created 12/15/97.

created: 10/30/07

Hell Plaza Oktoberfest
Jahnke - Main Page

2007 - Tartan
So far this month, we've looked at zombies, vampires, monsters,
and psychos galore. We've talked about giallo, Stephen King,
H.P. Lovecraft, big studio horrors and low-to-no-budget indies.
But we haven't talked about Asian horror. Specifically, Japanese
horror, the style that exploded onto the scene with movies like
Ringu and Ju-On,
was all the rage for awhile with Americanized remakes like The
Ring and The Grudge,
then quickly fell out of fashion and went back to being a cult
The criticism most often leveled at J-horror is that if you've
seen one, you've seen them all. This complaint is not entirely
unfounded. The Japanese do love their ghosts and their curses,
whether it's a haunted videotape, a haunted cell phone or a
haunted e-mail. Apartment 1303
features something a bit more mundane: a haunted condo. The
title address has seen five suicides in three years, all young
girls moving into their first apartment.
Sayaka becomes the latest girl to take a header off the balcony, her
older sister Mariko (Noriko Nakagoshi) does some sleuthing. She
learns that three years earlier, a young woman murdered her abusive
alcoholic mother in the apartment and kept her corpse in the closet
for six months before taking a 13-story swan dive onto the concrete.
The cover of Apartment 1303
claims to be "from the author of The
Grudge". I assume this refers to Kei Oishi, whose
novel this movie is based on, although my research failed to turn up
what connection if any he has with The
Grudge. Regardless, Apartment
1303 is very similar to that film. Indeed, it's very
similar to most any ghost story you've ever seen before. There's
actually dialogue in the early scenes along the lines of, "What
a great apartment! And such a bargain! I wonder why?" Oh,
brother. For at least the first half, Apartment
1303 might just as well be titled Generic
Japanese Horror Movie. There are plenty of shots of
characters slooooooowly turning around to catch a glimpse of the
ghost behind them. The movie is directed by Ataru Oikawa, who helmed
several installments of the popular Tomie
series, including the original. Oikawa has a good eye and does his
best to keep things interesting. The film does come to life in the
final act with several interesting and spooky scenes but by then,
it's too little, too late. Oh, and you'd best believe that our ghost
is slump-shouldered with long black hair hanging over her face. At
least here, the hair is put to good use.
Tartan has released Apartment 1303
as part of their Asia Extreme line and it's typical of the studio's
efforts. Video quality is quite good. Audio quality is very good,
with both Dolby and DTS 5.1 options. Extras are slim on this disc,
limited to a photo gallery and trailers for this and other J-Horror
titles from the studio.
Admittedly, I am not the biggest fan of Japanese horror on the
planet. I was lucky enough to climb on board the bandwagon early on
and catch Ringu years before
Naomi Watts shoved that tape into her VCR. Even then, I wasn't all
that impressed. To me, most of the Japanese horror movies I've seen
consist of a handful of cool, sometimes very cool, scenes, connected
by interminable stretches of boredom. Apartment
1303 is no exception. Unfortunately in this case, all the
best stuff is stacked toward the end of the picture. So if you've
bailed on it before it shows up, I don't blame you in the least.
Film Rating: C
Disc Ratings (Video/Audio/Extras): B+/A/D
Adam Jahnke |
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