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page created: 7/9/99

The Buzz: A Look at Upcoming DVDs

Lots of cool new DVDs are the talk of the show at VSDA this year. No, there's no word on The Phantom Menace, and most studios weren't talking about any DVD releases beyond September. But that still leaves a lot of cool discs to talk about. Many of the titles you'll see here we've mentioned previously, but we can give you a much closer look now, and some details have been announced that weren't official until VSDA. So let's get started!

Titanic DVD

Yes, there's no doubt about it, Paramount's forthcoming Titanic DVD is probably the biggest upcoming disc being toted here at the show. As you all know, it streets on August 31st, at an SRP of $29.99. The disc will be letterboxed widescreen only (NOT anamorphic), and will include a trailer, full-motion menus, and a 10-page booklet.

If a non-anamorphic, bare-bones DVD version of Titanic is a bit of a disappointment, Paramount at least has some other cool stuff in the works. The Out-of-Towners, Breakfast at Tiffany's and Barefoot in the Park will all street on September 21st (SRP $29.99 each). The studio is working closely with director Francis Ford Coppola on a DVD version of Apocalypse Now. No word on features. Election and the first two Friday the 13th films are in the works, as is a DVD version of South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut. And the studio has promised to start cranking out Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation episode DVDs at a rate of two sets of discs, every other month (TNG will probably start early next year). The first two original Star Trek discs are due on August 17th (SRP $19.99 each), and will contain the first four episodes of the classic series. The are remixed in full Dolby Digital 5.1 sound, and include the original broadcast trailers for each episode.

Star Trek - Volume 1 Star Trek - Volume 2

Fox has finally announced some discs we've been waiting for. First of all, the studio has revealed plans to release a "Millennium Collection" of DVD titles on October 5th. The titles involved include: All About Eve, Big, Broadcast News, How Green Was My Valley, Mrs. Doubtfire, and the long-awaited film, The Last of the Mohicans. Several other films in the Millennium series will be released on VHS at the same time, and may follow on DVD in 2000 (among them are The Grapes of Wrath, Laura, An Affair to Remember, Gentleman's Agreement, The African Queen, City Lights, The Hustler, The Verdict, Working Girl, Nine Months, and The War of the Roses). Each DVD will SRP for $29.98.

Bruce Lee 5-DVD boxed set A 5-pack of DVDs, The Bruce Lee: Master Collection, will street on August 31st, for an SRP of $99.98. The films included in the set are Game of Death, Fists of Fury, The Chinese Connection, Return of the Dragon and The Deadliest Art. A documentary, Bruce Lee: The Legend, is also included in the set.

The Schwarzenegger Collection will also be released on August 31st, in conjunction with Artisan. For $94.98, you get Total Recall, Running Man, Commando and Predator, all in spiffy new foil packaging.

Look for the very funny Office Space on August 31st ($34.98 SRP), with a smattering of extras (no word on specific extras other than a trailer). You'll finally get Strange Days on September 7th ($29.99 SRP), with a pair of deleted scenes, trailers, motion menus and a director's commentary track. Ravenous streets on September 21st ($34.98 SRP), with at least some bonus material (I've been told that a TON of material was gathered, but Fox started trimming things down, so there's no word yet on how much of it will make the DVD). Oh... NONE of the above are in anamorphic widescreen. You know who to complain to.

Wallace & Gromit CollectionBartok the Magnificent

Fox's animated Anastasia, and its direct-to-video sequel Bartok the Magnificent, will both find their way to DVD on November 16th. The DVDs will SRP for $29.98, and both will be pretty bare bones. Remember the Wallace & Gromit Collection DVD we told you was in the works? Well, there's the cover art for it (no word on a specific street date, but expect it to be out in time for the holidays). The disc will include all of the Nick Park shorts featuring the duo: A Close Shave, The Wrong Trousers, and A Grand Day Out. Finally, I've been told that the menu screens have been completed for a Planet of the Apes DVD, which will probably be released before the end of the year.

Buena Vista Social Club Drugstore Cowboy: SEBlack Mask

Artisan Entertainment is getting busy with their DVD product for late '99 as well. Look for Drugstore Cowboy: Special Edition (which will include a Gus Van Sant/Matt Dillon commentary track), Jet Li in Black Mask (in anamorphic widescreen & 5.1 audio, with an interactive game), Buena Vista Social Club (with 5.1 audio, and a director's commentary), an RSDL DVD-9 (non-flipping) Stargate: Special Edition (with director's commentary, and 9 minutes of new footage), and finally, the long-awaited first DVD-18 release - Steven King's The Stand (complete with a Steven King commentary track). There's no specific word on street dates, prices, or complete features, but expect those to be announced soon (look for The Stand and Stargate: SE in October if all goes well). And you can be sure that the studio is already talking about a special edition DVD version of The Blair Witch Project (for release probably in early 2000).

The Stand (DVD-18) Stargate: SE

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