 BREAKING NEWS: Announcing The Star Wars on SPECIAL EDITION Laserdisc Campaign! |
 EDITORIAL: Dr. Adam Jahnke's BLOCKBUSTED: Support Your Independent Video Store! |
 EDITORIAL: Barrie Maxwell on Paramount's new Archive of Manufactured On Demand (MOD) Laserdiscs |
 LD/VHS REVIEW: Todd Doogan spins LIVE's new Terminator 2 LD (and rolls tape on the VHS too)! |
 HARDWARE REVIEW: George Kaplan gives Pioneer's CLD-1030 Laserdisc Player a workout! |
Read more in The Analog Bits Newsletter! This month's issue includes... |
 LASERDISC VS. CED: The latest from the front lines of the FORMAT WAR!!! |
 WIDESCREEN AT HOME: Putting an Oblong Film in a Square TV |
 NEW WARNER/JANUS CD-ROMS: Is the world REALLY ready for 5-inch movie discs!? |
 EDITORIAL: You can take my Betamax when you pry the remote from my cold dead hands! |
 LASERDISC REVIEW: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves - It's no Dances with Wolves... |
 RELEASE NEWS: Beauty and the Beast gets a $200 Laserdisc box set! |
 THE DIRECTORS SPEAK: A complete list of Laserdiscs with new "lecture tracks" |
 THE TRUTH ABOUT LASER ROT: What YOU need to know to protect your collection |
 INTERVIEW: Oliver Stone on JFK, the Warren Commission myth and why Oswald was a patsy... |
 DOLBY PRO LOGIC: Can movie sound at home GET any better than this?! |
 MUSICTAPE!: Matt Rowe on Compact Discs - 10 years in and they still sound too harsh! |
 S-VIDEO CABLES: Soooooooo much better than Coax! |
 SURROUND SOUND: Finally, a good use for your old quadraphonic speakers! |
 ENTHUSIAST FAQ: How to Build a Great Home Theatre for Less Than $50,000! |
 INTERVIEW: Image Entertainment's Garrett Lee predicts Laserdisc will rule for 20 more years! |
 SMART SHOPPER: A great source for silver finish stereo components (No, not The Good Guys!) |
 EXCLUSIVE: A mail-in offer for Zinema's HOT new custom James Bond VHS/LD cover art!! |
 SPECIAL FEATURE: Never (Occasionally) Twice the Same Color - Calibrating your 4x3 display |
 ENTHUSIAST FAQ: How to fix burn-in & convergence problems on your 3-tube projector |
 DOOGAN SEZ: Maintaining your VHS Tapes - Fast Forward and Rewind at least once a year! |
 A/V PRIMER: PAL & SECAM Video: Or how the Germans and French want to take over your TV... |
 FILMMAKER SPOTLIGHT: The Analog Bits reviews the COMPLETE Films of Akira Kurosawa on VHS! |