast and Copacabana
- due to the combination of middling content and transfer, will
likely only be of interest to John Wayne or Groucho Marx
A Classic Coming Attractions
For my own needs in keeping track of classic titles (generally items
originally released prior to 1970) that are forthcoming on DVD, I
maintain a simple database of titles, original release years, DVD
release dates, and DVD releasing companies. It occurred to me that
it might be useful to readers of this column to have access to this
information on an ongoing basis through The
Digital Bits. Accordingly,
clinking on this link, you will be able to download the
database (in Microsoft Word document format), which in future will
be updated regularly. You'll also find it linked from the index page
for this column. It consists of four tables. The first is a list of
classic films that have been officially announced for release on DVD
in Region 1. The films are organized alphabetically by DVD release
date. The second table contains classic films that are rumoured to
be in production, but for which no official announcement has been
made. The third table lists classic TV series that have been
announced for future release. The fourth table contains classic
films that have been announced for release on DVD in Region 2. This
table only contains classic titles that are not already available in
or announced for Region 1. No claim for completeness is made for the
fourth table. These are merely titles that I happened to have heard
about. Similar to the first table, the second, third, and fourth
tables are also organized alphabetically by DVD release date. On all
tables, entries that are new since the most recent update are
highlighted in yellow.
The New Classic Announcements
Since the last column, there have been a number of announcements
from almost all the various DVD issuers - other than from WB, no
lengthy lists of titles from the major studios like Universal's new
western collection coming in May or Fox's next crop of war titles
also due in May - but enough to keep us happy, I'd say. Beginning
with this column, I'm also going to be mentioning several other
types of new announcements: classic TV series for Region 1 and new
Region 2 classic film announcements that I feel may be of interest
because they don't duplicate titles already available or announced
for Region 1. I know most readers will not have multi-region players
so I have no intention of being exhaustive about this, but will
hopefully at least catch the most significant items. Look for the TV
series and Region 2 announcements at the end of this section. And
finally, thanks to several readers for helpful tips on some of the
forthcoming releases.
All Day Entertainment will release Edward Dmytryk's Christ
in Concrete [aka Give Us This
Day] (1949) on June 17th in cooperation with Image
Entertainment. The film was based on a novel by author Pietro di
Donato. The disc will feature a new digital 1.37:1 full screen
transfer from original 35mm nitrate elements; an isolated music
score; audio commentary by Richard di Donato (son of the author),
Norma Barzman (wife of screenwriter Ben Barzman and author of The
Red and the Blacklist), film scholar Fred Gardaphe, and
DVD producer David Kalat; an archive of rare stills and artwork; a
video interview with Peter di Donato and film scholar Bill
Wasserzieher; home movies of author Pietro di Donato; and a 1965
recording of Harold Seletsky's experiment musical monodrama Christ
in Concrete featuring Eli Wallach.
Alpha Video is a small distributor of public domain material with
all that implies in regard to transfer quality. This is not a
recommendation of their product, although some of their titles have
workable transfers and the price is right ($5 per DVD at their
website - Some of their titles I've not seen available
on DVD elsewhere, for example, a number of East Side Kids films.
April 15th releases include: Bad Man of
Deadwood (1941), Beneath the
Twelve Mile Reef (1953), Bloody
Pit of Horror (1965), Bulldog
Drummond Comes Back (1937), Bulldog
Drummond's Secret Police (1939), The
Cocaine Fiends (1935), The
Devil's Messenger (1961), Drums
in the Deep South (1951), The
Fast and the Furious (1954), House
on Haunted Hill (1958), Monstrosity
[aka The Atomic Brain] (1964),
Mr. Wise Guy (1942), The
Mystery of the Hooded Horseman (1937), One
Body Too Many (1944), Outpost
in Morocco (1949), The Red
House (1947), The Second Woman
(1951), The She Beast (1966),
The Shock (1923), A
Star Is Born (1937), Sunset
Serenade (1942), That Gang of
Mine (1940), Torture Ship
(1939), The Vampire Bat
(1933), and Vengeance Valley
(1951). May 20th releases include: Bulldog
Drummond in Africa (1938), Condemned
to Live (1935), Gamera the
Invincible (1965), Hittin' the
Trail (1937), Junior G-Men
[serial] (1940), Peril of Bulldog
Drummond (1938), Robin Hood of
the Pecos (1941), and The
Trial (1962).
Anchor Bay's two-pack of Dead of Night
(1945) and Queen of Spades
(1949), scheduled for May 20th, features the uncut version of Dead
of Night never before available on video. Both features
are presented in their original full screen aspect ratios, plus two
still galleries on each disc, trailers and an 8-page booklet.
Artisan has two offerings. On June 17, there'll be a double bill of
the delightful Hal Roach productions of Topper
(1937, with Cary Grant) and Topper
Returns (1941, with Joan Blondell). Later in the summer,
we'll get a second DVD of Little Rascals
shorts to go with the first one that Artisan issued on Hallmark's
behalf several years ago. That will make available two of the six
discs that were already issued in a box set by Cabin Fever in Canada
and still available through some Canadian dealers.
Criterion will issue four classic titles on June 24. From director
Ermanno Olmi comes two of his most acclaimed works, Il
Posto (1961) and I Fidanzati
(1962). Each is presented in 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen and
Italian mono, and extras include an exclusive new video interview
with Olmi and collaborator Tullio Kezich and an essay by critic Kent
Jones. Il Posto also includes
never-before-seen deleted scenes. The other two Criterion releases
are Alain Resnais films. First is the acclaimed 1955 Night
and Fog, presented in its original 1.37:1 full screen
aspect ratio with English and French mono tracks. Extras include an
archival audio interview with filmmaker Alain Resnais, crew
biographies and a new essay by historian Phillip Lopate. The other
is Hiroshima, Mon Amour
(1959), presented in its original 1.37:1 full screen aspect ratio
with French mono track and numerous extras including an audio
commentary by Peter Cowie and several archival interviews with
Disney will give us two new titles. The
Love Bug (1969) is to be released May 20th in a two-disc
SE with anamorphic transfer and a whole raft of extras including a
commentary by stars Dean Jones, Michele Lee and Buddy Hackett. There
will be a two-disc SE of Sleeping Beauty
(1959) on September 9th, complete with a new 2.20:1 anamorphic
widescreen transfer and Dolby Digital 5.1 remix, and many extras.
Supplements include the Once Upon a
Dream: The Making of Sleeping Beauty, The
Design featurettes, 3-D Virtual Galleries, various story
reels, the Helene Stanley Dance Reference
footage, additional sections with featurettes on The
Music, The Restoration,
a widescreen-to-fullscreen comparison, the TV show excerpt The
Peter Tchaikovsky Story from the 1959 Disneyland
program, a Grand Canyon short
film, the Four Artists Paint One Tree
special hosted by Walt Disney, two interactive games, plus trailers.
Disney's Walt Disney Treasures
release for this coming December now appear to be The
Chronological Donald; Disney:
The War Years (which will include Victory
Through Air Power as expected); and Mickey
Mouse in Living Color 2. Another title - Disney
in Outer Space is in production, but will probably not
make the 2003 slate.
Fox's slate includes a July 15th release of Brigham
Young (1940, with Tyrone Power), which includes a newly
restored 1.37:1 transfer and English and French mono tracks, plus an
audio commentary (participants TBA), the featurettes The
Mormon Trail, Tyrone Power
Script and Jane Darwell Script,
a MovieTone premiere newsreel, extensive publicity and promo still
galleries, and the theatrical trailer. The release of The
Enemy Below (1957) has been cancelled as the studio
apparently no longer owns the rights to the film. The anticipated
June 3rd release of The 300 Spartans
(1962) has been delayed due to transfer issues. The
Grapes of Wrath (1940), originally planned for an early
July release as part of the Studio Classics series, will now appear
later, sometime during the next 12 months, due to Fox having located
new source material. John Ford's My
Darling Clementine (1946, with Henry Fonda) will likely
appear about the same time as The Grapes
of Wrath eventually does.
Home Vision Entertainment's April 29th release of Marcel Carné's
Drôle de Drame (1937)
will feature a 1.37:1 new digital full screen transfer, a French
mono track, and liner notes by film critic, Jonathan Rosenbaum.
Image Entertainment will add to the list of Hitchcock films
available on DVD with its June 17th release of Under
Capricorn (1949, with Ingrid Bergman and Joseph Cotten).
It will feature a "rich new Technicolor" digital transfer
(full frame) and an English mono track. No extras are indicated. On
June 24th we'll get Fritz Lang's impressive drama You
Only Live Once (1937, with Henry Fonda and Sylvia
Sidney). Sergei Bondarchuk's War and
Peace (1968) will finally be released on June 3rd. It's
the five-disc Ruscico version with the film presented on discs 1-4,
and disc 5 containing most of the bonus material. This includes cast
and crew interviews, an interview with the president of Mosfilm
Studio, a video featurette on the director, a documentary about
Tolstoy, a look at the making of the film, and a photo album. In
August, Image will release Carl Dreyer's The
Parson's Widow (1920), prepared for DVD by David Shepard.
The disc will include two Dreyer shorts They
Caught the Ferry and Thorvaldsen.
This replaces the previously planned release of Dreyer's Leaves
from Satan's Book.
Kino has decided to delay its release of Fritz Lang's Woman
in the Moon (1919) and Spies
(1927) in order to await a more complete restoration of the latter
title. In the meantime, it has added three German sound films to its
release plans for the fall of this year: Adventures
of Baron Munchausen (1943), La
Habanera (1937, directed by Douglas Sirk), and Titanic
(1943). Kino's forthcoming Erich von Stroheim DVDs will be released
June 10th. There are three - Queen Kelly
(1928), Blind Husbands (1919)
which will also include The Greta Gabbo
(1929), and Foolish Wives
(1922) which will also include The Man
You Love to Hate (1980) documentary. The Queen
Kelly disc includes: a digitally remastered transfer from
the 35mm negative; audio commentary by von Stroheim biographer
Richard Koszarski; rare outtakes (approx. 15 min.); the "Swanson
Ending" (approx. 5 min.); Swanson discusses Queen
Kelly (20 min. video); photo gallery; screenplay excerpt;
production documents; brief note on the film by von Stroheim; audio
interview clips: Director of photography Paul Ivano, First Asst.
Cameraman William Margulies, Allan Dwan and Billy Wilder; excerpts
from Merry-Go-Round (Scenes directed by von Stroheim [music by
Rodney Sauer]; excerpt of the novel, brief notes on the film by von
Stroheim); and Man of Many Skins
(starring Erich von Stroheim and Denise Vernac) - a 27-minute
episode of the 1952 European TV series Orient-Express.
The Blind Husbands/Great Gabbo
disc will include: a score by Donald Sosin adapted from 1919 cue
sheets; excerpts from original press books; a dossier on and
ill-fated remake of Blind Husbands;
The High Command - a 1944
radio broadcast with von Stroheim; various other notes by von
Stroheim; and photos. The Foolish
Wives/Man You Love to Hate disc will include: audio
commentary by Koszarski; rare out-take footage; photo gallery; New
York Censor Board cuts; 1922 score performed by Rodney Saur; audio
Clips with Valerie von Stroheim & Paul Kohner; and a note on
films by Erich von Stroheim.
MGM's World Cinema Series will include a July 1st release of Jules
Dassin's Never on Sunday
(1960). It will feature a 1.66:1 non-anamorphic widescreen transfer,
a Greek mono track, English, French and Spanish subtitles, and the
original theatrical trailer. On July 15th, look for two new Billy
Wilder classics - Kiss Me Stupid
(1964, with Dean Martin) and One, Two,
Three (1961, with James Cagney). These will also be
available as part of a new Billy Wilder
DVD Collection featuring the previously available Some
Like it Hot: SE, The Apartment,
The Fortune Cookie, Irma
La Dolce, Witness for the
Prosecution and (for the first time on DVD) Avanti!,
and The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes.
On August 26, there will be a new round of Midnight Marquee
releases. Most significant among these is a 70th anniversary edition
of the British production of Boris Karloff in The
Ghoul (1933). Available for years only in murky transfers
made from a ragged, cropped Czechoslovakian print, MGM's new
transfer is the first North American release utilizing the film's
original 35mm elements held by the British Film Institute. Extensive
digital restoration was used to remove thousands of instances of
film damage and clean up the soundtrack. Three more Roger Corman
horror film double bills are also scheduled. The
Comedy of Terrors (1963)/The
Raven (1963) - The Comedy of
Terrors: 2.35:1, 16 x 9; interview with Screenwriter
Richard Matheson; trailer. The Raven:
2.35:1, 16 x 9; interview with Director Roger Corman; interview with
Screenwriter Richard Matheson; rare promotional record featuring the
voices of Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre and Paul Frees; trailer. The
Haunted Palace (1963)/Tower of
London (1962) - The Haunted
Palace: 2.35:1, 16 x 9; new high definition
transfer--first home video release in original widescreen aspect
ratio! Interview with Director Roger Corman; trailer. Tower
of London: Letterbox 1.66:1; interview with Producer Gene
Corman; trailer. (Note: Director Roger Corman was invited to
participate in the discussion of this film, but chose to defer to
his brother). The Tomb of Ligeia
(1964)/An Evening with Edgar Allan Poe
(1972) - The Tomb of Ligeia:
2.35:1, 16 x 9; two audio commentaries - commentary track # 1 with
Director Roger Corman; commentary track # 2 with star Elizabeth
Shepherd and film historian David Del Valle (from the Image
laserdisc); trailer. An Evening with
Edgar Allan Poe: 1.33:1 (shot for television). On
November 4th, expect an SE of Chitty
Chitty Bang Bang (1968) and five rugged adventures: Custer
of the West (1968, with Robert Shaw), Duel
in the Sun (1946, with Gregory Peck - not clear yet if
this will be the roadshow version or not), Hell
in the Pacific (1968, with Lee Marvin), Junior
Bonner (1972, with Steve McQueen), and Too
Late the Hero (1970, with Michael Caine and Cliff
Robertson). November 18th will see four Bergman special editions in
MGM's World Films series: Hour of the
Wolf (1968), Passion of Anna
(1969), Persona (1966), and
Shame (1968).
Milestone Films will release on DVD (through Image) six silent films
restored by Kevin Brownlow and his partners at Photoplay Productions
- Patrick Stanbury and the late David Gill. They will be It
(1927), Phantom of the Opera
(1925), La Terre (1921), The
Chess Player (1926), The Blot
(1921) (all to be released in 2003), and Nosferatu
(1922) (to be released in 2004). Phantom
of the Opera is designated an Ultimate Edition for
release in summer 2003 and will include: the 1929 Version with three
different sound tracks (Carl Davis stereo orchestral score, original
1930 soundtrack edited to fit picture, audio commentary by film
historian Scott MacQueen); the 1925 original feature version; the
1925 and 1930 reissue trailers; Faust
(opera extract) from the 1929 Tiffany sound feature - Midstream;
stills galleries featuring deleted and missing scenes; audio only
Tracks 1-9: Phantom of the Opera
- 1930 sound reissue; nine (9) chapter selections of dialogue
sequences from the 1930 version not found in the restored version;
and audio only Track 10: Cinematographer Charles Van Enger's
interview edited for the audio gallery (interview courtesy of
Richard Koszarski).
Miramax has apparently put the Samuel Bronston 1960s productions of
El Cid, Fall
of the Roman Empire, Circus
World, and 55 Days at Peking
on the DVD back burner. There is no early release anticipated.
Paramount will be releasing Is Paris
Burning (1966), Murphy's War
(1971, with Peter O'Toole) and The
Desperate Hours (1954, with Humphrey Bogart) on June
10th. The first two are anamorphic widescreen and feature 5.1 sound.
The Desperate Hours is full
frame and mono. None have supplements. Paramount has also confirmed
that it holds the DVD rights to John Huston's The
African Queen (1951, with Humphrey Bogart and Katharine
Hepburn). The film is apparently a candidate for a full-blown
restoration, so we aren't likely to see anything soon. Other
forthcoming titles include If...
(1968, Lindsay Anderson) on October 14th and The
Italian Job (1969, with Michael Caine) on October 28th.
We have a few details for some of Universal's May 6th releases. Come
September (1961, with Rock Hudson) features a 2.35:1
anamorphic widescreen transfer, an English mono track, and no
extras. The Bing Crosby double feature discs - Birth
of the Blues (1941) / Blue
Skies (1946), Rhythm on the
Range (1936)/ Rhythm on the
River (1940) and A Connecticut
Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1949)/ The
Emperor Waltz (1948) - all sport transfers in their
original 1.37:1 aspect ratio and English mono with no extras.
VCI expects to release Horrors of the
Black Museum (1959) on April 29th. It will be an SE
featuring an anamorphic widescreen transfer of the newly remastered
European version plus a nice selection of extras including
commentaries, trailers and a photo gallery.
Warner Brothers will finally release a two-disc special edition of
George Stevens' Giant (1956)
on June 10th. The film is presented in its original 1:66:1 aspect
ratio, Dolby Digital Surround audio, and with English, French and
Spanish subtitles. Extras include an introduction by George Stevens
Jr; a new audio commentary by George Stevens Jr, screenwriter Ivan
Moffat and critic Steven Farber; nearly three hours of new and
vintage documentaries, including two new retrospectives; Gala New
York and Hollywood Premiere coverage and more; photo and document
galleries; extensive production notes; and filmographies. We also
have a further indication that The
Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948, with Humphrey Bogart
and Walter Huston) will be out this fall, but no details on disc
content so far. Most recently, a list of WB's planned releases over
the July-September time frame has been circulating and there are a
number of classic titles on tap. On July 1st, in addition to the
already announced Chaplin discs, we should expect such swashbucklers
as: The Crimson Pirate (1952,
Burt Lancaster), Knights of the Round
Table (1953, Robert Taylor in MGM's first widescreen
film), The Master of Ballantrae
(1953, Errol Flynn), and Scaramouche
(1952, Stewart Granger). July 8th will see the release of Spencer's
Mountain (1963, with Henry Fonda and Maureen O'Hara) and
The Story of Seabiscuit (1949,
with Shirley Temple and Barry Fitzgerald). August too looks like
quite a month with The Haunting
(1963, directed by Robert Wise), House of
Wax (1953, with Vincent Price)/Mystery
of the Wax Museum (1933, directed by Michael Curtiz), two
Charlton Heston science fiction films - The
Omega Man (1971) and Soylent
Green (1973, also Edward G. Robinson's last film), The
Thing (1951, direction usually attributed to Howard
Hawks), and Wait Until Dark
(1967, with Audrey Hepburn). All these will appear on August 5th.
August 19th will see a collection of Tom and Jerry cartoons - Tom
and Jerry: Hijinks and Shrieks. August 26th releases
include: The Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn (1960, a fine version with Tony Randall and Eddie
Hodges), Kim (1950, with Errol
Flynn), Little Women (1949,
with June Allyson and Peter Lawford), and The
Prince and the Pauper (1937, with Errol Flynn and Claude
Rains). On September 2nd, we'll see the oft-requested Where
Eagles Dare (1968, with Clint Eastwood and Richard
Burton), featuring a new anamorphic transfer. That's quite a
line-up. The only quibble I would have concerns the Errol Flynn
titles. Why three of the generally poorer 1950s titles, but only one
from the richer late1930s/early 1940s period? Perhaps the relative
condition of the source material is behind this.
In the realm of TV series, MGM will release the second season of
The Outer Limits (1964/65) on
September 2nd and the first seasons of Green
Acres (1965/66) and Mr. Ed
(1961/62) on November 4th. Coming soon from Rhino is a box set of
The Lone Ranger television
series. This set gathers the first 19 color episodes, in
chronological order by airdate, on four discs. It contains the
1956/57 (actually the series' 7th season) episodes The
Wooden Rifle, The Sheriff of
Smoke Tree, The Counterfeit
Mask, No Handicap,
The Cross of Santo Domingo,
White Hawk's Decision, The
Return of Don Pedro O'Sullivan, Quicksand,
Quarter Horse War, The
Letter Bride, Hot Spell in
Panamint, The Twisted Track,
Decision for Chris McKeever,
Trouble at Tylerville, Christmas
Story, Ghost Canyon,
Outlaw Masquerade, The
Avenger, The Courage of Tonto.
DVD extras include interviews with Silver's wrangler, Louise Thomas;
Clayton Moore's daughter, Dawn Moore; and his longtime friend, Rand
Brooks. Finally, A&E will release (on behalf of NBC) the 1952/53
documentary series Victory at Sea
later this year (no firm date set as yet).
Finally, here are the promised Region 2 announcements. On April
28th, Universal Pictures Video in the U.K. will issue 17 of Alfred
Hitchcock's films on DVD. Among the titles are three previously
unavailable on DVD: Foreign Correspondent
(1940), Mr. and Mrs. Smith
(1941), and Suspicion (1941).
There are no details as to extras at this time. Warner Home Video in
the U.K. will release four British war-related titles on May 12th.
Ice Cold in Alex (1958, with
John Mills and Sylvia Syms) and The
Colditz Story (1955, with John Mills and Eric Portman)
will feature 1.66:1 transfers, mono sound, and theatrical trailers.
The Cruel Sea (1953, with Jack
Hawkins) and The Dam Busters
(1954, with Richard Todd) will feature 1.33:1 full frame transfers,
mono sound, and theatrical trailers. Carlton Visual Entertainment
has announced 12 classic Norman Wisdom movies for release on May
12th in the U.K., available either in a Collector's Box Set or as 6
stand-alone double bills. The double bills are as follows; all 6
make up the 12-disc DVD Box Set: The
Bulldog Breed (1960)/One Good
Turn (1954), The Early Bird
(1965)/Press For Time (1966),
On The Beat (1962)/Man
of the Moment (1955), A Stitch
In Time (1963)/Just My Luck
(1957), The Square Peg (1958)/Follow
A Star (1959), and Trouble In
Store (1953)/Up in the World
(1956). Four of the movies in this comprehensive collection of his
work - The Early Bird, A
Stitch In Time, On the Beat,
and Trouble in Store, feature
exclusive commentaries recorded by Sir Norman Wisdom especially for
the DVDs. Direct Video has announced the U.K. release of four films
from producer Samuel Z. Arkoff for American International Pictures
on May 26th. The titles are: The Day the
World Ended (1956), How to
Make a Monster (1958), The
Spider (1958), and War of the
Colossal Beast (1958). Each DVD includes a 50 minute
audio interview with Samuel Z. Arkoff, recorded in 1991 at the
National Film Theatre which is accompanied by pictures taken at the
time, plus nine original theatrical film trailers of movies from the
Arkoff Film library. Direct Video will also release The
Brain Eaters (1958) and The
She-Creature (1957) on July 21st; The
Undead (1957) and Voodoo Woman
(1957) on September 2nd; and Blood of
Dracula (1957) and Reform
School Girl (1957) on November 17th. Anchor Bay in the
U.K. will be releasing the Roman Polanski films Knife
in the Water (1962), Cul De
Sac (1966) and Repulsion
(1965) in August. Kinowelt in Germany, which has already released 20
very good quality discs of Laurel and Hardy sound (mainly) material,
has at least five more scheduled: Babes
in Toyland/Another Fine Mess/Duck Soup in June; Night
Owls/The Midnight Patrol/The Fixer-Uppers/Habeas Corpus
in August; Do Detectives
Think?/Scram!/The Laurel & Hardy Murder Case/ Bacon
Grabbers/Leave 'Em Laughing in October; Thicker
Than Water/Oliver the Eighth/That's My Wife/With Love and Hisses
in December; and Perfect Day/Berth
Marks/The Battle of the Century/Flying Elephants in
January 2004. Carl Dreyer fans may wish to check out the recent
release of Carl Dreyer's Der Var Engang
(1922) on DVD, reportedly a very nice effort by the Danish Film
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